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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

19.2.2 Energy Stored in Capacitors

Introduction to Capacitors

Fundamental Concept of a Capacitor

  • A capacitor is an electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field created between two conductors separated by an insulating material (dielectric).
  • Its primary function is to hold charge temporarily and release it when needed.

Capacitor Construction

  • Capacitors consist of two metal plates (conductors), separated by a dielectric material.
  • The choice of dielectric affects the capacitor's properties, such as its capacitance and maximum voltage.

Energy Storage in Capacitors

Basic Principles

  • When a voltage source is connected to a capacitor, it accumulates charge on its plates, leading to energy storage in the form of an electric field.
Diagram explaining energy stored in a capacitor

Energy stored in capacitor

Image Courtesy Jackwestin


  • Capacitance (C) measures a capacitor's ability to store charge per unit voltage and is expressed in Farads (F).

The Energy Stored Formulas

Fundamental Formulas

  • The energy stored in a capacitor is described by two main formulas:
    • W = 1/2 QV
    • W = 1/2 CV²
  • 'W' represents the energy stored, 'Q' the charge, 'V' the voltage across the capacitor, and 'C' its capacitance.

Derivation and Meaning

  • W = 1/2 QV: This formula is derived from the work done in transferring a small amount of charge from one plate to another against the electric potential.
  • W = 1/2 CV²: This formula is useful when the capacitance and the voltage of the capacitor are known, relating directly to how a capacitor's energy storage capacity depends on these two factors.

Calculating Energy Stored in Capacitors

Using Charge and Voltage

  • The formula W = 1/2 QV requires knowing both the charge (Q) and the voltage (V) across the capacitor.
  • For example, a capacitor with a charge of 6 Coulombs and a voltage of 10 Volts would store 1/2 × 6 × 10 = 30 Joules of energy.

Using Capacitance and Voltage

  • The second formula, W = 1/2 CV², involves the capacitor's capacitance (C) and the voltage (V) across it.
  • For instance, a capacitor with a capacitance of 3 Farads and a voltage of 5 Volts would store 1/2 × 3 × 5² = 37.5 Joules of energy.

Detailed Worked Examples

Example Calculations

  • Worked examples solidify understanding by applying these formulas to real-life scenarios.
  • Example 1: Calculating the energy stored in a 1 Farad capacitor charged to 12 Volts.
  • Example 2: Determining the energy in a capacitor with 5 Coulombs of charge and a potential difference of 15 Volts.

Practical Applications

Real-world Uses

  • These formulas are crucial in designing electronic circuits, such as timing and filtering circuits.
  • They also play a significant role in energy storage and management in devices like camera flashes and electric vehicles.

Implications in Technology

  • Understanding these concepts is essential in the advancement of technology, particularly in energy-efficient devices and renewable energy storage systems.

Advanced Concepts

Effects of Dielectric Materials

  • Exploring how different dielectric materials affect a capacitor's energy storage capabilities.
  • Discussing the impact of dielectric strength and permittivity on capacitance and energy storage.

Series and Parallel Capacitors

  • Understanding how connecting capacitors in series or parallel affects the overall capacitance and energy storage.
  • Analysis of energy distribution in such configurations.
Diagram showing capacitors in series and parallel

Capacitors in series and parallel

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Key Points and Tips for Problem-Solving

Important Considerations

  • Emphasise the importance of unit consistency in calculations.
  • Encourage understanding the physical principles behind the formulas, rather than just memorising them.

Tips for Effective Learning

  • Regular practice with diverse problem sets.
  • Visualizing problems through diagrams and real-world analogies.

Avoiding Common Misconceptions

  • Clarifying the difference between energy stored, charge, and voltage in capacitors.
  • Discussing typical misunderstandings and how to avoid them.


