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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

13.2.3 Circular Orbits and Gravitation

Introduction to Circular Orbits in Gravitational Fields

Circular orbits represent a key concept in astrophysics, where an object travels around another along a circular trajectory, driven by the gravitational attraction of the latter. This phenomenon is not confined to natural celestial bodies like planets and moons but also extends to man-made satellites orbiting Earth.

Gravitational Force as a Centripetal Force

  • Centripetal Force Defined: Centripetal force is the inward force required to keep an object moving in a circular path. It is directed towards the centre of rotation.
  • Gravitational Force as Centripetal Force: In celestial mechanics, the gravitational attraction between two bodies acts as this centripetal force. It's vital for maintaining the object in its circular orbit.
Diagram showing gravitational force on satellite acting as centripetal force

Gravitational force as centripetal force


Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation in Circular Orbits

  • Newton’s Law Overview: Sir Isaac Newton’s law posits that every point mass attracts every other point mass with a force acting along the line intersecting both points. The formula F = Gm1m2/r^2 quantifies this force.
  • Application in Circular Orbits: This law is essential for calculating the precise gravitational force acting as the centripetal force in circular orbits, critical for understanding the mechanics of satellite orbits and planetary movements.

Mathematical Analysis of Gravitational Force in Circular Orbits

  • Gravitational Force Equation: The force of gravity between two masses in a circular orbit is given by F = Gm1m2/r2, where G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses, and r is the orbital radius.
  • Sample Calculations: For instance, calculating the gravitational force between Earth (mass m1) and a satellite (mass m2) involves substituting these values into the equation.

Gravitational Force and Centripetal Acceleration

  • Centripetal Acceleration Defined: This is the acceleration experienced by an object moving in a circular path, directed towards the centre. It is calculated by ac = v2/r.
  • Gravitational Force as Source of Acceleration: The gravitational pull provides the necessary force to produce this acceleration, leading to the equation Fgravitational = m x ac.

Determining Orbital Speed in Circular Orbits

  • Orbital Speed Formula: The orbital speed v of a body is found using v = sqrt(Gm2/r), where m2 is the central object's mass.
A diagram showing a satellite of mass m orbiting at radius r from the centre of Earth with orbital speed v. The gravitational force supplies the centripetal acceleration.

The orbital speed of a satellite orbiting the earth

Image Courtesy Openstax

  • Importance of Orbital Speed: The correct orbital speed ensures a balance between gravitational pull and the object's inertial motion, crucial for maintaining a stable orbit.

Factors Influencing Circular Orbits

  • Effect of Masses: The masses of both orbiting and central objects play a significant role in the gravitational interaction, directly affecting the orbit.
  • Orbital Radius: The distance between the orbiting bodies significantly influences the gravitational force, with force inversely proportional to the square of the radius.

Real-World Applications and Examples

  • Satellite Orbits: Understanding circular orbits is crucial in satellite deployment, impacting communication, weather forecasting, and space exploration.
  • Planetary Motion: The principles governing circular orbits are key to comprehending the movements of planets and their satellites within our solar system and beyond.

Complexities and Real-World Considerations

  • Non-Uniform Mass Distribution: Real-world scenarios often involve complexities such as non-uniform mass distribution of celestial bodies, which can affect gravitational forces.
  • External Influences: The presence of other celestial bodies and phenomena can alter the simplistic model of circular orbits, introducing perturbations and orbital decay.
  • Relativistic Effects: In high-speed or strong gravitational fields, relativistic effects, as predicted by Einstein's theory of General Relativity, become significant.


Understanding circular orbits and their relation to gravitational forces is not only academically intriguing but also fundamentally essential for practical applications. This knowledge is pivotal in satellite technology, space exploration, and the broader field of astrophysics. It underpins much of our modern understanding of celestial mechanics, playing a crucial role in advancements in space science.

In conclusion, the study of circular orbits and gravitation provides a rich insight into the forces governing the motion of celestial bodies. This understanding extends beyond theoretical physics, offering essential knowledge for practical applications in space technology and beyond. As we continue to explore and understand our universe, the principles governing these orbits will remain a cornerstone of astronomical science.


