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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

16.1.1 Understanding Internal Energy

Definition of Internal Energy

  • Internal Energy: This is the sum total of all the energies contained within a system. It encompasses the random kinetic and potential energies of all molecules within the system.
    • Kinetic Energy: This form of energy is associated with the motion of molecules. It includes various forms of motion such as translational (movement from one place to another), rotational (spinning around an axis), and vibrational (atoms within a molecule moving relative to each other).
    • Potential Energy: This is the energy due to the position or arrangement of molecules. It's influenced by the forces between molecules, such as electromagnetic forces. In solids, this is primarily due to the position of molecules in a lattice structure, whereas in liquids and gases, it's more about the distance and orientation of molecules relative to each other.
Diagram explaining the role of kinetic and potential energy on Internal Energy

Internal Energy

Image Courtesy Expii

Molecular Interpretation of Internal Energy

  • At a molecular level, internal energy is a reflection of the sum of all energies related to the motion and position of molecules in a system.
    • Translational Energy: In gases, this is the dominant form of kinetic energy, as molecules move freely in all directions. In liquids, this movement is more restricted, and in solids, it's almost negligible.
    • Rotational Energy: Molecules, especially in gases, can spin around their axes, contributing to the internal energy. In liquids, this rotation is limited, while in solids, it's generally restricted to vibrations around fixed positions.
    • Vibrational Energy: This is significant in all states of matter but dominates in solids. Atoms within a molecule vibrate relative to each other, contributing to the internal energy.
Diagram showing different types of movements in articles in different phases

Types of movements in particles different phases

Image Courtesy Expii

Influence of Temperature on Internal Energy

  • The internal energy of a system is closely linked to its temperature. As temperature increases, so does the internal energy, due to an increase in the kinetic energy of the molecules.
    • Temperature and Kinetic Energy: A higher temperature means that molecules are moving faster, indicating higher kinetic energy. This is observable in the change of states; for example, when ice melts, the increased kinetic energy overcomes the forces holding the water molecules in a solid structure.
    • States of Matter: In solids, the increase in temperature primarily increases vibrational energy. In liquids and gases, the increase in temperature significantly boosts both the translational and rotational forms of kinetic energy.

Internal Energy and States of Matter

  • The internal energy varies significantly across different states of matter due to the differing arrangements and movements of molecules.
    • Solids: In solids, molecules are closely packed in a fixed arrangement, usually in a lattice structure. Here, the internal energy is primarily in the form of vibrational energy, as the molecules vibrate in fixed positions.
    • Liquids: Liquids have more space between molecules, allowing for more movement. Thus, the internal energy in liquids is a combination of vibrational, rotational, and some translational energies.
    • Gases: In gases, molecules are far apart and move freely, resulting in high translational and rotational kinetic energies. Therefore, gases typically have the highest internal energy among the three states.

Changes in Internal Energy

  • Internal energy changes when a system undergoes either a physical or chemical change. This change can occur due to heating or doing work.
    • Physical Changes: These include phase changes like melting, boiling, and freezing. During these changes, the internal energy changes due to a shift in the balance between kinetic and potential energies. For instance, during melting, the increase in kinetic energy overcomes the potential energy holding the solid structure.
    • Chemical Changes: In chemical reactions, the breaking and forming of bonds involve changes in potential energy, affecting the internal energy of the substances involved.

Methods of Changing Internal Energy

  • There are two primary ways to change the internal energy of a system: heating and doing work.
    • Heating: Adding heat to a system increases its internal energy by increasing the kinetic energy of its molecules. This is evident in heating processes, where adding heat to water increases its temperature and eventually leads to boiling.
Diagram explaining the change in internal energy when heat is supplied

Change in internal energy with heating

Image Courtesy Chemistry Learner

  • Work: Work can be done on a system or by a system, leading to a change in internal energy. For example, compressing a gas does work on the system, increasing its internal energy.

Measurement and Quantification of Internal Energy

  • Measuring internal energy directly is challenging because it is a sum of various forms of microscopic energies. Therefore, it is often quantified indirectly.
    • Indirect Measurement: By measuring other properties like temperature, pressure, and volume, and applying the principles of thermodynamics, the internal energy of a system can be inferred.

Applications of Internal Energy

  • Understanding internal energy has practical applications in various fields:
    • Engineering: In the design and analysis of engines and refrigeration systems, where heat transfer and work are critical.
    • Meteorology: In weather prediction and climate studies, especially in understanding atmospheric energy and dynamics.
    • Material Science: For understanding the properties of materials under different temperature conditions.

