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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

18.5.1 Electric Potential: Defining and Measuring

Introduction to Electric Potential

Electric potential, often termed as potential, is a scalar quantity crucial in electromagnetism. It represents the potential energy per unit charge at a point in an electric field.

Concept of Electric Potential

  • Definition: Electric potential at a point is the electric potential energy per unit charge at that point. It quantifies the work done in moving a unit positive charge from infinity to that point without any acceleration.
  • Scalar Nature: Electric potential is a scalar quantity, possessing only magnitude. This contrasts with vector quantities like electric field strength, which have both magnitude and direction. The scalar nature allows for the algebraic addition of potentials from multiple sources, simplifying many calculations.

Importance in Physics

  • Simplifying Complex Problems: The concept of electric potential is vital for simplifying complex problems involving electric fields and forces.
  • Underlying Principles: It's grounded in the principles of work and energy, linking the concepts of force, field, and energy in a single framework.

Electric Potential Due to a Point Charge

Calculating the electric potential due to a point charge is a basic yet essential skill in A-Level Physics.

Fundamental Formula and Its Derivation

  • Formula: The electric potential (V) at a distance (r) from a point charge (Q) is given by V = kQ/r, where k is the Coulomb's constant (approximately 8.99 x 109 Nm2/C2).
  • Derivation: This formula emerges from the work-energy principle. The potential at a point is the work done per unit charge in moving a test charge from infinity to that point against the electric field.
Diagram explaining the formula of electric potential

Formula of Electric potential

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Practical Examples and Problem Solving

  • Example Calculations: In exercises, students often calculate the potential at a specific distance from a charge. For example, finding the potential 5 cm away from a 1 x 10-6 C charge.
  • Analysing Electric Fields: Understanding how potential varies with distance from a point charge provides insights into the nature of electric fields. The potential decreases with increasing distance from the charge due to the inverse relationship with distance.

Measurement of Electric Potential

Accurately measuring electric potential is crucial in experimental physics and practical applications.

Instruments for Measuring Potential

  • Voltmeter: A voltmeter measures the potential difference (voltage) between two points in a circuit. It's connected in parallel with the component across which the potential difference is to be measured.
  • Potentiometer: This device provides a more precise measurement of potential difference. It operates by balancing a known potential against the unknown potential, eliminating the effect of the instrument on the circuit.

Experimental Techniques and Challenges

  • Accuracy and Calibration: The precision of instruments like voltmeters is limited. Calibration against standard references is necessary for accurate measurements.
  • Practical Experiments: Students may engage in experiments like measuring the potential difference across various circuit elements or mapping the potential in a field using probes and plotting equipotential lines.

In-Depth Exploration of Electric Potential

To deepen understanding, it's important to explore various aspects of electric potential in greater detail.

Electric Potential in Uniform and Non-Uniform Fields

  • Uniform Fields: In a uniform electric field, the potential varies linearly with distance. Equipotential surfaces are equidistant and parallel to each other.
  • Non-Uniform Fields: In non-uniform fields, like those around point charges, the potential varies non-linearly. Equipotential surfaces are closer together where the field is stronger.

Electric Potential and Energy

  • Potential Energy: The potential energy of a charge in an electric field is directly related to the electric potential and the magnitude of the charge.
  • Work and Energy Transfer: The work done in moving a charge within an electric field is equal to the change in its potential energy. This principle is foundational in understanding energy transfer in electric fields.
Diagram explaining electric potential energy as the work done in moving a charge from point A to point B

Electric Potential Energy

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Advanced Applications

  • Capacitors: Understanding electric potential is critical in the study of capacitors, devices that store energy in electric fields.
  • Electrical Power Systems: Electric potential is a key concept in the generation and distribution of electrical power, determining how energy is transferred and used efficiently.


A comprehensive understanding of electric potential is indispensable for students of A-Level Physics. It not only lays the groundwork for understanding electric fields and forces but also equips students with the skills to tackle complex problems in electrostatics and beyond. The scalar nature of electric potential simplifies theoretical analyses, while practical measurement techniques provide essential experimental skills. Through these studies, students gain a holistic view of the fundamental principles governing electrical phenomena.


In electrostatics, electric potential at infinity is considered zero as a reference point. This convention arises because the potential due to a point charge decreases with distance, approaching zero as the distance becomes infinitely large. By setting the potential at infinity to zero, it simplifies the mathematics involved in calculating the potential at any point due to a charge. This reference point provides a baseline from which to measure or compare potentials at different points. It's important to understand that this is a convention and not a physical property of the field at infinity; different reference points could be chosen, but infinity is convenient and universally accepted.

Yes, electric potential can be negative. This occurs when dealing with negative charges or when considering a point in an electric field relative to a chosen reference point. The sign of the potential is determined by the nature of the charge that creates the field. For example, the potential due to a negative charge is negative, as work must be done to bring a positive test charge from infinity (where potential is zero) to a point closer to the negative charge. This is because a positive test charge is repelled by the negative charge, requiring work against the electric field.

Electric potential and electric potential energy are closely related but distinct concepts. Electric potential at a point in a field is the electric potential energy per unit charge at that point. It represents the work done in moving a unit positive charge from a reference point, usually infinity, to that point without acceleration. In contrast, electric potential energy is the energy a charge possesses due to its position in an electric field. The relationship between them is such that electric potential energy is the product of the charge and the electric potential at that point (U = qV). This means that while potential energy depends on the charge and its position in the field, electric potential is a property of the field itself at any point.

The concept of electric potential is pivotal in understanding the motion of charges in an electric field. When a charge moves in an electric field, it experiences a change in electric potential energy. This change is directly related to the work done on or by the charge. For instance, a positive charge naturally moves from a region of higher electric potential to a region of lower potential, as it loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy. Conversely, a negative charge moves towards higher potential. This understanding is crucial in analysing the behaviour of charges in various fields, such as in capacitors or between charged plates, where the movement is influenced by the potential difference.

The concept of electric potential is not limited to point charges; it applies to extended charge distributions as well. In the case of extended charge distributions, such as a charged sphere, rod, or plate, the calculation of electric potential becomes more complex and often requires integration. The principle remains the same: electric potential at a point is the work done per unit charge in bringing a test charge from infinity to that point. For extended distributions, the total potential is the sum (integral) of the potentials due to each infinitesimal charge element in the distribution. This broader application makes the concept of electric potential versatile in solving a wide range of problems in electrostatics.

Practice Questions

A point charge of 2 x 10^-6 C is placed at a point in space. Calculate the electric potential at a point 0.05 m away from the charge. (Coulomb's constant k = 8.99 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2)

To calculate the electric potential at a point due to a point charge, we use the formula V = kQ/r. Here, Q is the charge (2 x 10-6 C), r is the distance (0.05 m), and k is Coulomb's constant (8.99 x 109 Nm2/C2). Substituting these values, we get V = (8.99 x 109) x (2 x 10-6) / 0.05 = 359.6 V. Therefore, the electric potential at the point is 359.6 volts. This calculation demonstrates the scalar nature of electric potential, as it depends on the magnitude of charge and distance, irrespective of the direction.

Describe the significance of electric potential being a scalar quantity in the context of calculating the potential at a point due to multiple charges.

The scalar nature of electric potential is significant as it simplifies calculations when dealing with multiple charges. Since potential is a scalar quantity, it only has magnitude and no direction. This means that when calculating the total potential at a point due to multiple charges, we simply sum the potentials due to each charge algebraically. We don't need to consider the direction of the electric field, unlike vector quantities. This makes the process of calculating the net electric potential straightforward and less complex than if potential were a vector, where vector addition rules would apply.

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