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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

1.3.2 Precision vs. Accuracy

Definitions of Precision and Accuracy


  • Definition: Precision refers to the repeatability of measurements under unchanged conditions. It is an indication of the consistency or reproducibility of results.
  • Characteristics:
    • Consistency and Reproducibility: Precision is about obtaining similar results under the same experimental conditions.
    • Independent of True Value: Precision does not necessarily mean that the measurements are close to the true or accepted value. It's possible to have precise but inaccurate results.


  • Definition: Accuracy is the degree to which a measurement aligns with the true or accepted value. It reflects how close a measurement is to the actual value.
  • Characteristics:
    • Closeness to True Value: Accuracy is about the measurement's proximity to the true or accepted value.
    • Distinct from Precision: A measurement can be accurate but not precise, and vice versa.

Comparison between High Precision and High Accuracy

  • High Precision without High Accuracy: This scenario occurs when measurements are consistent (precise) but systematically deviate from the true value due to systematic errors.
  • High Accuracy without High Precision: This situation arises when measurements, on average, are close to the true value (accurate) but show a lot of variability (low precision), often due to random errors.
  • Ideal Measurement Scenario: The aim in experimental physics is to achieve both high precision and high accuracy, ensuring that measurements are both consistent and close to the true value.
Diagram explaining the comparison between high accuracy and high precision

Image Courtesy Lumen Learning

Importance in Experimental Physics

  • Reliability of Experimental Results: Precision and accuracy are essential for the reliability and credibility of experimental findings.
  • Foundation for Scientific Theories: Accurate and precise measurements are crucial for developing and testing scientific theories.
  • Advancements in Physics: Progress in physics often hinges on the ability to make precise and accurate measurements, leading to new discoveries and technological advancements.

Methods to Improve Precision and Accuracy

Improving Precision

  • Consistent Experimental Conditions: Ensuring that all measurements are taken under the same conditions to reduce variability.
  • Regular Calibration of Instruments: Instruments should be regularly calibrated against known standards to maintain their precision.
  • Minimising Environmental Variations: Controlling environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and pressure can affect the consistency of measurements.

Improving Accuracy

  • Calibration with Accurate Standards: Using highly accurate standard references to calibrate instruments ensures that measurements are close to the true value.
  • Identification and Correction of Systematic Errors: Systematic errors must be identified and corrected to improve the accuracy of measurements.
  • Cross-Verification with Different Methods: Using different methods or instruments to measure the same quantity can help verify the accuracy of results.

Balancing Precision and Accuracy

  • Comprehensive Approach: Employing a combination of methods to simultaneously enhance precision and accuracy is crucial.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Regular assessment and adjustment of methodologies and instruments are necessary to maintain high levels of precision and accuracy.

Practical Examples and Applications

  • Case Study in Astronomy: Precision and accuracy are vital in astronomical observations. For instance, measuring the distance to a star requires highly precise instruments. Even small errors in precision or accuracy can lead to significant miscalculations in astronomical distances.
  • Application in Particle Physics: In particle physics experiments, like those conducted in particle accelerators, precision and accuracy in measuring particle properties (such as mass and speed) are crucial for verifying theoretical models.


Human error can significantly impact both the precision and accuracy of measurements. This includes misreading instruments, recording errors, and inconsistent experimental techniques. To minimise human error, it's essential to use precise instruments, ensure proper training in measurement techniques, and implement double-checking procedures. Automated data collection can also reduce human error. Consistent methodology is key for precision, while cross-checking results with known standards or independent measurements can help ensure accuracy. Regular practice and maintaining a high level of attention to detail during experiments are also crucial in minimising the impact of human error.

Yes, a measurement can be highly precise but highly inaccurate. This occurs when measurements are consistently close to each other (high precision) but far from the true value (high inaccuracy). For example, if a thermometer is consistently reading 2 degrees higher than the actual temperature due to a calibration error, the readings might be very close to each other (precise) but not close to the true temperature (inaccurate). This scenario typically arises due to systematic errors in the measurement process or equipment, where the error is consistent across all measurements.

Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, and electromagnetic interference can significantly influence both the precision and accuracy of an experiment. For instance, temperature fluctuations can cause materials to expand or contract, affecting measurements in experiments involving physical dimensions. Humidity can affect the balance in weight measurements. Air pressure changes can influence experiments involving gas laws. To mitigate these effects, experiments should be conducted in controlled environments where possible, and environmental conditions should be monitored and recorded. The calibration of instruments should also consider these environmental factors to ensure accurate measurements.

Statistical analysis plays a crucial role in assessing both precision and accuracy in physics experiments. It provides a quantitative method to evaluate the consistency (precision) and reliability (accuracy) of measurements. Techniques like calculating the mean, standard deviation, and error margins help in understanding the spread and central tendency of data, indicating precision. Comparing experimental results with theoretical values or known standards using statistical tests can assess accuracy. Statistical analysis also helps in identifying outliers and understanding the significance of results, thereby guiding decisions on the validity of experimental methods and the need for further investigation or adjustment.

Systematic errors are discrepancies that consistently occur in the same direction every time a measurement is made, significantly affecting the accuracy of an experiment. These errors result in measurements that consistently deviate from the true value, leading to inaccurate results. Common sources include faulty equipment, incorrect calibration, and environmental factors. For example, if a scale is improperly zeroed, it will consistently give readings that are either too high or too low. Identifying and correcting systematic errors is crucial for improving accuracy, which involves regularly calibrating equipment and rigorously testing and adjusting experimental setups.

Practice Questions

In an experiment to measure the speed of sound, a student recorded the time taken for sound to travel a known distance multiple times. The results were as follows: 2.45 s, 2.48 s, 2.47 s, 2.46 s, and 2.47 s. Discuss the precision and accuracy of these measurements.

The measurements are highly precise as they are very close to each other, showing minimal variation. Precision is indicated by the consistency of the results, and the small range of 0.03 s between the measurements demonstrates this. However, without knowing the true or accepted value for the time taken for sound to travel the measured distance, we cannot comment on the accuracy of these measurements. Accuracy refers to how close these measurements are to the true value, which is not provided in this scenario. Therefore, while the student's method is precise, the accuracy remains undetermined.

A student measures the length of a metal rod three times and obtains the following readings: 20.1 cm, 20.3 cm, and 20.2 cm. The known standard length of the rod is 20.0 cm. Evaluate the precision and accuracy of the student's measurements.

The student's measurements are precise, as indicated by the small range of 0.2 cm between the readings. This consistency in the results demonstrates good precision. However, the measurements are not accurate. Accuracy is determined by how close the measurements are to the true or accepted value, which in this case is 20.0 cm. All the student's measurements are slightly above the true value, indicating a systematic error in the measurement process or the instrument used. Therefore, while the measurements are precise, they lack accuracy due to their consistent deviation from the true value.

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