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CIE A-Level Computer Science Notes

10.4.4 Implementing ADTs with Arrays

Abstract Data Types (ADTs) are vital in computer science, as they provide a conceptual model for data storage and manipulation. In this segment, we focus on implementing ADTs such as stacks, queues, and linked lists using arrays. This approach will be compared to pointer-based implementations, with a special emphasis on linked lists.

Array-Based Implementations

Arrays store data in contiguous memory locations, offering a straightforward approach for implementing ADTs. This section highlights how arrays are utilised to build ADTs, examining the benefits and constraints of this method.

Key Characteristics of Arrays

  • Fixed Size: The size of an array is defined at the time of creation, determining the maximum capacity of the ADT.
  • Contiguous Memory Allocation: Elements in an array are stored in consecutive memory locations, facilitating efficient data access but leading to potential issues with memory allocation and waste.

Implementing Stack Using Array

A stack is an ADT that operates on the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. The most recently added element is the first to be removed.

Stack Operations and Implementation

  • Push Operation: Adds an element to the top of the stack.
    • Check if the stack is full to prevent overflow.
    • Increment the top pointer to move to the next position.
    • Insert the new element at this position.
  • Pop Operation: Removes the top element from the stack.
    • Ensure the stack isn't empty to avoid underflow.
    • Retrieve the element at the top.
    • Decrement the top pointer to remove the element.
  • Peek Operation: Returns the top element without removing it from the stack.

Implications of Using Arrays for Stacks

  • Fixed Maximum Capacity: Restricts the stack to a predetermined number of elements.
  • Operational Efficiency: Provides constant time complexity (O(1)) for push and pop operations, due to direct access to elements.

Implementing Queue Using Array

A queue operates on the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle, where the first element added is the first to be removed.

Queue Operations and Implementation

  • Enqueue Operation: Adds an element to the rear of the queue.
    • Check for queue overflow.
    • Add the element at the rear position.
    • Update the rear pointer.
  • Dequeue Operation: Removes an element from the front.
    • Ensure the queue is not empty to prevent underflow.
    • Retrieve the front element.
    • Move the front pointer to the next position.

Implications of Using Arrays for Queues

  • Fixed Size and Overflow: Limits the number of elements that can be enqueued.
  • Circular Queue Implementation: To utilise the array space effectively, a circular queue can be implemented, where the rear of the queue wraps back to the front upon reaching the array's end.

Implementing Linked Lists Using Array

Linked lists consist of nodes, each containing data and a reference to the next node.

Linked List Operations and Implementation

  • Insertion: Adding a new element at a specific position requires shifting subsequent elements.
  • Deletion: Removing an element involves shifting elements to fill the gap.
  • Traversal: Accessing each element sequentially, starting from the first element.

Array-Based vs Pointer-Based Linked Lists

  • Memory Allocation: Arrays require a contiguous block of memory, while pointer-based lists offer more flexibility.
  • Efficiency in Operations: Array-based implementations can be less efficient for insertion and deletion due to shifting elements.
  • Limitations: The number of nodes in an array-based linked list is capped by the array size.

Comparing Array-Based and Pointer-Based Implementations

Advantages and Disadvantages of Array-Based Implementation

  • Pros: Simplified implementation, direct element access, and operational efficiency for fixed-size structures.
  • Cons: Inflexibility in size, inefficient resizing processes, and potential memory inefficiency.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pointer-Based Implementation

  • Pros: Dynamic resizing capabilities, efficient memory usage, and more straightforward insertions and deletions.
  • Cons: Extra memory needed for storing pointers and potentially slower access times due to indirect element access.


Handling overflow and underflow in array-based ADTs is crucial to ensure robust and error-free operation. Overflow occurs when an attempt is made to add an element to a full ADT, like pushing onto a full stack or enqueuing in a full queue. Underflow happens when trying to remove an element from an empty ADT, such as popping from an empty stack or dequeuing from an empty queue. Strategies to handle these situations include:

  • Overflow Handling:
    • Preventive Checking: Before adding an element, check if there is available space. This approach prevents the error but requires careful management of indices.
    • Dynamic Resizing: For ADTs like stacks, dynamically resizing the array (allocating a larger array and copying existing elements) can be used to handle overflow.
    • Exception Handling: Throw an exception or error message when an overflow is attempted, alerting the user or system to the problem.
  • Underflow Handling:
    • Preventive Checking: Similar to overflow, check if the ADT contains any elements before performing a removal operation.
    • Error or Exception Handling: Provide a clear error message or exception when underflow is attempted, ensuring that the system doesn't crash or behave unpredictably.

These strategies are important as they prevent data corruption and system crashes. They ensure the integrity of the ADT and maintain the consistency of the data structure, which is crucial for applications that rely on accurate and reliable data storage and retrieval.

