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CIE A-Level Computer Science Notes

10.4.2 Common ADTs: Stack, Queue, Linked List

In the realm of computer science, especially at the A-Level, it’s crucial to understand the concept of Abstract Data Types (ADTs). This section focuses on three significant ADTs: Stacks, Queues, and Linked Lists. Each ADT has unique properties and operations which make them suitable for various computing tasks.

Understanding Abstract Data Types (ADT)

What are ADTs?

Abstract Data Types are theoretical models that define how data can be stored and what operations can be performed on that data. They focus on what needs to be done, rather than how it should be done, allowing for a range of implementations.

Importance of ADTs

ADTs are essential in software development for efficient data management. They allow for designing flexible and scalable systems, as they separate the 'what' from the 'how', enabling developers to focus on functionality rather than implementation specifics


Definition and Characteristics

  • LIFO Structure: A stack operates on a Last-In-First-Out basis, meaning the most recently added element is the first to be removed.
  • Operations:
    • Push: Adds an element to the top.
    • Pop: Removes the element from the top.
    • Peek: Retrieves the top element without removing it.
  • Capacity: Some stack implementations have a maximum capacity, which requires careful management to avoid stack overflow.

Use Cases for Stacks

  • Undo Mechanisms: Widely used in software like text editors, stacks track the history of actions, allowing users to revert actions in their reverse order.
  • Function Calls: In programming, function calls are managed using stacks. Each call pushes a frame onto the stack, storing return addresses and parameters.


Definition and Characteristics

  • FIFO Structure: A queue adheres to a First-In-First-Out methodology, where the first element added is the first to be removed.
  • Operations:
    • Enqueue: Appends an element at the end.
    • Dequeue: Removes an element from the front.
    • Front: Shows the front element without removing it.
  • Circular Queues: A variation where the last position is connected back to the first, optimizing memory usage.

Use Cases for Queues

  • Process Scheduling: In operating systems, queues are used to manage processes, scheduling them in the order they're received.
  • Asynchronous Data Transfer: Queues buffer data in telecommunications for smooth transfer, maintaining the sequence of data packets.

Linked List

Definition and Characteristics

  • Dynamic Structure: Comprises elements, called nodes, each pointing to the next node. They offer flexibility as they do not require contiguous memory allocation.
  • Types:
    • Singly Linked Lists: Each node points to the next node.
    • Doubly Linked Lists: Nodes point to both the next and previous nodes.
  • Operations:
    • Insertion: Adds an element to the list.
    • Deletion: Removes an element.
    • Traversal: Accesses each element sequentially.

Use Cases for Linked Lists

  • Dynamic Data Management: Ideal for applications with variable data sizes, like dynamic memory allocation.
  • Implementation Base for Other ADTs: Provides a basis for building other ADTs like stacks and queues with more flexibility.

Comparing ADTs

Stack vs. Queue

  • Order of Access: Stacks use a reverse order (LIFO) access, ideal for situations like navigating a browser history, while queues follow a sequential order (FIFO), perfect for tasks like print queue management.

Queue vs. Linked List

  • Memory Usage: Queues often use static memory allocation (fixed size), while linked lists are dynamic, adjusting size as needed.
  • Access Time: Queues provide quicker access for front and rear operations, whereas linked lists require traversal for access.

Stack vs. Linked List

  • Efficiency: Using linked lists for stacks allows for dynamic resizing and improved memory usage, though at the cost of increased complexity in managing node pointers.

Choosing the Right ADT

Considerations for Selection

  • Size and Scalability: Linked lists are preferable when dealing with dynamic and large datasets.
  • Memory Constraints: Stacks and queues using arrays need contiguous memory blocks, which might be a constraint.
  • Operation Specifics: Stacks and queues offer faster specific operations (like push/pop for stacks), whereas linked lists are more versatile but generally slower.

Decision-Making for ADTs

The choice between stacks, queues, and linked lists depends on the specific task requirements. Factors like data size, processing speed, and memory availability guide the selection process.


Using arrays to implement ADTs like stacks and queues comes with specific limitations, primarily related to size and memory allocation. Arrays are fixed in size; once declared, their size cannot be changed dynamically. This limitation means that the size of the stack or queue must be known in advance and cannot grow beyond this predefined limit, leading to potential stack overflow or queue overflow issues.

