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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

16.2.1 Work in Thermodynamics

Introduction to Work in Thermodynamics

The study of thermodynamics is incomplete without a thorough understanding of the concept of work, particularly in relation to gases. This section is dedicated to demystifying the work done by or on a gas during volume changes at constant pressure, guided by the fundamental equation W = pΔV.

Fundamental Concepts of Work in Thermodynamics

  • Defining Work in Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic work refers to the energy transfer that occurs when a force moves its point of application in the direction of the force. In the context of gases, this typically involves volume changes.
  • Energy Transfer Mechanism: Work represents one of the primary ways energy is transferred into or out of a thermodynamic system.

Detailed Exploration of Work Done by the Gas

  • Expansion of Gas: Expansion occurs when a gas increases its volume. During this process, the gas exerts a force on its surroundings, doing work.
  • Equation for Work Done by Gas: The equation W=pΔV is central to calculating this work, where p is the constant external pressure and ΔV is the change in volume.
Diagram showing work done in thermodynamics in isobaric expansion

Work done in thermodynamics

Image Courtesy OpenStax

  • Graphical Representation: On a Pressure-Volume (P-V) diagram, the work done by the gas during expansion is represented by the area under the curve of the process.
Image explaining Calculating work done in thermodynamics from P-V graph

Calculating work done in thermodynamics from P-V graph

Image Courtesy OpenStax

In-Depth Look at Work Done on the Gas

  • Compression of Gas: Compression is the reduction of volume of a gas. In this process, work is done on the gas by its surroundings.
  • Calculation Methodology: The same equation W = pΔV is used, but it's essential to note that the change in volume (ΔV) is negative since the volume decreases.
  • P-V Diagram Interpretation: In a P-V diagram, the work done on the gas during compression is also represented by the area under the process curve but with a negative sign.

Distinction Between Work Done by and on the Gas

  • Directional Difference: The direction of energy transfer is the main distinction. When the gas does work, it loses energy to the surroundings. Conversely, when work is done on the gas, it gains energy from the surroundings.
  • Sign Convention and Its Importance:
    • Positive Work: Work is considered positive during gas expansion.
    • Negative Work: Work is negative during gas compression.
    • This convention helps in correctly applying the first law of thermodynamics in various processes.

Practical Examples and Applications

  • Internal Combustion Engines: These engines rely on the work done during the expansion of gases (power stroke) and the work done on gases during compression (compression stroke) for their operation.
  • Refrigeration Systems: In refrigeration, compressors do work on refrigerant gases, which is critical for the cooling process.

Understanding Work in Thermodynamics Through Real-World Scenarios

  • Piston-Cylinder Arrangements: Commonly used in engines, these setups demonstrate work in thermodynamics vividly. As the piston moves, it either does work on the gas (during compression) or the gas does work on it (during expansion).
  • Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners: These systems involve work done on a refrigerant to transfer heat from one place to another, illustrating the practical application of thermodynamic work.

The Significance of Work in Thermodynamic Analysis

  • Energy Transfer Analysis: Comprehending the work done in thermodynamic processes is crucial for analysing energy transfers in systems, essential for the design and analysis of engines, refrigerators, and other systems.
  • Thermodynamic Cycles: Understanding the concept of work is fundamental in thermodynamic cycles like the Carnot cycle, where work is done during the isothermal expansion and compression processes.

Addressing Real-World Challenges

  • Non-Ideal Behaviour of Gases: In reality, gases do not always follow ideal behaviour, especially under high pressure or low temperature. This can lead to deviations from the ideal W=pΔV equation.
  • Accuracy in Measurement: Accurately measuring work in practical situations can be challenging due to heat loss, friction, and other non-ideal factors. This necessitates careful experimentation and data analysis.

The Role of Work in the First Law of Thermodynamics

  • First Law of Thermodynamics: This law states that the change in internal energy of a system (ΔU) equals the heat added to the system (q) plus the work done on the system (W).
  • Connecting Work with the First Law: The understanding of work, both done by and on the gas, is integral in applying the first law to real-world scenarios, enabling the calculation of changes in internal energy.

