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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

18.3.2 Applying Coulomb’s Law

Introduction to Coulomb's Law

Named after French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, Coulomb's Law quantifies the force between two point charges. It is a fundamental principle that helps in understanding the nature of electric forces and fields.

The Mathematical Formulation of Coulomb's Law

Coulomb’s Law is mathematically expressed as:

F = k * |q1 * q2| / r2


  • F is the electrostatic force between the charges,
  • q1 and q2 are the magnitudes of the charges,
  • r is the distance between the charges,
  • k is Coulomb's constant, approximately 8.988 x 109 Nm2/C2.

This formula implies that the electrostatic force is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Diagram explaining Coulomb’s Law

Coulomb’s Law

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Characteristics of the Electrostatic Force

The nature of the force described by Coulomb's Law has several key characteristics:

  • Direction: The force is either attractive or repulsive. It is attractive if the charges are of opposite signs and repulsive if they are of the same sign.
Diagram explaining electrostatic force

Electrostatic force

Image Courtesy Science Facts

  • Line of Action: The force acts along the straight line connecting the two charges.
  • Magnitude: The magnitude of the force decreases as the distance between the charges increases.

Application of Coulomb’s Law in Physics

Applying Coulomb's Law involves a systematic approach to problem-solving:

1. Identification of Charges: Determine the magnitude and nature (positive or negative) of each charge involved.

2. Distance Measurement: Accurately measure the distance between the charges.

3. Force Calculation: Employ the Coulomb's Law formula to compute the force.

Example Calculation

Consider two charges, +5 μC and -3 μC, separated by a distance of 0.1 meters. The task is to calculate the force between them.


1. Convert microcoulombs to coulombs: 5 μC = 5 x 10-6 C, -3 μC = -3 x 10-6 C.

2. Substitute values in Coulomb's Law formula:

3. F = 8.988 x 109 * |5 x 10-6 * -3 x 10-6| / (0.1)2

  • Calculate the force: F ≈ 1.3497 N.

The Inverse Square Law in Electrostatics

A critical aspect of Coulomb's Law is its demonstration of the inverse square law, which states that the force between two point charges diminishes with the square of the distance between them.

Implications of the Inverse Square Law

  • Diminishing Intensity: The force between charges decreases rapidly as the distance increases, which is crucial in electric field concepts.
  • Understanding Electric Fields: This law aids in comprehending electric field strength, defined as the force per unit charge.

Demonstrating the Inverse Square Law

To demonstrate this law, consider how the force varies when the distance is altered. For instance, if the distance between charges is doubled, the force becomes one-quarter of its original value.

Understanding Electric Fields through Coulomb's Law

Coulomb's Law is instrumental in defining and understanding electric fields.

Representation and Properties of Electric Fields

Electric fields are visualised through field lines:

  • Direction: These lines indicate the direction a positive charge would move under the field's influence.
  • Strength Indication: The density of field lines is proportional to the field's strength.

Calculating Electric Field Strength

The electric field E due to a point charge is calculated using:

E = k * |q| / r2

Here, q is the charge that creates the field, and r is the distance from the charge.

Force in Electric Fields

The force experienced by a charge q0 in an electric field E is calculated as:

F = q0 * E

This directly applies Coulomb's Law, underscoring its role in electric field theories.

Detailed Analysis of Coulomb’s Law

Coulomb's Law not only defines the basic interactions between charges but also lays the groundwork for more complex concepts in electrostatics and electromagnetism.

Significance in Scientific Theories

  • Electrostatic Equilibrium: It explains the distribution of charges on conductors.
  • Influence on Other Forces: Coulomb's Law is analogous to the gravitational law, offering comparative insights into fundamental forces of nature.

Advanced Applications

  • Electric Potential: The principles derived from Coulomb’s Law help in understanding electric potential and potential energy.
  • Capacitance and Dielectrics: It assists in explaining how capacitors store charge and how dielectric materials affect electric fields.

Challenges in Practical Applications

While Coulomb's Law is precise in theory, practical applications often face challenges:

  • Point Charge Limitation: Real charges are not always point-like, complicating real-world calculations.
  • Environmental Factors: Factors like medium, temperature, and humidity can affect electric forces, necessitating adjustments in Coulomb's Law application.


