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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

2.4.1 Derivation of Equations

Fundamentals of Uniformly Accelerated Motion

Uniform acceleration is an essential concept in kinematics, referring to scenarios where an object's velocity changes at a constant rate.

Uniform Acceleration Defined

  • Uniform Acceleration: It is characterised by a consistent change in velocity over time, which simplifies motion into a predictable, mathematical model.

Derivation of Kinematic Equations

The kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion are derived from basic principles, incorporating velocity, acceleration, time, and displacement.

Equation 1: Final Velocity with Respect to Time

  • Initial Velocity (u): This is the velocity at the start of a given time interval.
  • Final Velocity (v): This is the velocity at the end of the time interval.
  • Acceleration (a): Defined as the constant rate of change of velocity.
  • Time (t): The time duration for which the acceleration is applied.
  • Derivation Process: The equation "v = u + at" is obtained by manipulating the definition of acceleration (a = (v - u) / t).
  • Physical Interpretation: This equation demonstrates how initial velocity, acceleration, and time collectively determine the final velocity of an object.

Equation 2: Displacement with Respect to Time

  • Displacement (s): The change in position of the object.
  • Derivation: The equation "s = ut + 1/2 at2" is derived by integrating the acceleration over time to obtain velocity, and then integrating the velocity to find displacement.
  • Physical Interpretation: This provides a formula to calculate the total distance covered by an object under constant acceleration, starting from an initial velocity.

Equation 3: Final Velocity with Respect to Displacement

  • Derivation: By combining the first two equations and eliminating the time (t) variable, we derive "v2 = u2 + 2as".
  • Physical Interpretation: This equation links the velocities and displacement, offering a means to calculate the final velocity without the time factor.

In-depth Analysis of Variables and Constants

Each term in these equations holds significant physical meaning:

  • Initial and Final Velocity (u and v): These terms indicate the speed and direction of an object at specific points in time, providing a snapshot of the object's motion.
  • Acceleration (a): This constant value represents the rate at which the object's velocity changes.
  • Time (t): The time variable is crucial in tracking how long the object has been in motion.
  • Displacement (s): Displacement gives a measure of how far the object has moved from its initial position.

Detailed Exploration of Equation Derivation and Applications

Understanding the derivation and application of these equations is pivotal for comprehensive kinematics analysis.

Step-by-Step Derivation

  • Integrating Acceleration: The process begins with the fundamental definition of acceleration and integrates it over time to derive velocity.
  • Further Integration for Displacement: Integrating the velocity equation over time gives the displacement equation, linking distance moved with time and acceleration.
  • Eliminating Variables: The final velocity equation is derived by strategically eliminating the time variable, showing how velocity and displacement are interconnected.


In relativistic physics, where objects move at speeds close to the speed of light, the principles of classical mechanics, including the kinematic equations, no longer apply. This is because, at such high velocities, time dilation and length contraction – effects predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity – become significant. As a result, the classical definitions of time and space, and consequently velocity and acceleration, alter fundamentally. The kinematic equations are based on Newtonian mechanics, which assumes that time and space are absolute and do not account for the relativistic effects. Therefore, in scenarios involving relativistic speeds, the equations of special relativity must be used instead.

The assumption of treating an object as a point mass is invalid in scenarios where the size, shape, or rotational dynamics of the object significantly influence its motion. For example, in situations where an object spins, tumbles, or has parts that move relative to one another, the internal dynamics and distribution of mass become important. In aerodynamics, the shape and size of objects like aircraft significantly affect air resistance, making the point mass approximation unsuitable. Similarly, in cases involving long objects moving through mediums (like a rod moving end-first through water), the object's length and interaction with the medium cannot be ignored.

In circular motion, even if the speed of an object remains constant, its velocity is constantly changing due to the continuous change in direction. Uniformly accelerated motion applies to circular motion in the sense that there is a constant rate of change of velocity, but this change is in direction rather than in speed. The acceleration in circular motion is termed centripetal acceleration, which is always directed towards the centre of the circle. Although the kinematic equations are not directly applicable in their standard form due to the multidimensional nature of circular motion, the concept of constant acceleration (in terms of changing direction at a constant rate) still holds. This demonstrates the versatile nature of acceleration in different motion contexts.

Air resistance and friction introduce non-uniform forces that can alter an object's motion, affecting the applicability of the kinematic equations. These equations assume uniform acceleration, which means they are ideal for scenarios where the only force acting is constant, like gravity in free fall. However, air resistance and friction are forces that vary with factors like speed, surface texture, and the medium through which the object is moving. They cause the acceleration to change, making it non-uniform. In real-world scenarios where air resistance and friction are significant, these equations become less accurate, and more complex models that take these forces into account are required.

The kinematic equations derived for uniformly accelerated motion are primarily applicable to one-dimensional motion. This means they are most effective when dealing with motion along a straight line, where the direction of motion and acceleration do not change. In two or three dimensions, such as in projectile motion or circular motion, the situation becomes more complex. In these cases, the motion can be resolved into components, typically using the x and y axes for two-dimensional motion. The kinematic equations can then be applied separately to each component. For example, in projectile motion, the horizontal and vertical motions are treated independently, with acceleration due to gravity affecting only the vertical component. However, for a complete analysis of two or three-dimensional motion, additional principles and equations from vector mechanics are necessary.

Practice Questions

A car initially at rest accelerates uniformly at a rate of 3 m/s² for 4 seconds. Calculate the final velocity of the car and the total distance covered in this time.

The final velocity of the car can be calculated using the equation v = u + at, where u is the initial velocity (0 m/s, as the car is at rest), a is the acceleration (3 m/s²), and t is the time (4 seconds). Substituting these values, we get v = 0 + (3 m/s² × 4 s) = 12 m/s. To find the total distance covered, we use the equation s = ut + 1/2 at². Substituting the known values, s = 0 × 4 + 1/2 × 3 × 4² = 24 meters. Therefore, the final velocity of the car is 12 m/s, and the total distance covered is 24 meters.

A ball is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. Calculate the time taken for the ball to reach its highest point.

At the highest point, the velocity of the ball will be 0 m/s. We can use the equation v = u + at to find the time taken to reach this point. Here, v = 0 m/s (final velocity), u = 20 m/s (initial velocity), and a = -9.8 m/s² (acceleration due to gravity, acting downwards). Rearranging the equation for t gives t = (v - u) / a. Substituting the values, t = (0 - 20) / -9.8 ≈ 2.04 seconds. Thus, it takes approximately 2.04 seconds for the ball to reach its highest point.

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