Concluding Thoughts

Comprehending the dynamics of work in thermodynamics, especially in relation to gases under constant pressure, is essential for students pursuing A-Level Physics. This knowledge lays the groundwork for understanding more complex thermodynamic processes and forms a crucial part of the physics curriculum.


The convention of considering work done during gas expansion as positive and during compression as negative is based on the system's perspective. In thermodynamics, a system (like a gas) is often the focus of study. When the gas expands, it does work on its surroundings, effectively transferring energy out of the system. This is considered positive work since the system is losing energy. Conversely, during compression, the surroundings do work on the gas, adding energy to the system. This is viewed as negative work because the system is gaining energy. This convention aids in consistently applying the principles of thermodynamics, especially the first law, which relates changes in internal energy to heat and work.

The concept of work in thermodynamics is intrinsically linked to the principle of energy conservation. According to the first law of thermodynamics, the change in internal energy of a system is equal to the heat added to the system plus the work done on the system. This law is essentially a statement of the conservation of energy. When work is done on a system, it leads to an increase in its internal energy, and when a system does work, its internal energy decreases. This conservation of energy is fundamental in understanding how energy is transferred and transformed in thermodynamic processes, ensuring that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only converted from one form to another.

Yes, the work done in thermodynamic processes can be zero under certain conditions. This occurs specifically in processes where there is no change in volume, known as isochoric processes. Since the work done by or on a gas is given by W = pΔV, if the change in volume (ΔV) is zero, then no work is done, regardless of the pressure involved. This is typical in situations where the gas is confined in a rigid container that does not allow for expansion or compression. Understanding this concept is essential in thermodynamic cycles, where different processes (isobaric, isothermal, adiabatic, and isochoric) play distinct roles.

The temperature of a gas significantly affects the work done on or by it in thermodynamic processes. In ideal gas behaviour, temperature is directly related to the internal energy of the gas. When a gas is heated at constant volume, its internal energy increases, but no work is done as there is no volume change. However, if the gas is allowed to expand (at constant pressure), it does work on the surroundings. The amount of work done depends on the change in volume, which is influenced by the temperature change. Higher temperatures generally lead to greater expansions for a given pressure, resulting in more work done. This relationship is crucial in understanding real-world applications like engines and refrigerators, where temperature changes are fundamental to their operation.

The concept of work in thermodynamics has a specific focus compared to the general physics definition. In general physics, work is defined as a force causing a displacement. It is scalar and can be calculated as the product of force and displacement in the direction of the force. In thermodynamics, however, work is primarily concerned with the energy transfer that occurs due to volume changes in a system, particularly in gases. This definition is more specific and is crucial in understanding energy exchanges in thermodynamic processes. For instance, in a gas, work is done when it expands or is compressed, which involves a change in volume at a constant pressure, aligning with the equation W = pΔV. This thermodynamic perspective is essential for analysing systems like engines or refrigerators, where volume changes are integral to their operation.

Practice Questions

A cylinder contains a gas under a constant pressure of 150 kPa. The gas is slowly compressed, decreasing its volume by 0.04 m³. Calculate the work done on the gas.

The work done on the gas during compression is calculated using the formula W = pΔV. Here, p = 150 kPa and ΔV = -0.04 m³ (negative because the volume decreases). Converting kPa to Pa (1 kPa = 1000 Pa), we get p = 150,000 Pa. Thus, W = 150,000 x (-0.04) = -6000 J. The negative sign indicates that work is done on the gas. The magnitude of the work done on the gas is 6000 J, showing a good understanding of the concept and correct application of the formula.

A certain amount of gas in a piston is expanded at constant pressure, doing 5000 J of work. If the external pressure is 100 kPa, calculate the change in volume of the gas.

To find the change in volume, we rearrange the formula W = pΔV to ΔV = W/p. Given W = 5000 J and p = 100 kPa, which is equivalent to 100,000 Pa (since 1 kPa = 1000 Pa), we calculate ΔV = 5000 / 100,000 = 0.05 m³. This positive value indicates an expansion of the gas. The student's response reflects a thorough comprehension of the work done by a gas and the ability to manipulate the formula correctly to find the volume change.

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