Coulomb's Law is not just a formula; it is a fundamental concept that opens the door to a deeper understanding of electrostatics. Mastery of this law equips students with the tools to explore more complex phenomena in physics, laying a foundation for further scientific inquiry and innovation.


Coulomb's constant, k, is large (approximately 8.988 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2) because it reflects the strength of the electric force, which is one of the fundamental forces of nature and is considerably strong compared to other forces like gravity. The large value of k indicates that even small amounts of charge can exert significant forces. In calculations, this large constant ensures that the resulting forces are of a measurable and significant magnitude, even for small charges. It's this significant force exerted by even minimal charges that makes electrostatic phenomena so noticeable and crucial in physics.

Coulomb's Law is ideally formulated for point charges, where the size of the charge is infinitesimally small compared to the distance between them. In practical situations involving non-point charges, like charged spheres, the law can still be applied under certain conditions. For spherical charge distributions, if the distance between the spheres is much larger than their sizes, each sphere can be approximated as a point charge located at its center. This approximation allows the use of Coulomb's Law. However, for complex charge distributions or when the distance between charges is comparable to their sizes, advanced techniques such as integration are required to calculate the force.

Coulomb's Law is generally considered valid for a wide range of distances, but its applicability does have limitations. At extremely close distances, on the order of atomic dimensions (sub-nanometer scale), quantum mechanical effects start to become significant, and the classical approach of Coulomb's Law may not accurately describe the interactions between charges. Additionally, at very large distances, external influences and the presence of other charges in the environment may alter the force, deviating from the ideal isolated system assumed in Coulomb's Law. However, for most practical purposes in macroscopic systems, Coulomb's Law remains a reliable and accurate tool for calculating the force between charges.

The medium between the charges significantly affects the force described by Coulomb's Law. In a vacuum, the force is at its maximum because there is no material to hinder the interaction between charges. However, when another medium, such as air, water, or glass, is introduced, the force is reduced. This reduction is quantified by the dielectric constant (or relative permittivity) of the medium. The dielectric constant, denoted as εr, is a measure of how much a medium reduces the electric force compared to a vacuum. Coulomb's Law in a medium is modified as F = (k/εr) * |q1 * q2| / r2, where εr > 1 for any medium other than a vacuum. Therefore, the larger the dielectric constant, the more the electric force between charges is reduced.

Coulomb's Law specifically applies to static, or stationary, charges. When charges are in motion, additional factors come into play, primarily magnetic fields, which are not accounted for in Coulomb's Law. The interaction between moving charges is governed by the laws of electromagnetism, particularly Lorentz force law, which combines the effects of electric and magnetic fields. While Coulomb's Law provides a basis for understanding electric forces in static scenarios, the dynamics of moving charges require an understanding of both electric and magnetic field interactions as they produce electromagnetic forces that differ from purely electrostatic forces.

Practice Questions

Two point charges, +2 μC and -4 μC, are placed 0.3 meters apart in a vacuum. Calculate the magnitude of the force between them.

To calculate the force between two charges, we use Coulomb's Law, F = k * |q1 * q2| / r2. Here, k is Coulomb's constant (8.988 x 109 Nm2/C2), q1 and q2 are the charges (+2 μC = 2 x 10-6 C and -4 μC = -4 x 10-6 C), and r is the distance (0.3 m). Substituting the values, we get F = 8.988 x 10^9 * |2 x 10-6 * -4 x 10-6| / (0.3)2. The calculation yields F ≈ 0.16 N. The force is attractive, as the charges are of opposite signs.

Describe how the electric force between two point charges would change if the distance between them is tripled, while keeping the magnitudes of the charges constant.

According to Coulomb's Law, the electric force between two point charges is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. If the distance is tripled, the force between the charges will be reduced to one-ninth of its original value. This is because the force varies as the inverse square of the distance; thus, tripling the distance (32 = 9) reduces the force by a factor of nine. This demonstrates the significance of the inverse square law in determining the interactions between electric charges.

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