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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

15.3.2 Kinetic Theory of Gases: Deriving Pressure and Temperature Relationships

1. Introduction to Kinetic Theory and Molecular Motion

1.1 Assumptions of Kinetic Theory

The Kinetic Theory of Gases rests on several key assumptions which simplify the complex nature of gas molecules. These assumptions are foundational to understanding gas behaviour on a microscopic level:

  • Particles Nature: Gas consists of a large number of tiny particles, each moving randomly.
  • Particle Volume: The volume of individual particles is negligible compared to the container.
  • Elastic Collisions: Collisions between particles, and between particles and container walls, are perfectly elastic.
  • No Forces: There are no intermolecular forces in action, except during collisions.
  • Kinetic Energy and Temperature: The average kinetic energy of particles is directly proportional to the gas's absolute temperature.

1.2 Motion of Particles in a Gas

In a gas, particles are in constant, random motion, colliding with each other and the walls of their container. These movements and collisions underpin the gas properties we observe, like pressure and temperature.

2. Derivation of Pressure-Volume Relationship

2.1 Concept of Pressure in Gases

Pressure in a gas arises from the force exerted by gas particles colliding with the walls of their container. Each collision imparts a minuscule force, but collectively, these forces exert pressure.

Doagram showing how Boyle’s law explain the relationship between pressure and volumen in kinetic theory of gases

Boyle’s law explaining relationship between pressure and volumen in kinetic theory of gases

Image Courtesy Azubuike faith

2.2 Mathematical Derivation

For a detailed understanding, consider a cube-shaped container with side length 'L'. When a gas particle collides with a wall, it reverses its velocity component perpendicular to that wall. The change in momentum for one particle is 2mv (where 'm' is the particle's mass and 'v' its velocity). The force exerted by one particle is the rate of change of its momentum. The total force is the sum of the forces from all particles in the gas.

The pressure (P) exerted on the walls of the container can be expressed as:

P = 1 / 3 (Nm⟨c2⟩)


  • P is the pressure.
  • N is the number of particles.
  • m is the mass of one particle.
  • ⟨c2⟩ is the average of the square of particle velocities.

2.3 Extension to Three Dimensions

In a three-dimensional space, the velocity components (x, y, z) are independent and equally distributed. Thus, the mean square speed ⟨c2⟩ is divided by 3, representing the average speed in one dimension.

3. Application of the Derived Formula

3.1 Solving Problems Involving Pressure and Temperature

This derived formula allows us to connect macroscopic measurements of pressure and temperature with the microscopic behavior of gas particles. It’s a powerful tool in physics and chemistry for predicting and understanding gas behavior under various conditions.

3.2 Example Problems

  • Problem 1: Given the number of molecules, their mass, volume, and temperature of a gas, calculate its pressure using the derived formula.
  • Problem 2: Determine the temperature of a gas when its pressure and volume are known, applying the principles of kinetic theory.

4. Temperature in Terms of Molecular Motion

4.1 Temperature and Molecular Speed

Temperature, in the context of kinetic theory, is a measure of the average kinetic energy of gas particles. A higher temperature indicates faster moving particles.

Graph explaining the relationship between temperature and molecular velocity in kinetic theory of gases

Relationship between temperature and molecular velocity in kinetic theory of gases

Image Courtesy OpenStax

4.2 Calculating Root-Mean-Square Speed

The root-mean-square speed is a critical concept in kinetic theory. It represents the typical speed of gas particles and is crucial for linking the macroscopic property of temperature to microscopic particle velocities.

4.3 Relation to Kinetic Energy

The average kinetic energy of gas molecules is linked to the absolute temperature of the gas. This relationship is key to understanding how temperature variations affect the behavior of gases at a molecular level.

5. Real-World Applications and Implications

5.1 Practical Implications in Science and Technology

Understanding the molecular basis of gas pressure and temperature has wide-ranging applications. From meteorology to engineering, these principles help in designing and operating equipment like engines and turbines, and in predicting weather patterns.

5.2 Challenges and Limitations

While the kinetic theory provides a robust framework, it has its limitations. Real gases often exhibit behavior that deviates from the ideal assumptions, especially at high pressures and low temperatures, where intermolecular forces become significant.

5.3 Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Reality

Advancements in technology and computational methods are helping to refine the kinetic theory, allowing it to account for these deviations. This ongoing research continues to enhance our understanding of gases, opening new frontiers in both theoretical and applied physics.

