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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

18.3.1 Spherical Conductors and Field Equivalence

Introduction to Field Equivalence

Field equivalence in spherical conductors is an intriguing aspect of electromagnetism, providing insights into how electric fields behave and interact with charged bodies.

Exploring Field Equivalence

  • Homogeneous Electric Field: One of the remarkable features of a spherical conductor is the creation of a homogeneous electric field outside its surface. This field is radial, emanating uniformly from all points on the conductor’s surface.
  • Governing Principles:
    • Inverse Square Law: Central to understanding field behaviour, this law asserts that the intensity of an electric field decreases proportionally with the square of the distance from the source.
Diagram explaining inverse square law

Inverse square law

Image Courtesy HyperPhysics

  • Gauss's Law: A cornerstone of electromagnetism, Gauss's Law is instrumental in establishing the principles of field equivalence. It posits that the electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the enclosed charge, thereby implying the equivalence of fields from a point charge and a spherical conductor.
Diagram explaining Gauss’s Law in electromagnetism

Gauss’s Law in electromagnetism

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

Application: Force Calculation between Earthed Conductors and Point Charges

This practical application of field equivalence has significant implications in various fields, from engineering to physics research.

Earthed Conductors

  • Definition and Characteristics: An earthed (or grounded) conductor is linked to the earth, assuming its potential. This connection stabilises the conductor, making it a reference point in electrical circuits.
Diagram showing an earthed conductor

Earthed conductor

Image Courtesy OpenStax

  • Influence on Electric Fields: Earthed conductors can significantly alter electric fields around them. They absorb excess charges, thereby influencing the distribution of charges and modifying the electric fields in their vicinity.

Calculating Forces: A Step-by-Step Approach

1. Establish Effective Charges: For spherical conductors, the first step is conceptualising them as point charges located at their centres.

2. Incorporate Earth’s Influence: When dealing with earthed conductors, it's essential to account for how they affect charge distribution and the resultant electric fields.

3. Utilise Coulomb’s Law: Armed with the effective charge values and considering the modifications due to the earthed conductors, Coulomb’s Law is then applied to calculate the force between the charges.

In-Depth Analysis: Spherical Conductors and Field Equivalence

Theoretical understanding of field equivalence in spherical conductors is crucial for a deeper comprehension of electromagnetic principles.

Theoretical Foundations

  • Charge Distribution: On spherical conductors, charges tend to distribute uniformly over the surface, creating a symmetrical electric field pattern.
  • Internal Field Dynamics: Inside a conducting sphere, the electric field is null. This phenomenon results from the conductor's ability to redistribute charges to counteract any internal field.
  • External Field Characteristics: The field outside a spherical conductor mimics that of a point charge located at its centre. This equivalence forms the basis of many calculations and applications in electromagnetism.

Practical Implications and Uses

  • Electromagnetic Shielding: The unique field properties of spherical conductors enable them to act as shields, protecting enclosed spaces from external electric fields.
  • Generating Uniform Fields: These conductors are often used in laboratory experiments to create uniform electric fields, essential for controlled studies in electrostatics.

Coulomb's Law and Inverse Square Law: Core Principles

Understanding these fundamental laws is crucial for grasping the mechanics of electric forces and fields.

Coulomb's Law: The Fundamental Equation

  • Formula and Components: Coulomb's Law is mathematically represented as F = k⋅q1 ⋅q2 / r2, where F is the force, k is Coulomb's constant, q1 q2 are the charges, and r is the distance between them.
  • Significance in Electromagnetism: This law is pivotal in calculating the magnitude and direction of the electric force between two point charges.
Diagram showing Coulomb’s law and force between two charges

Coulomb’s Law

Image Courtesy User:Dna-Dennis

The Inverse Square Law: A Pivotal Concept

  • Conceptual Understanding: This law demonstrates that the strength of an electric field or force decreases with the square of the distance from its source.
  • Relevance in Field Studies: Its application is vital in determining how electric fields diminish over distance, a key factor in many electrical and electromagnetic phenomena.

Real-World Applications and Examples

Applying these principles to real-world scenarios enhances understanding and demonstrates their relevance.

Everyday and Industrial Applications

  • Van de Graaff Generators: These devices, often found in educational settings, exemplify the principles of uniform charge distribution on a spherical conductor.
  • Lightning Protection: Lightning rods, designed based on field equivalence principles, protect structures from lightning strikes by safely directing the electrical discharge to the ground.

