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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

19.3.1 Discharging a Capacitor: Graph Analysis

Introduction to Capacitor Discharge

Basic Concept

  • Capacitor Function: A capacitor stores electrical energy when connected to a power source. This stored energy is in the form of an electric field within the capacitor.
  • Discharge Mechanism: Discharge starts when the capacitor is disconnected from its charging source and connected through a resistor. The stored energy in the capacitor is then released, flowing through the resistor.

Components of Discharge

  • Potential Difference: This is the voltage across the capacitor terminals. Initially, it's at its highest and decreases as the capacitor discharges.
  • Charge: Represented as Q, is the amount of electric charge stored in the capacitor. It diminishes during the discharge.
  • Current: The flow of charge per unit time, which also decreases as the capacitor discharges.
Diagram showing a Capacitor discharging circuit

Capacitor discharging circuit

Image Courtesy Physics bootcamp

Detailed Analysis of Discharge Graphs

Potential Difference over Time

  • Graph Characteristics: The graph for potential difference versus time is an exponential decay curve.
  • Initial Value: It starts at the maximum value, equivalent to the voltage the capacitor was charged to.
  • Decay Rate: The rate of decrease is not constant; it slows down as the potential difference lowers.

Charge on Capacitor over Time

  • Graph Shape: Similar to the potential difference, the charge graph also shows an exponential decay.
  • Quantitative Expression: The charge on the capacitor at any given time can be expressed as Q = Q0 * e(-t/RC), where Q0 is the initial charge, R the resistance, C the capacitance, and t the time elapsed.
Diagram explaining quantitative expression for capacitor discharge

Quantitative expression for capacitor discharge

Image Courtesy HyperPhysics

Current during Discharge

  • Graph Description: The current versus time graph is analogous to both potential difference and charge graphs, showcasing an exponential decrease.
  • Initial Current: The initial current is highest and is given by I0 = V0/R, with V0 being the initial voltage.
  • Decay Expression: The current at any time can be described by I = I0 * e(-t/RC).

Exponential Nature of Discharge

Understanding Exponential Decay

  • Meaning: The term 'exponential' refers to the rate of change of a quantity decreasing over time, but the quantity never reaches zero.
  • Graphical Representation: In all three graphs (potential difference, charge, and current), the y-value decreases rapidly at first and then more slowly, approaching zero asymptotically.

Factors Influencing Discharge

Capacitance and Resistance

  • Capacitance Effect: A higher capacitance means the capacitor can store more charge, leading to a prolonged discharge process.
  • Resistance Role: The resistance in the circuit determines how quickly the charge flows out of the capacitor. A higher resistance results in a slower discharge rate.

Initial Conditions

  • Initial Voltage: The voltage to which the capacitor is initially charged determines the starting values of potential difference, charge, and current.
  • Circuit Configuration: The arrangement of the resistor and capacitor, whether in series or parallel, also affects the discharge characteristics.

Practical Implications and Applications

In Circuit Design

  • Timing Circuits: Capacitors are often used in timing circuits where the predictable discharge rate is crucial, such as in oscillators and timers.
  • Filtering Applications: Capacitors in discharging mode are used in filters to smooth out voltage fluctuations in power supplies.

In Electronic Devices

  • Memory and Storage: Capacitors are integral in dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) where they store binary data as charge.
  • Energy Supply: In devices like flash cameras, capacitors discharge rapidly to provide a burst of energy.

Summary of Key Points

Recap of Discharge Process

  • The discharge of a capacitor through a resistor is an exponential process.
  • The potential difference, charge, and current all decrease exponentially over time during the discharge.
  • The rate of discharge is influenced by various factors including capacitance, resistance, and initial charging conditions.

In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of capacitor discharge through graphical analysis is crucial for students and professionals dealing with electronic circuits. The exponential nature of the graphs provides a clear quantitative framework for predicting and analysing the behaviour of capacitors in various applications, from simple circuit design to complex electronic devices.


The potential difference across a discharging capacitor never truly reaches zero because of the exponential nature of the discharge process. Theoretically, it takes an infinite amount of time for the potential difference to reach zero. This is because the rate at which the potential difference decreases is proportional to its current value. As the potential difference gets smaller, the rate of decrease becomes slower. Practically, the potential difference becomes negligibly small after a certain period, usually considered to be around five times the time constant (5τ), but it never actually reaches zero.

The discharge of a capacitor through a resistor is not a linear process but an exponential one. This is evident in the discharge graphs where the rate of change of charge, current, and potential difference is not constant but decreases over time. In a linear process, these values would decrease at a constant rate. However, in capacitor discharge, the rate at which these values decrease slows down as the capacitor approaches full discharge. The exponential decay is characterized by a rapid initial decrease that gradually slows, never reaching zero but asymptotically approaching it.

The physical size of a capacitor can influence its discharge characteristics indirectly through its capacitance. Larger capacitors generally have a higher capacitance, meaning they can store more charge. A higher capacitance results in a longer discharge time when connected to a resistor, as the time constant τ (tau) is directly proportional to the capacitance (τ = RC). Therefore, larger capacitors with higher capacitance will have a longer time constant and thus a slower discharge rate. However, it's important to note that the material and construction of the capacitor also play a significant role in determining its capacitance and discharge characteristics.

The time constant, represented as τ (tau), is a crucial parameter in the discharge of a capacitor, defined as τ = RC, where R is the resistance and C is the capacitance. It quantifies the time taken for the charge, current, or potential difference in a discharging capacitor to decrease to about 37% (precisely 1/e, where e is the base of natural logarithms) of its initial value. This means that after a time period equal to one time constant, these quantities reduce to 36.8% of their original values, providing a measure of how quickly the capacitor discharges through the resistor.

During the discharge process, the energy stored in the capacitor is converted into heat energy in the resistor. This energy transformation follows the principle of energy conservation. Initially, the capacitor has maximum electrical potential energy, which decreases as the capacitor discharges. The rate of energy release is not constant; it is initially high and decreases over time. This is because the energy stored is proportional to the square of the charge on the capacitor, which decreases exponentially during discharge. Therefore, as the capacitor discharges, the energy conversion into heat in the resistor also follows an exponential decay pattern.

Practice Questions

A capacitor with a capacitance of 200 µF is connected to a resistor of 4000 ohms. The capacitor is initially charged to a voltage of 12 V. Calculate the initial current flowing through the circuit when the capacitor begins to discharge.

When the capacitor starts to discharge, the initial current can be calculated using the formula I0 = V0/R. Here, V0 is the initial voltage, which is 12 V, and R is the resistance, which is 4000 ohms. Substituting these values, we get I0 = 12 V / 4000 ohms = 0.003 A or 3 mA. This calculation demonstrates the initial surge of current that flows through the circuit as the capacitor begins to discharge, with the current being inversely proportional to the resistance in the circuit.

Describe the shape of the graph showing the potential difference across the capacitor as a function of time and explain why it takes this form.

The graph showing the potential difference across the capacitor as a function of time is an exponential decay curve. Initially, when the capacitor starts to discharge, the potential difference is at its maximum. As time progresses, the potential difference decreases exponentially. This shape occurs because the rate of discharge is proportional to the remaining charge on the capacitor. As the charge decreases, the rate of discharge also decreases, leading to a slower decline in potential difference over time. This exponential decay reflects the natural logarithmic relationship between the potential difference and time during the discharge process.

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