Moreover, arrays require contiguous memory allocation. In scenarios where large arrays are needed, finding a sufficiently large contiguous memory block can be challenging, especially in systems with fragmented memory. This limitation can make array-based implementations less suitable for applications that require dynamic or large data structures.

Lastly, operations like insertion and deletion in the middle of the array are inefficient, as they require shifting elements to maintain order, leading to increased time complexity. This inefficiency makes arrays less ideal for ADTs where such operations are common.

A doubly linked list is preferred over a singly linked list in scenarios where bidirectional traversal is required. In a doubly linked list, each node has two pointers, one pointing to the next node and the other to the previous node. This structure allows for easy movement in both directions, which is particularly useful in applications like navigational systems, image viewers, or music players where users might need to go forward or backward through a list of items.

Additionally, doubly linked lists simplify certain operations, such as deletion of a node. In a singly linked list, deleting a node requires traversal from the head to find the previous node, whereas in a doubly linked list, the previous node is immediately accessible. This makes operations like deletion more efficient in certain contexts. However, the added flexibility comes at the cost of increased memory usage due to the extra pointer in each node.

Yes, queues can be implemented using two stacks. This approach leverages the LIFO nature of stacks to achieve the FIFO behaviour of queues. The method involves two stacks: one for enqueue operations (stack1) and the other for dequeue operations (stack2). When enqueueing an element, it is simply pushed onto stack1. For dequeueing, if stack2 is empty, all elements from stack1 are popped and pushed into stack2, reversing their order. The top element of stack2, which corresponds to the front of the queue, is then popped. This method efficiently mimics queue operations using stacks, although it may not be as efficient as direct queue implementations due to the additional stack-to-stack transfer.

The implementation of a stack using an array and a linked list differs primarily in memory allocation and data management. In an array-based stack, the size is fixed at the time of creation, meaning the stack can only hold a predefined number of elements. This requires careful handling of stack overflow scenarios. Array stacks offer faster access times for push and pop operations due to direct indexing, but resizing them is costly in terms of performance and memory.

Conversely, a linked list-based stack does not have a predefined size, allowing for dynamic resizing. Each element (node) in the stack contains the data and a reference to the next element. This setup eliminates the risk of stack overflow and makes the stack more flexible. However, it may be less memory-efficient due to the additional storage required for pointers in each node. Additionally, operations on a linked list stack might be slower compared to an array stack, as it involves pointer traversal.

The choice of an Abstract Data Type (ADT) significantly affects the algorithm complexity in a program, particularly in terms of time and space complexity. Different ADTs offer different efficiencies for various operations, which can impact the overall performance of an algorithm.

For instance, a stack allows for constant time complexity (O(1)) for push and pop operations but does not offer efficient access or search operations, as it requires O(n) time to search for an element. Similarly, queues provide efficient enqueue and dequeue operations but are not suitable for random access.

Linked lists offer more flexibility with dynamic size and ease of insertion and deletion. However, accessing elements in a linked list is generally slower (O(n) in the worst case) compared to an array (O(1) for direct indexing). In algorithms where frequent access to random elements is required, this can significantly increase the time complexity.

Therefore, choosing the right ADT is crucial for optimizing the performance of an algorithm. It involves balancing between the different operation efficiencies that each ADT offers, considering the specific requirements and constraints of the program.

Practice Questions

In a scenario where you are developing a real-time messaging application, would you choose a stack, a queue, or a linked list to store the incoming messages? Justify your choice with two reasons.

In a real-time messaging application, a queue would be the most appropriate choice. Firstly, a queue operates on a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis, which ensures that messages are read in the order they were sent, maintaining the natural flow of conversation. Secondly, queues are efficient for scenarios requiring regular addition and removal of elements, as in messaging apps where messages are continuously sent and received. This structure allows for dynamic and timely processing of messages, crucial for real-time communication.

Explain how a stack could be used in a web browser to manage the user's browsing history. Describe two key operations that would be performed on the stack in this context.

A stack would be ideal for managing a web browser's history due to its Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) nature. When a user visits a new webpage, the URL is 'pushed' onto the stack, adding it to the top. This operation records each site visited in reverse chronological order. When the user clicks the 'back' button, the 'pop' operation is performed, removing the most recently visited site from the stack and thus navigating the user back to the previous page. This stack mechanism efficiently manages browsing history, allowing users to retrace their steps in the exact reverse order of navigation.

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