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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

2.4.2 Application of Equations

Utilising Kinematic Equations in Straight-Line Motion

Kinematic equations are critical in solving problems involving objects moving in a straight line under constant acceleration.

Approach to Problem Solving

  • Identify Known and Unknown Variables: Carefully determine the variables provided in the problem and what needs to be found.
  • Choose the Right Equation: Based on the known and unknown variables, select the most appropriate kinematic equation.
  • Substitution and Calculation: Accurately substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable.

Detailed Examples

  1. Accelerating Vehicle: Consider a vehicle that accelerates from rest to 100 km/h in 10 seconds. We calculate its acceleration and distance travelled.
  2. Vertical Projectile: Analyse the case of an object thrown vertically upwards with a given initial speed, determining the peak height and time taken to return to the launch point.

Analysis of Objects in Free Fall

Objects in free fall under gravity are a classic example of uniformly accelerated motion, where acceleration is due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s²).

Diagram showing an object in free fall under gravity as an example of uniformly accelerated motion

Object in Free-fall under gravity

Image Courtesy xaktly.com

Strategies for Solving Free Fall Problems

  • Key Assumptions: Assume no air resistance and constant acceleration due to gravity.
  • Application in Equations: Replace the acceleration variable with gravity (g) in the kinematic equations.

In-Depth Problem Examples

  1. Falling Object from a Height: Determine the time and velocity upon impact for an object dropped from a specific height.
  2. Projectile Launched Vertically Downward: Calculate the impact time and final velocity for a projectile launched downward from a height with an initial velocity.

Application in Everyday Physics Scenarios

Kinematic equations can be applied to a wide range of everyday physics scenarios involving motion.

Real-Life Application Cases

  1. Roller Coaster Dynamics: Evaluate the speed and position of a roller coaster car at various points along its path, considering the changes in height and corresponding potential energy changes.
  2. Sports Physics Applications: Examine the trajectory, range, and maximum height of projectiles in sports like javelin throw or long jump, considering initial launch angles and speeds.

Kinematics in Experimental Setups

These equations are equally crucial in designing physics experiments and interpreting their results.

Examples of Experimental Applications

  1. Motion on an Inclined Plane: Explore how objects accelerate down an inclined plane, calculating speed and distance covered over time.
  2. Pendulum Experiments: Analyse the speed of a pendulum bob at various points in its swing, considering gravitational influence and angular displacement.

Deeper Insight into Problem-Solving Techniques

Delving into more complex problems requires a nuanced understanding of kinematic equations and their implications.

Challenging Problem Examples

1. Variable Slope Motion: Investigate an object's motion on a slope with variable angles, requiring the integration of kinematic equations with concepts of forces and trigonometry.

2. Non-Vertical Projectile Motion: Address the problem of a projectile launched at an angle, involving both vertical and horizontal components of motion, and requiring a composite understanding of kinematics.


In problems involving upward motion under gravity, acceleration due to gravity is considered negative because it acts in the opposite direction to the motion. When an object is thrown upwards, it moves against the force of gravity, which pulls it downwards. In physics, we often define upwards as positive and downwards as negative. Therefore, since gravity always acts downwards, when analysing upward motion, gravity's acceleration (approximately -9.8 m/s²) is taken as a negative value. This sign convention helps in correctly applying the kinematic equations and ensures accurate calculation of the object's motion.

In problems where an object is thrown upwards and falls back to its starting point, you need to consider the entire journey - ascent and descent. First, calculate the time to reach the highest point (where velocity becomes zero) using "t = (v - u) / a", with a being the acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s²). The time taken to ascend and descend is the same, so the total time is twice this value. To find the maximum height, use "s = ut + 1/2 at²" with t being the time to reach the highest point. This approach helps in understanding the object's motion throughout its entire trajectory.

Yes, kinematic equations can be applied to an object thrown horizontally off a cliff, but it requires breaking the motion into horizontal and vertical components. For the horizontal motion, since there's no acceleration (ignoring air resistance), use "s = ut" to calculate the horizontal distance travelled. For the vertical motion, treat it as a free-fall problem starting from rest; use equations like "s = 1/2 gt²" to find the vertical distance fallen and "v = gt" for the vertical velocity. By separating the motion into two components, you can accurately describe the object's trajectory.

Understanding the application of kinematic equations in a uniform gravitational field is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a fundamental understanding of how objects behave under the influence of gravity, a pervasive force in our universe. It's essential for predicting the motion of objects in free fall, essential in various fields like engineering, aviation, and space science. Secondly, it forms the basis for more complex physics problems, including projectile motion and orbital mechanics. Lastly, mastering these concepts aids in developing problem-solving skills and a deeper understanding of motion and forces, which are key components of advanced physics studies.

Selecting the appropriate kinematic equation depends on the variables provided in the problem and what you need to find. First, identify the known quantities: initial velocity (u), final velocity (v), acceleration (a), time (t), and displacement (s). Then, look at what you need to calculate. Choose the equation that includes your knowns and the unknown you're trying to find. For example, if you know u, v, and a, and need to find t, use "v = u + at". If displacement is unknown and you have u, a, and t, use "s = ut + 1/2 at²". It's about matching the equation to the set of variables you have.

Practice Questions

A ball is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 15 m/s. Calculate the maximum height reached by the ball and the total time taken for the ball to return to the thrower's hand.

To find the maximum height, use the equation "v2 = u2 + 2as", where v = 0 m/s (at maximum height), u = 15 m/s, and a = -9.8 m/s² (acceleration due to gravity acting downwards). Rearranging gives "s = (v2 - u2) / (2a)". Substituting the values, s = (0 - (15)2) / (2 × -9.8) ≈ 11.5 meters. To find the total time, use "t = (v - u) / a". Here, for the ascent, t = (0 - 15) / -9.8 ≈ 1.53 seconds. The total time for the round trip is double this, approximately 3.06 seconds. Thus, the maximum height is about 11.5 meters, and the total time taken is around 3.06 seconds.

A car accelerates uniformly from rest and travels a distance of 200 meters in 10 seconds. Calculate the acceleration and the final velocity of the car.

First, calculate the acceleration using "s = ut + 1/2 at2". Here, u = 0 (starting from rest), s = 200 m, and t = 10 s. Rearranging gives "a = 2s / t2". Substituting the values, a = 2 × 200 / 102 = 4 m/s². Next, use "v = u + at" to find the final velocity. Substituting u = 0, a = 4 m/s², and t = 10 s, we get v = 0 + 4 × 10 = 40 m/s. Therefore, the car's acceleration is 4 m/s², and its final velocity after 10 seconds is 40 m/s.

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