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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

18.4.1 Electric Field of a Point Charge

Understanding Electric Field Strength

Concept of Electric Field

  • An electric field is a region in space where a charge experiences a force.
  • The field is represented as a vector field, each point having a direction and magnitude.
  • It’s essential for explaining forces between charges without direct contact.

Electric Field of a Point Charge

  • A point charge is an idealized model of a particle with an electric charge located at a single point.
  • The formula for calculating electric field strength (E) due to a point charge is E = Q / (4πε₀r²), where:
    • Q represents the charge of the particle.
    • ε₀ (epsilon naught) is the permittivity of free space, a constant value that characterizes the ability of the vacuum to transmit electric fields.
    • r is the radial distance from the charge.
    • This equation reveals that field strength is directly proportional to the magnitude of the charge and inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the charge.
Diagram showing the electric field of point charges

The electric field of point charges

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

Proportionality and Inverse Square Law

  • The direct proportionality to the charge means larger charges create stronger fields.
  • The inverse square law indicates that the field strength diminishes rapidly with distance; specifically, if the distance from the charge is doubled, the field strength becomes a quarter of its original value.
  • This quadratic decrease highlights the significance of distance in field interactions.

Decay of Field Strength with Distance

Distance Effect on Field Strength

  • The electric field strength decreases exponentially with increasing distance from a point charge.
  • The r² term in the formula’s denominator is responsible for this rapid decrease.

Visualising Field Strength Decay

  • Electric field lines, imaginary lines representing the field, illustrate this concept effectively.
  • These lines emanate radially from a point charge, becoming less dense as they move further away.
  • The density of field lines is a visual indicator of field strength: a high density of lines corresponds to stronger fields.

The Concept of Electric Flux

Definition and Understanding

  • Electric flux, denoted by ΦE, is a measure of the quantity of the electric field passing through a surface.
  • It’s a useful concept for quantifying field strength over an area rather than at a point.
Diagram explaining electric flux

Electric flux

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Quantifying Electric Flux

  • The formula for electric flux is ΦE = E · A · cos(θ), where:
    • E is the electric field strength.
    • A is the area the field lines pass through.
    • θ is the angle between the field lines and the normal to the surface.
  • In the case of a spherical surface around a point charge, the flux is constant regardless of the sphere's radius, underlining the uniform outward spread of field lines in all directions.
Diagram explaining the formula to calculate electric flux

Quantifying electric flux

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

Electric Flux and Gauss's Law

  • Gauss's Law is a fundamental law in electromagnetism linking the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed within that surface.
  • It’s a powerful tool for calculating electric fields in various charge configurations, simplifying complex problems into manageable calculations.
Diagram explaining Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law

Electric flux and Gauss’s Law

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Practical Applications and Examples

Real-World Applications

  • These concepts are crucial in the fields of electrical and electronics engineering, particularly in the design and operation of devices like capacitors, which store charge, and insulators, which block electric fields.
  • They also help in understanding and predicting natural phenomena like lightning and the behaviour of the Earth's magnetic field.

Example Calculations

  • Example 1: Calculate the electric field strength at a point 2 meters away from a point charge of 5 x 10⁻⁶ Coulombs. Using the formula, the field strength can be computed, illustrating the principles discussed.
  • Example 2: Determine the electric flux through a spherical surface with a radius of 1 meter around a point charge of 1 x 10⁻⁶ Coulombs. This example highlights the application of the concept of electric flux in practical scenarios.

Advanced Considerations

Energy in Electric Fields

  • The electric field concept extends beyond forces and flux to encompass energy.
  • The energy stored in an electric field is a key concept in understanding capacitors and electromagnetic waves.

Field Lines and Equipotential Surfaces

  • Beyond field lines, equipotential surfaces represent places where the electric potential is constant.
  • Understanding the relationship between field lines and equipotential surfaces gives deeper insight into electric field configurations.

Challenges and Misconceptions

Common Misunderstandings

  • A frequent misconception is that electric field lines are real entities; they are, in fact, a visualisation tool.
  • Another is overestimating the speed of interaction; electric field changes propagate at the speed of light, not instantaneously.

Analytical Challenges

  • Calculating fields in non-uniform charge distributions or in the presence of multiple charges introduces complexity.
  • These scenarios often require advanced calculus and a deeper understanding of electromagnetic theory.

