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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

18.5.3 Electric Potential Energy in Fields

Introduction to Electric Potential Energy

Electric potential energy is a pivotal concept in the study of electric fields, defining the energy due to the position of charged particles.

Fundamental Principles

  • Scalar Quantity: Electric potential energy, unlike vector quantities like force or velocity, does not have a direction. It's a scalar quantity, dependent only on the magnitude and relative positions of charges.
  • System-Dependent Property: It's essential to note that potential energy is a property of a charge configuration, not a single charge.
Diagram explaining electric potential energy as the work done in moving a charge from point A to point B

Electric Potential Energy

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Calculation of Electric Potential Energy Between Point Charges

The potential energy in a system of two point charges can be quantified using Coulomb's law.

Mathematical Expression

The formula for calculating the electric potential energy U between two point charges q1 and q2

separated by a distance r is given by:

U = (k * q1 * q2) / r


  • k represents Coulomb's constant (8.99 x 109 Nm2/C2)
  • q1 and q2 are the magnitudes of the charges
  • r is the separation between the charges

Conceptual Understanding

  • Like and Unlike Charges: The potential energy is positive for like charges (repulsive force) and negative for unlike charges (attractive force).
  • Distance Factor: The potential energy inversely relates to the distance between the charges; as the distance increases, the potential energy decreases.

Application in Electric Fields

Applying these concepts to electric fields broadens the understanding of energy dynamics in electrostatics.

Work Done in Electric Fields

  • Principle: The work done by electric forces in moving a charge is equal to the change in electric potential energy.
  • Calculation of Work: The work W is calculated as W = -ΔU, where ΔU represents the change in potential energy.
A diagram showing work done against the field and by the electric field resulting in a change in the kinetic energy and electric potential energy.

Work done in electric field

Image Courtesy Science Ready

Practical Examples

  • Energy in Particle Accelerators: In particle accelerators, electric fields do work on charged particles, changing their kinetic energy.
  • Capacitors: Capacitors store energy as electric potential energy, crucial in electronic circuits for energy storage and discharge.

Problem-Solving in Electric Potential Energy

Developing problem-solving skills in this area is crucial for physics students.

Analytical Approach

  • System Analysis: Identify the charges and their configuration in the problem.
  • Formula Application: Apply the electric potential energy formula, considering the charges' nature and distance.
  • Energy Conservation Considerations: In scenarios involving charge movement, factor in the conservation of both kinetic and potential energy.

Example Problems

  • Calculating Potential Energy: For two charges separated by a specific distance, calculate the potential energy.
  • Kinetic Energy Changes: Determine how the kinetic energy of a charge changes as it moves in an electric field.

Advanced Applications in Electric Fields

Advanced applications involve exploring complex field configurations and their impact on potential energy.

Energy in Various Field Configurations

  • Uniform Fields: In a uniform electric field, potential energy varies linearly with position.
  • Non-Uniform Fields: In non-uniform fields, the energy-position relationship can be more complex and often requires calculus for precise calculations.

Capacitors and Energy

  • Understanding capacitors in terms of electric potential energy is crucial for their application in circuits.

Case Studies and Problem-Solving Exercises

Engaging with varied problems and case studies enhances understanding and application abilities.

Interactive Learning

  • Real-World Scenarios: Solve problems set in practical scenarios to apply theoretical knowledge effectively.
  • Progressive Difficulty: Start with simpler problems, gradually progressing to more complex ones to build a deeper understanding.

In conclusion, a thorough grasp of electric potential energy and its applications in electric fields is essential for A-Level Physics students. This detailed exploration not only provides the necessary theoretical foundation but also equips students with practical problem-solving skills. Understanding these concepts is crucial for excelling in physics, offering a foundation for further studies in electromagnetism and beyond.


The concept of electric potential energy is fundamental to numerous technologies and devices. For instance, in capacitors, electric potential energy is stored and used in electronic circuits for various purposes like smoothing out electrical signals or storing charge for later use. In batteries, chemical reactions create differences in electric potential, which is then used as electric potential energy for powering devices. Photovoltaic cells (solar panels) convert light energy into electric potential energy. Even in the medical field, defibrillators use stored electric potential energy to deliver a controlled electric shock to the heart, correcting arrhythmias.

Electric potential energy can indeed be negative, and this signifies an attractive interaction between the charges. In the formula U = (k * q1 * q2) / r, if q1 and q2 have opposite signs (one positive and one negative), the product q1 * q2 becomes negative, leading to a negative value of U. A negative potential energy indicates that work must be done against the electric field to separate the charges further. In essence, the charges naturally attract each other, and energy is released when they move closer, which is characteristic of a stable, lower-energy configuration.

Understanding electric potential energy is crucial for mastering electromagnetism because it forms the basis for comprehending how charges interact in an electric field. This knowledge is foundational in analysing and predicting the behaviour of charges and currents in various electromagnetic scenarios. For instance, it aids in understanding the forces acting in electric and magnetic fields, the principles of electromotive force in circuits, and the energy transformations in electromagnetic systems. Proficiency in electric potential energy concepts also paves the way for exploring more advanced topics in electromagnetism, such as electromagnetic induction and Maxwell's equations.

If one of the charges in a two-charge system is doubled, the electric potential energy of the system also doubles. The potential energy is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the two charges, as given by U = (k * q1 * q2) / r. By doubling one charge, say q1 becomes 2q1, the formula becomes U = (k * 2q1 * q2) / r, which is essentially 2 times the original potential energy. This increase reflects the enhanced electrostatic interaction due to the increased charge, leading to a higher energy state in the system.

When the distance between two charges is halved, the electric potential energy of the system changes significantly. The electric potential energy is inversely proportional to the distance between the charges, as described by the formula U = (k * q1 * q2) / r. Therefore, if the distance (r) is halved, the potential energy becomes double its original value if the charges are like, or twice as negative if the charges are unlike. This is because reducing the distance between charges increases the intensity of the electrostatic force, thus amplifying the potential energy stored within the system.

Practice Questions

Two point charges, +3μC and -2μC, are placed 0.5 meters apart in a vacuum. Calculate the electric potential energy of the system.

The electric potential energy (U) can be calculated using the formula U = (k * q1 * q2) / r, where k is Coulomb's constant (8.99 x 109 Nm2/C2), q1 and q2 are the magnitudes of the charges, and r is the distance between them. Here, q1 = 3 x 10-6 C (for +3μC), q2 = -2 x 10-6 C (for -2μC), and r = 0.5 m. Substituting these values, U = (8.99 x 10^9 * 3 x 10-6 * -2 x 10-6) / 0.5 = -0.10788 Joules. The negative sign indicates an attractive force between the charges.

A proton is moved from a point A to point B in an electric field, causing a change in electric potential energy by -4 x 10^-18 Joules. If the charge of the proton is 1.6 x 10^-19 C, calculate the work done on the proton during this movement.

The work done (W) on a charge in an electric field is equal to the change in electric potential energy (ΔU). Given ΔU = -4 x 10-18 Joules and the charge of the proton is 1.6 x 10-19 C, the work done can be directly equated to the change in potential energy since W = -ΔU. Therefore, the work done on the proton is -(-4 x 10-18) Joules = 4 x 10-18 Joules. This implies that energy is transferred to the proton, increasing its kinetic energy as it moves from point A to point B.

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