A circular queue differs from a regular queue in its approach to utilising the array space. In a regular queue implemented with an array, once the rear pointer reaches the end of the array, no more elements can be enqueued even if there is space at the front of the array. This leads to inefficient use of space. A circular queue addresses this issue by treating the array as if it wraps around itself, forming a circle.

In a circular queue, when the rear pointer reaches the end of the array and there is still space at the front, it wraps around to the beginning of the array. This is achieved by using modular arithmetic for the indices (i.e., using the remainder operation when incrementing the rear or front pointers). The benefit of this approach is the efficient utilisation of the array space, as it avoids the scenario where the queue reports as full despite having unused spaces at the front. This makes circular queues particularly useful in applications where constant memory use is essential, and the overhead of resizing an array (as in a dynamic array implementation) is undesirable.

An array-based implementation of a linked list might be preferred over a pointer-based one in scenarios where memory allocation patterns and performance are critical concerns. For example, in systems with limited memory or where memory fragmentation is an issue, an array-based implementation can be beneficial as it allocates memory in a contiguous block. This can lead to more predictable memory usage and can be more efficient in systems where memory allocation and deallocation are costly operations.

Additionally, array-based implementations may offer better performance in terms of data access times. Since arrays store elements in contiguous memory locations, they can leverage CPU caching more effectively. This is particularly advantageous in applications where the list is accessed frequently and sequentially, as the locality of reference enhances cache performance.

However, it is essential to note that these benefits come with trade-offs. An array-based linked list is less flexible in terms of dynamic resizing and can be less efficient for operations that involve frequent insertions and deletions, especially in the middle of the list. Therefore, the choice between array-based and pointer-based implementations should be based on a careful consideration of the specific requirements and constraints of the application at hand.

The choice of array size directly affects the implementation of ADTs like stacks, queues, and linked lists. A key consideration is the trade-off between memory usage and the need for resizing. Choosing a very large array size upfront can lead to memory wastage, especially if the ADT utilises only a small fraction of the allocated space. Conversely, a small array size might lead to frequent resizing, which is an expensive operation both in terms of time and computational resources. Best practices for determining array size include:

  • Estimate Usage: Analyse the expected usage pattern of the ADT. If the maximum number of elements that will be stored is known or can be estimated with reasonable accuracy, the array size should be set accordingly.
  • Growth Factor: Implement a dynamic resizing strategy where the array size grows by a certain factor (commonly 2x) when the current capacity is reached. This approach balances the need for additional space with the cost of resizing.
  • Consider Memory Constraints: In environments with limited memory, it's crucial to carefully consider the array size to avoid excessive memory consumption.
  • Application-Specific Needs: In some cases, the nature of the application might dictate array size. For instance, in real-time systems or applications with stringent performance requirements, it might be preferable to allocate more memory initially to avoid the overhead of resizing.

Resizing an array when implementing ADTs like stacks or queues presents significant challenges due to the static nature of arrays. In languages like C, an array's size must be declared at compile time and cannot be changed dynamically. This limitation means that if a stack or queue exceeds its capacity, it cannot simply grow to accommodate more elements. To address this, one common strategy is to create a new, larger array and copy the contents of the original array into it. This process, known as array resizing, involves several steps: (1) Detecting when the array has reached its capacity, (2) Allocating a new array with greater capacity, often double the size of the original to reduce the frequency of resizing, (3) Copying the elements from the old array to the new one, and (4) Releasing the memory occupied by the old array to prevent memory leaks. This resizing operation is costly in terms of time and resources, as it requires O(n) time complexity for copying elements, and temporarily doubles the memory requirement during the copying process.

Practice Questions

Describe how a queue can be implemented using an array. Discuss the implications of using an array for this implementation, particularly focusing on the aspect of fixed size and how it can be managed effectively.

A queue implemented using an array involves managing two pointers - the front and rear. The rear pointer is incremented when a new element is enqueued, while the front pointer is incremented during dequeue operations. One significant implication of using an array is its fixed size, which limits the maximum number of elements in the queue. This can lead to queue overflow if not managed properly. To effectively manage this, a circular queue can be used where the rear of the queue wraps around to the front, thus utilising the array space more efficiently and preventing overflow. This approach ensures a more dynamic and flexible use of the fixed array size.

Compare and contrast the array-based and pointer-based implementations of a linked list. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach in terms of memory allocation, efficiency in operations, and limitations.

In an array-based implementation of a linked list, elements are stored in contiguous memory locations, leading to efficient access but limited flexibility due to the fixed size of arrays. This implementation is less efficient for operations like insertion and deletion, as these require shifting elements. However, its direct element access is a notable advantage. In contrast, a pointer-based implementation allows dynamic memory allocation, which means the list can grow or shrink as needed. This flexibility comes at the cost of additional memory for pointers and potentially slower access times. The pointer-based approach is more efficient for insertion and deletion operations since it does not require shifting elements, only reassigning pointers. Each implementation has its unique advantages and is suitable for different scenarios depending on the specific requirements of the task at hand.

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