In theory, a capacitor can be discharged instantly, but in practical scenarios, several factors affect the discharge rate. The discharge of a capacitor is essentially an RC circuit phenomenon, where 'R' is the resistance through which it discharges and 'C' is its capacitance. The time constant (τ) for a capacitor's discharge is given by τ = RC, indicating the time it takes for the voltage across the capacitor to drop to about 37% of its initial value. In reality, factors like the internal resistance of the capacitor, the resistance of the circuit it's discharging through, and inductance in the circuit all contribute to preventing an instantaneous discharge. Thus, while theoretically conceivable, an instantaneous discharge is practically unachievable due to these inherent electrical properties and limitations.

Connecting capacitors in parallel versus in series significantly affects the total energy stored. In a parallel configuration, the capacitors have the same voltage across each of them as the source. The total capacitance in a parallel arrangement is the sum of the individual capacitances, leading to increased overall energy storage according to the formula W = 1/2 CV². In contrast, when capacitors are connected in series, the total capacitance decreases (the reciprocal of the total capacitance is the sum of the reciprocals of individual capacitances). The voltage divides among the capacitors, reducing the energy stored in each. Consequently, for the same total voltage and identical capacitors, a parallel arrangement stores more energy than a series arrangement.

The dielectric material in a capacitor significantly affects its energy storage capacity. The dielectric material enhances a capacitor's ability to store charge, thereby increasing its capacitance. The capacitance of a capacitor is directly proportional to the permittivity of the dielectric material. A material with a higher permittivity allows the capacitor to store more charge at the same voltage, leading to increased energy storage, as evident from the formula W = 1/2 CV². Additionally, different dielectric materials have varying dielectric strengths, determining the maximum voltage the capacitor can withstand before breaking down, which in turn affects the maximum energy it can store.

The energy stored in a capacitor cannot be negative. The formulae for calculating the energy stored in a capacitor, W = 1/2 QV or W = 1/2 CV², both involve squared terms or products of quantities that are always positive or zero. Since voltage (V), charge (Q), and capacitance (C) are always non-negative in a physical context, the energy calculated from these formulae will also be non-negative. The concept of negative energy storage in a capacitor does not align with physical laws, as it implies a scenario where the capacitor would be releasing more energy than it has received or stored, which is not possible under the conservation of energy principle.

The energy stored in a capacitor being proportional to the square of the voltage is a consequence of how energy is built up in the capacitor. When charging a capacitor, each incremental addition of charge requires slightly more work than the last because it is done against an increasing electric potential (voltage). Mathematically, this relationship is captured in the integral of the voltage with respect to charge, leading to the formula W = 1/2 CV². The squaring of the voltage in this formula reflects the quadratic nature of energy accumulation in the capacitor: as the voltage doubles, the energy stored increases by a factor of four, demonstrating the square relationship.

Practice Questions

A 2 Farad capacitor is connected to a 10 Volt battery. Calculate the energy stored in the capacitor.

To calculate the energy stored in the capacitor, we use the formula W = 1/2 CV². Here, C (capacitance) is 2 Farads, and V (voltage) is 10 Volts. Substituting these values, we get W = 1/2 × 2 × 10² = 1 × 100 = 100 Joules. Therefore, the energy stored in the 2 Farad capacitor when connected to a 10 Volt battery is 100 Joules. This calculation demonstrates the direct relationship between the energy stored in a capacitor and the square of the voltage applied to it.

A capacitor stores 60 Joules of energy when charged to a potential difference of 15 Volts. Determine the capacitance of the capacitor.

To find the capacitance of the capacitor, we rearrange the formula W = 1/2 CV² to solve for C. Given that W (energy) is 60 Joules and V (voltage) is 15 Volts, the formula becomes 60 = 1/2 C × 15². Simplifying further, we get C = 2 × 60 / 225 = 120 / 225. Therefore, the capacitance C is approximately 0.53 Farads. This answer illustrates the inverse relationship between capacitance and the square of the voltage for a given amount of energy stored in a capacitor.

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