Gravitational field strength and gravitational potential energy both vary with altitude in circular orbits. Gravitational field strength, which is a measure of the force exerted per unit mass, decreases with increasing altitude. This is because gravitational field strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the centre of the Earth. On the other hand, gravitational potential energy, which is the energy a body possesses due to its position in a gravitational field, increases with altitude. This is because gravitational potential energy is directly proportional to the distance from the centre of the Earth. Thus, as a satellite moves higher, it experiences a weaker gravitational pull but has higher potential energy.

Geostationary satellites always orbit at the same altitude because this specific altitude allows them to have an orbital period that matches the Earth's rotation period of 24 hours. This altitude is determined by the requirement for the satellite to maintain a constant position relative to the Earth's surface, which is essential for applications like communication and weather monitoring. The altitude is calculated so that the gravitational force provides the necessary centripetal force for an orbital period equal to the Earth's rotational period. Typically, this altitude is approximately 35,786 kilometres above the Earth's surface, where the satellite's orbital speed synchronizes with the Earth's rotation.

The stability of a satellite's orbit is determined by several factors:

1. Orbital Speed and Altitude: The satellite must have the correct orbital speed for its altitude to maintain a stable orbit. If the speed is too high, the satellite may escape Earth's gravity; if too low, it may be pulled into the atmosphere.

2. Mass Distribution: The Earth’s non-uniform mass distribution can affect the satellite's orbit, causing gradual changes over time.

3. External Forces: Factors such as gravitational influences from other celestial bodies, solar radiation pressure, and atmospheric drag at lower altitudes can impact orbit stability.

4. Relativistic Effects: For extremely high-speed satellites or those near massive bodies, general relativity can play a role in orbit stability.

Yes, a satellite can have a non-circular orbit, such as an elliptical orbit. In these orbits, the distance between the satellite and the Earth changes, affecting the gravitational force experienced by the satellite. According to Newton's law of gravitation, the force between two masses is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Therefore, in an elliptical orbit, the gravitational force is stronger when the satellite is closer to Earth (periapsis) and weaker when it is farther away (apoapsis). This varying force results in varying orbital speeds, with the satellite moving faster at periapsis and slower at apoapsis.

The altitude of a satellite's orbit significantly impacts its orbital speed and period. As altitude increases, the gravitational force exerted on the satellite decreases due to the inverse-square law of gravitation (force decreases with the square of the distance). Consequently, at higher altitudes, a satellite needs a lower speed to balance the gravitational pull. This results in a decrease in orbital speed as altitude increases. Additionally, a higher orbit means a longer path to cover, leading to a longer orbital period. Therefore, satellites at higher altitudes orbit Earth more slowly and take longer to complete one orbit compared to those closer to Earth.

Practice Questions

A satellite orbits the Earth in a circular orbit of radius 36,000 km. If the mass of the Earth is 5.97 x 10^24 kg, calculate the speed of the satellite. (Gravitational constant G = 6.67 x 10^-11 Nm^2/kg^2).

The speed of a satellite in a circular orbit can be calculated using the formula v = sqrt(Gm2/r), where G is the gravitational constant, m2 is the mass of the Earth, and r is the radius of the orbit. Substituting the given values, we get v = sqrt((6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2) * (5.97 x 1024 kg) / (36,000 x 103 m)). This calculation yields a speed of approximately 3076 m/s. This result demonstrates the application of Newton's law of gravitation and centripetal force in determining the speed of an orbiting satellite.

Explain why the gravitational force acting on a satellite in a circular orbit acts as the centripetal force. Include the role of gravitational force and centripetal acceleration in your answer.

In a circular orbit, the gravitational force between the satellite and the Earth acts as the centripetal force. This force is necessary to keep the satellite moving in its circular path and is directed towards the centre of the Earth. The gravitational force provides the constant inward pull required to change the direction of the satellite’s velocity, without altering its speed. This results in centripetal acceleration, defined as the acceleration of an object moving in a circular path and directed towards the centre of the circle. Hence, the gravitational force ensures the satellite’s stable orbit by being the source of the required centripetal acceleration.

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