The First Law of Thermodynamics

  • This law, also known as the law of energy conservation, states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant. It establishes a relationship between internal energy, heat, and work.
    • Law of Conservation of Energy: According to this law, energy can neither be created nor destroyed in an isolated system. Energy can only be transformed from one form to another or transferred from one part of the system to another.

In conclusion, understanding internal energy is crucial for students of physics, as it forms the foundation for many other concepts in thermodynamics and beyond. It offers a link between the microscopic world of molecular motion and the macroscopic phenomena we observe, such as temperature changes and phase transitions.


Yes, the internal energy of a system can decrease. This occurs when the system loses energy to its surroundings. There are two primary ways this can happen: through heat loss and through work done by the system on the surroundings. When a system loses heat, the kinetic energy of its molecules decreases, leading to a reduction in internal energy. Similarly, when a system does work on its surroundings, it uses up some of its energy, resulting in a decrease in internal energy. For instance, when a gas expands against an external pressure, it does work on the surroundings, and its internal energy decreases.

In engineering, particularly in the design of engines and other thermodynamic systems, the concept of internal energy is fundamental. For instance, in an internal combustion engine, fuel combustion increases the internal energy of the gases inside the cylinder. This increase in internal energy is then partially converted into work when the high-pressure gas expands, pushing against the piston. Understanding how the internal energy of a gas changes with temperature, pressure, and volume is crucial for optimising engine efficiency and performance. Engineers use the principles of internal energy to calculate the work output, efficiency, and power of engines, and to design systems that maximise energy conversion from fuel to mechanical work.

The internal energy plays a crucial role in phase changes. During a phase change, such as melting or boiling, the internal energy of a substance changes without a change in temperature. For instance, when ice melts, heat is absorbed, increasing the internal energy. This energy is used to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the water molecules in a solid structure, allowing them to move more freely as a liquid. Similarly, during boiling, the internal energy increases as energy is used to break the intermolecular forces completely, turning the liquid into a gas. These changes in internal energy are crucial for phase transitions and occur at constant temperature, showcasing the latent heat of the substance.

For an ideal gas, the internal energy is a function of temperature alone and is independent of volume or pressure. This is because in an ideal gas, the molecules are considered to have perfectly elastic collisions and negligible volume, and there are no intermolecular forces. As a result, the potential energy component of internal energy is effectively zero. Therefore, the internal energy of an ideal gas is purely due to the kinetic energy of its molecules, which is directly related to temperature according to the kinetic theory of gases. Since temperature is the only factor influencing the kinetic energy of the gas molecules, the internal energy of an ideal gas is solely a function of temperature.

In an isolated system, the internal energy remains constant because there is no exchange of energy or matter with the surroundings. This is a direct consequence of the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. Since an isolated system does not allow for energy transfer, the total internal energy – the sum of all kinetic and potential energies of the molecules in the system – remains unchanged. However, within the system, energy can be redistributed among molecules, leading to changes in temperature or phase, but the overall internal energy remains constant, adhering to the principle of energy conservation.

Practice Questions

Explain how the internal energy of 1 kg of water changes as it is heated from 0°C to 100°C and then converted into steam at the same temperature.

The internal energy of the water increases as it is heated from 0°C to 100°C. This is primarily due to the increase in the kinetic energy of the water molecules, as heat energy is absorbed. The kinetic energy increases as the water molecules move more rapidly, causing the temperature to rise. When the water reaches 100°C and begins to convert into steam, the internal energy further increases, not due to a rise in temperature, but because of the significant increase in potential energy as the bonds between water molecules are broken, leading to the phase change from liquid to gas. This process requires a substantial amount of energy, known as latent heat, which significantly increases the internal energy without changing the temperature.

Describe the difference in internal energy between a gas and a liquid at the same temperature and explain why this difference occurs.

At the same temperature, a gas typically has a higher internal energy than a liquid. This is because, in a gas, the molecules are much further apart and move more freely compared to those in a liquid. This results in a higher kinetic energy in the gas, as the molecules have greater translational and rotational motion. In a liquid, although the molecules are in motion, their movements are more restricted due to closer proximity to each other. Additionally, the potential energy in a gas is higher than in a liquid, as the molecules in a gas are less bound to each other compared to those in a liquid. Therefore, the overall internal energy, which is the sum of kinetic and potential energies of the molecules, is greater in a gas at the same temperature.

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