In conclusion, the Kinetic Theory of Gases forms a crucial part of our understanding of the microscopic foundations of gas behavior. It not only explains the origins of pressure and temperature from a molecular perspective but also serves as a vital tool in solving practical problems related to gases.


Changing the mass of gas particles affects the pressure in a container because pressure is directly related to the mass and velocity of the particles. According to the kinetic theory, pressure is proportional to the product of the number of particles, their mass, and the square of their average velocity. If the mass of the particles increases while keeping the temperature and volume constant, the average velocity decreases (since kinetic energy is proportional to temperature). However, the increase in mass leads to a proportionate increase in momentum transfer during collisions with the container walls, which could result in a higher pressure. The overall effect on pressure would depend on the balance between these factors.

The kinetic theory of gases is primarily designed for gases, where particles move freely and independently. Its application to liquids and solids is limited because these states of matter have significantly different particle arrangements and behaviours. In liquids, particles are closely packed but still move, albeit less freely than in gases. Solids, on the other hand, have particles in fixed positions, merely vibrating around their fixed points. While some principles of the kinetic theory, like the dependence of energy on temperature, are broadly applicable, the theory itself cannot accurately describe the behaviour of liquids and solids due to their intermolecular forces and lack of free particle movement.

The kinetic theory is highly effective in predicting the behaviour of ideal gases, especially under standard temperature and pressure conditions. It provides a good approximation for real gases in many situations, particularly when the gases are not under extreme pressure or temperature. However, its accuracy diminishes under conditions where intermolecular forces and the finite volume of gas particles become significant, such as at very high pressures, low temperatures, or with gases composed of large or polar molecules. Under these conditions, real gases deviate from the ideal behaviour predicted by the kinetic theory, necessitating the use of more complex models to accurately predict their behaviour.

In the kinetic theory of gases, the volume of individual gas particles is considered negligible compared to the volume of the container. This assumption simplifies calculations and is valid for ideal gases under standard conditions. In reality, gas particles do have a finite volume, but their total volume is typically much smaller than the container's volume. This assumption holds well for most gases at normal temperatures and pressures. However, when gases are compressed to high pressures or cooled to low temperatures, particle volume becomes significant, leading to deviations from ideal gas behaviour. In these cases, more complex models that account for particle volume are used.

The kinetic theory explains that at low temperatures, the average kinetic energy of gas particles decreases. This reduction in energy means that the particles move slower. As the temperature approaches absolute zero, the particle motion approaches a minimal point, but never completely stops. However, the theory's assumptions start to break down at very low temperatures, as intermolecular forces become significant. In real gases, these forces cause deviations from ideal behaviour, such as reduced volume and increased pressure compared to what the theory predicts. This divergence highlights the limitations of the kinetic theory in explaining gas behaviour under extreme conditions, such as near absolute zero.

Practice Questions

A container holds a gas at a temperature of 300 K. If the average speed of the gas molecules is found to be 500 m/s, calculate the pressure exerted by the gas on the container walls. Assume the container has a volume of 0.02 m³ and contains 2.5 x 10²³ gas molecules.

Theory formula, P = 1/3 Nm<c²>. First, calculate the mass of one molecule (assuming it's an ideal gas like helium with a relative atomic mass of 4 and using the atomic mass unit, 1 u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg). The mass m of one helium atom is approximately 6.64 x 10-27 kg. Using the given values, P = 1/3 * 2.5 x 1023 * 6.64 x 10-27 * (500)2. Simplifying, we find the pressure P to be about 138.5 Pa. This solution demonstrates a good understanding of the formula and its application to a practical problem.

Explain how the Kinetic Theory of Gases accounts for the increase in pressure when a gas is compressed into a smaller volume at constant temperature.

The Kinetic Theory of Gases posits that gas pressure arises from the collisions of gas molecules with the walls of their container. When a gas is compressed at constant temperature, the number of molecules per unit volume increases. As a result, there are more collisions with the container walls per unit time, leading to an increase in pressure. The temperature remaining constant implies the average kinetic energy of the molecules doesn't change, thus the increase in pressure is solely due to the increased frequency of molecular collisions with the container walls. This explanation showcases an understanding of the relationship between volume, pressure, and particle collisions in gases.

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