Practical Applications in Technology

  • Capacitors: The design of some capacitors incorporates spherical conductors, leveraging their predictable field properties.
  • Electrostatic Precipitators: These devices use the principles of electric forces to remove fine particles from exhaust gases, showcasing a practical application of Coulomb's Law.


This comprehensive exploration into the electric force between point charges, with a focus on spherical conductors and field equivalence, provides a solid foundation in understanding complex electromagnetic concepts. For A-Level Physics students, mastering these topics is essential for advancing in the field of electromagnetism.


The distance from the centre of a spherical conductor significantly affects the electric field strength outside the conductor. According to Coulomb's Law, the electric field strength (E) due to a point charge is inversely proportional to the square of the distance (r) from the charge, given by E = kq/r2, where k is Coulomb's constant and q is the charge. As one moves further away from the conductor, the electric field strength decreases with the square of the distance. This means that doubling the distance from the conductor's surface will result in a fourfold decrease in the electric field strength, highlighting the significance of the inverse square law in electromagnetism.

Inside a spherical conductor, there is no electric field, a phenomenon explained by the properties of conductors and the distribution of charges. In a conductor, charges are free to move. When an external electric field is applied, these free charges redistribute themselves in such a way as to counteract the applied field. In the case of a spherical conductor, the charges arrange themselves uniformly on the surface, creating an internal equilibrium state where the net electric field is zero. This is a consequence of the conductor's ability to neutralise internal electric fields through charge redistribution, a fundamental property of conductive materials.

Earthing a spherical conductor affects its charge distribution by neutralising any excess charge. When a conductor is earthed, it is connected to the Earth, which acts as an infinite reservoir of charge. Any excess charge on the conductor, whether positive or negative, is transferred to the Earth until the conductor reaches the same electrical potential as the Earth, which is considered zero. This results in the conductor having no net charge. The charge distribution becomes uniform across the surface of the conductor, or in some cases, the conductor may become completely uncharged if all the excess charge is transferred to the Earth. This process of charge neutralisation is fundamental in many practical applications, such as in grounding electrical systems for safety.

The field equivalence principle is specific to spherical conductors and does not generally apply to conductors of other shapes. This principle is based on the unique symmetrical properties of a sphere, where the electric field outside the conductor is radial and the field lines are equidistant at any given point from the centre. In conductors of other shapes, such as cylindrical or irregular shapes, the charge distribution and the resulting electric field are not uniformly radial. Therefore, calculating the electric field for these conductors requires different approaches, taking into account their specific geometries and charge distributions.

The size of a spherical conductor, specifically its radius, does not directly affect the strength of the electric field outside it, provided the charge on the conductor remains constant. According to the field equivalence principle, the electric field outside a spherical conductor behaves as if all the charge were concentrated at a point at the centre of the sphere. Therefore, the electric field strength at a given point outside the conductor depends solely on the total charge and the distance from the centre of the sphere, not on the sphere's size. This means that two spherical conductors of different sizes but with the same charge and at the same distance from a point will produce the same electric field strength at that point.

Practice Questions

A spherical conductor of radius 0.2 meters carries a charge of 5x10^-6 C. Calculate the electric field strength at a point 0.5 meters from the centre of the spherical conductor.

To calculate the electric field strength, we apply Coulomb's Law considering the field equivalence principle for spherical conductors. The electric field, E, due to a point charge is given by E = kq/r2, where k is Coulomb's constant (8.99x109 N m2/C2), q is the charge (5x10-6 C), and r is the distance from the centre (0.5 m). Substituting the values, E = (8.99x109 N m2/C2 × 5x10-6 C) / (0.5 m)2, we get E = 179.8 N/C. Thus, the electric field strength at 0.5 meters from the conductor's centre is 179.8 N/C.

Explain how the electric field distribution around a spherical conductor changes when it is connected to the Earth and why.

When a spherical conductor is earthed, its potential becomes equal to the Earth's potential, which is considered zero. This causes any excess charge on the conductor to flow to the Earth, leading to a neutralisation of charge on the conductor's surface. As a result, the electric field distribution around the spherical conductor changes; the electric field outside the conductor becomes zero because there is no net charge on the conductor to create an electric field. This occurs because earthing provides a path for charge transfer, allowing the conductor to maintain an equilibrium state with no excess charge.

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