In exploring the electric field of a point charge, we not only grasp a fundamental concept in physics but also lay the groundwork for understanding more intricate and diverse phenomena in electromagnetism and beyond. This knowledge is critical not just in theoretical frameworks but also in practical applications across various scientific and engineering fields.


An electric field cannot exist without a charge as its source. Electric fields are generated by electric charges or by time-varying magnetic fields. In the absence of charges and changing magnetic fields, there would be no cause to produce an electric field. This foundational principle of electromagnetism highlights the relationship between charges and the fields they create. However, it's important to note that an electric field can exist in a region of space where there are no charges, as long as there are charges elsewhere generating the field. For example, the space around a charged particle is filled with its electric field, even in regions where no other charges are present.

Electric field lines from two different charges never intersect. Each field line represents the direction of the electric force at that point, and since a charge at a point in space can only move in one direction at a time, it's impossible for two field lines to intersect. If they did, it would imply two different directions for the electric force at that intersection point, which is physically impossible. This principle helps in visualizing and understanding electric field patterns, especially in scenarios involving multiple charges where the resultant field is a vector sum of the individual fields.

When a charge moves in an electric field, the electric field strength at any point does not inherently change due to the movement of that charge. The electric field strength at a point is determined by the location and magnitude of the source charges, not by the position of test charges moving within the field. However, the moving charge experiences a change in force as it moves to different points in the field with different field strengths. This change in force can result in acceleration or deceleration of the charge, depending on the direction of movement relative to the field direction. This concept is fundamental in understanding the motion of charges in electric fields, such as in the trajectories of electrons in cathode ray tubes or the behavior of ions in electric fields in accelerators.

The permittivity of the medium, often denoted as ε, significantly affects the electric field strength. Permittivity is a measure of how easily a medium allows electric field lines to pass through it. A higher permittivity means that the medium can more easily 'accommodate' electric field lines, which effectively reduces the field strength. This is why the electric field strength formula includes the permittivity of free space (ε₀) in the denominator. In a medium with higher permittivity compared to a vacuum, such as water or glass, the electric field strength generated by a point charge would be lower than it would be in a vacuum, assuming all other factors remain constant. This concept is crucial in understanding how different materials interact with and influence electric fields.

The inverse square relationship between electric field strength and distance arises from the geometrical spreading of field lines as they move away from the source, in this case, a point charge. Imagine the field lines spreading out spherically from the point charge. As the distance from the charge increases, the surface area of the imaginary sphere (4πr²) through which these lines pass also increases. Since the total number of field lines (related to the magnitude of the charge) remains constant, the density of these lines (and hence the field strength) decreases. This decrease follows an inverse square pattern because the surface area of a sphere increases with the square of its radius. Therefore, at larger distances, fewer field lines pass through a unit area, leading to a weaker electric field.

Practice Questions

A point charge of 8 x 10⁻⁶ Coulombs is placed in a vacuum. Calculate the electric field strength at a point 2 meters away from the charge. (Assume the permittivity of free space, ε₀, is 8.85 x 10⁻¹² F/m)

To calculate the electric field strength, we use the formula E = Q / (4πε₀r²). Here, Q = 8 x 10⁻⁶ C, ε₀ = 8.85 x 10⁻¹² F/m, and r = 2 m. Substituting these values, we get E = 8 x 10⁻⁶ / (4π x 8.85 x 10⁻¹² x 2²). After calculating, the electric field strength is found to be approximately 1435.5 N/C. This calculation demonstrates the use of the electric field formula and illustrates how the strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the charge.

Describe how the electric field strength around a point charge varies with distance and explain how this relates to the concept of electric flux.

The electric field strength around a point charge decreases with the square of the distance from the charge, following the inverse square law. As the distance doubles, the field strength becomes a quarter of its original value. This relationship illustrates that electric fields become weaker as one moves away from the charge. Regarding electric flux, as the field strength decreases with distance, the number of field lines passing through a unit area also decreases, reducing the electric flux. The concept of electric flux is crucial in understanding how the magnitude of the electric field varies over different areas at varying distances from the charge, providing a comprehensive understanding of the field's spatial distribution.

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