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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

15.3.1 Assumptions of Kinetic Theory

Introduction to Kinetic Theory

At the heart of the Kinetic Theory lies the concept that gases comprise numerous small particles, like molecules or atoms, in constant random motion. This perspective is pivotal in elucidating how gases exhibit their characteristic properties.

Core Assumptions of Kinetic Theory

Particles in Constant, Random Motion

  • The theory posits that particles of a gas are in ceaseless, random motion. This perpetual motion is the mechanism for kinetic energy transfer within the gas.
  • Random motion of particles leads to frequent and random collisions, both among particles and between particles and container walls.
Diagram explaining the properties of gas by kinetic theory

Kinetic theory of gas

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Elastic Collisions

  • A key assumption is that collisions among gas particles or between particles and container walls are perfectly elastic. This means kinetic energy is conserved in these interactions.
  • Elastic collisions are essential in maintaining a stable energy level within the gas, ensuring no net loss or gain in kinetic energy over time.

Negligible Particle Volume

  • The volume of individual gas particles is considered so small as to be negligible compared to the overall volume of the gas. This assumption implies that the space occupied by the particles is far less than the space through which they move.
  • It also leads to the conclusion that inter-particle forces, such as attraction or repulsion, are inconsequential over the distances involved.

No Energy Loss to the Environment

  • Another fundamental assumption is that gas particles do not lose energy to their surroundings. This simplifies the analysis of energy changes and dynamics within the gas.

Uniform Speed Distribution

  • The Kinetic Theory assumes a uniform distribution of particle speeds in a gas, described by the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. This means that while individual speeds vary, there is a predictable pattern to this variation.

Macroscopic Implications of the Assumptions

Pressure Explained

  • Gas pressure arises from the force exerted by particle collisions against container walls. The magnitude of this pressure is directly linked to the frequency and intensity of these collisions.
  • Higher pressure corresponds to more frequent and forceful collisions, reflecting increased particle speeds or density.

Temperature and Kinetic Energy

  • Temperature, in kinetic terms, reflects the average kinetic energy of particles. A higher temperature indicates greater average particle speeds, leading to more energetic and frequent collisions.
  • This perspective explains why temperature affects gas volume and pressure, as seen in the gas laws.
Diagram explaining the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy

Relationship between temperature and kinetic energy

Image Courtesy LibreTexts

In-Depth Analysis of Assumptions

Behavioural Implications for Gases

  • The assumptions explain why gases uniformly fill containers of any shape or size and why gases mix thoroughly in the absence of barriers.
  • They help understand why gases compress and expand with changes in pressure and temperature.

Limitations and Real Gases

  • In real-world scenarios, gases deviate from ideal behaviour, particularly under extreme conditions like high pressure or low temperature. This deviation is due to factors like intermolecular forces and finite particle volumes, not accounted for in the ideal assumptions of kinetic theory.

Practical Applications and Calculations

Mathematical Relationships

  • Kinetic Theory facilitates the derivation of equations relating pressure, volume, and temperature of gases, such as the ideal gas law. These equations are crucial in practical scenarios, from weather forecasting to engineering design.
  • Understanding the theory aids in grasping phenomena like gas diffusion and effusion.


In summary, the kinetic theory of gases offers a foundational understanding of gas behaviour at the molecular level. Its assumptions, while idealised, provide essential insights into the relationship between the microscopic motion of gas particles and the macroscopic properties observed in everyday life. Understanding these principles is crucial for students delving into the depths of physics, providing a framework to explain and predict the behaviour of gases in a variety of contexts.


In the kinetic theory of gases, intermolecular forces are considered negligible because the theory primarily deals with ideal gases, where the particles are far apart relative to their size. In such scenarios, the forces of attraction or repulsion between individual particles are extremely weak compared to the kinetic energy of the particles. This makes the influence of these forces insignificant in determining the behaviour of the gas under normal conditions. The assumption of negligible intermolecular forces simplifies the mathematical modelling of gas behaviour, allowing for the derivation of general laws that describe gas properties under a wide range of conditions.

The kinetic theory assumes that gas particles do not lose energy to their surroundings to simplify the model of gas behaviour. In a perfectly isolated system, energy is conserved, meaning the total kinetic energy of gas particles remains constant unless an external force acts upon the system. By ignoring energy loss, the theory focuses on the intrinsic properties of the gas, independent of external influences. This assumption allows for the derivation of straightforward mathematical relationships between pressure, volume, and temperature, facilitating a clearer understanding of gas behaviour under ideal conditions.

The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in kinetic theory is significant because it provides a statistical model for the distribution of speeds among gas particles. It shows that while speeds of individual particles vary, they follow a predictable pattern where most particles have speeds around a certain value, with fewer particles at extremely high or low speeds. This distribution is crucial for understanding gas properties like pressure and temperature, which depend on the average kinetic energy of particles. The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution allows for the calculation of these averages and provides insights into the behaviour of gases, like diffusion rates, effusion, and reactions at the molecular level.

When a gas is heated at constant volume, the kinetic theory explains the increase in pressure as a consequence of the increased kinetic energy of the gas particles. Heating the gas adds energy to the system, which is manifested as an increase in the average speed of the particles. As these particles move faster, they collide with the walls of their container more frequently and with greater force. This heightened rate and intensity of collisions result in an increase in the pressure exerted by the gas on the container walls. Therefore, the temperature rise, through its effect on particle kinetic energy, directly leads to an increase in pressure, as articulated by the kinetic theory.

Deviations from the kinetic theory assumptions become significant in explaining the behaviour of real gases under extreme conditions, such as high pressures or low temperatures. At high pressures, the assumption that the volume of gas particles is negligible compared to the container's volume is no longer valid. Gas particles occupy a significant portion of the total volume, affecting the gas's compressibility and pressure. Similarly, at low temperatures, intermolecular forces become more pronounced, influencing the gas's behaviour. These forces cause the gas to deviate from ideal behaviour, as predicted by the kinetic theory, leading to phenomena like condensation or deviations from the ideal gas law.

Practice Questions

Explain how the assumption of elastic collisions in the kinetic theory of gases contributes to our understanding of gas pressure and temperature.

The assumption of elastic collisions in the kinetic theory is pivotal in explaining gas pressure and temperature. When gas particles collide elastically with the walls of their container, they transfer momentum without losing kinetic energy. This transfer of momentum to the container walls manifests as gas pressure. Furthermore, the conservation of kinetic energy in these collisions ensures that the average kinetic energy of the particles, which is directly related to the gas's temperature, remains constant unless external energy is added or removed. This explains why the temperature of a gas remains stable under constant conditions and changes in response to energy transfers.

Describe how the kinetic theory of gases accounts for the uniform distribution of particle speeds and its significance.

The kinetic theory of gases accounts for the uniform distribution of particle speeds through the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. This statistical distribution indicates that while individual gas particles have varying speeds, there is a predictable pattern to these speeds. The significance of this uniform distribution is profound. It allows for the calculation of important gas properties, such as pressure and temperature, based on the average kinetic energy of particles. Additionally, it helps in understanding the macroscopic behaviour of gases, such as diffusion rates and rates of effusion, which are dependent on particle speeds. This uniformity in speed distribution is a key factor in predicting and explaining the behaviour of gases under various conditions.

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