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CIE A-Level Computer Science Notes

10.4.3 Using ADTs for Data Storage

Abstract Data Types (ADTs) are fundamental in computer science, offering structured methods to store and manipulate data. This section explores the use of stacks, queues, and linked lists, detailing how they are used for data storage, including their operations, modification processes, and practical applications.

Understanding Stacks in Data Storage

Concept and Operations

A stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure where the last element added is the first to be removed. This structure is akin to a stack of plates, where only the topmost plate is accessible.

Key Operations:

  • Push: Adds an item to the top of the stack.
  • Pop: Removes the top item from the stack.
  • Peek: Returns the top item without removing it, allowing a view of the last added element.

Scenarios for Using Stacks

Stacks are particularly useful in scenarios requiring reverse order processing.

  • Undo Mechanisms: In text editors or graphic design software, stacks manage the history of actions, allowing users to revert to previous states.
  • Function Calls: Programming languages use stacks to store return addresses during function calls, enabling the return to the correct point after a function completes.

Utilising Queues in Data Storage

Basic Principles

A queue operates on a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis, analogous to a queue of people; the first person in line is the first to be served.

Primary Operations:

  • Enqueue: Adds an item to the rear of the queue.
  • Dequeue: Removes an item from the front of the queue.
  • Front: Provides access to the front item without removing it.

Effective Applications of Queues

Queues are ideal for scenarios where order needs to be preserved.

  • Order Processing: In e-commerce systems, queues manage the sequence of customer orders, ensuring they are processed in the order received.
  • Task Scheduling: Operating systems use queues for scheduling tasks, managing processes in an orderly fashion.

Linked Lists for Flexible Data Management

Understanding Linked Lists

Linked lists consist of nodes that contain data and a reference (or pointer) to the next node in the sequence. They offer greater flexibility than arrays for certain operations.


  • Singly Linked Lists: Each node points only to the next node.
  • Doubly Linked Lists: Nodes have references to both their previous and next nodes, allowing bidirectional traversal.

Operations in Linked Lists

  • Adding Items: New nodes can be inserted at the beginning, middle, or end.
  • Editing Items: The value within nodes can be changed without affecting the list's structure.
  • Deleting Items: Nodes can be removed, with the list readjusting its pointers.

Usage Scenarios for Linked Lists

  • Dynamic Memory Allocation: Useful in scenarios where the amount of data is not known in advance.
  • Image Viewer Applications: Allow users to navigate through images without predefined limits on the number of images.

Modifying Data in ADTs

Adding Data

  • Stacks: Pushing new elements onto the stack.
  • Queues: Enqueuing elements at the end.
  • Linked Lists: Inserting nodes at specific points.

Editing Data

  • Stacks and Queues: These structures primarily allow access to the top/front element, making them less suitable for editing.
  • Linked Lists: Provide the ability to directly access and edit any node.

Deleting Data

  • Stacks: Popping elements from the top.
  • Queues: Dequeueing elements from the front.
  • Linked Lists: Nodes can be deleted from any position, with the list reconfiguring its pointers accordingly.

Comparing ADTs for Data Storage

Stacks vs Queues

Stacks are best suited for scenarios requiring access in reverse order, while queues maintain the original order of elements.

Linked Lists vs Linear Structures

Linked lists offer more flexibility compared to linear data structures like arrays, especially in terms of memory allocation and ease of inserting or deleting elements.

Selecting the Right ADT for a Task

Criteria for Selection

  • Size of the Data Set: Stacks or queues are efficient for small, fixed-size data sets.
  • Flexibility Required: For dynamic and variable-size data, linked lists are preferable.
  • Access Patterns: Choose stacks for LIFO, queues for FIFO, and linked lists for non-linear data access.

Implementing ADTs in Programming

Practical Examples

  • Stacks: Utilised in backtracking algorithms, such as those used in maze-solving or puzzle games.
  • Queues: Ideal for managing print jobs in a printer queue, ensuring documents are printed in the order submitted.
  • Linked Lists: Efficient for creating music playlists or photo albums, allowing for easy addition and removal of songs or images without reallocating the entire structure.


Doubly linked lists enhance data management capabilities in several ways compared to singly linked lists. The primary difference is that each node in a doubly linked list contains two pointers, one pointing to the next node and another to the previous node. This bidirectional traversal ability allows for more flexibility in operations like insertion and deletion. For example, in a doubly linked list, nodes can be easily inserted or deleted from both ends and the middle of the list without the need to traverse the entire list, as is necessary in singly linked lists. This makes operations more efficient, particularly in large datasets. Furthermore, this structure is beneficial in applications that require backward navigation, such as in a web browser's history where users can go back and forth between pages. However, the added flexibility comes at the cost of additional memory for the extra pointer in each node and slightly more complex implementation.

A circular queue, where the last position is connected back to the first, can be more efficient than a linear queue in scenarios where a constant number of elements are repeatedly processed and the queue's maximum size is fixed and known. This structure is especially useful in buffering applications, such as streaming data or managing resources in a round-robin fashion. For instance, in multimedia applications, a circular buffer can be used to store streaming data, where old data is overwritten by new data in a cyclic manner. This ensures a continuous flow without the need for frequent memory reallocation or the overhead of shifting elements, as required in a linear queue. Moreover, in situations like CPU scheduling in operating systems, a circular queue can efficiently manage processes, allowing for a simple, repeatable process rotation without the complexity of managing the queue's start and end points, which is a common challenge in linear queues.

Yes, a stack can be implemented using a linked list, and this approach offers several advantages. In a linked list-based stack, each new element becomes the head node of the list, and the push and pop operations involve adding or removing the head node, respectively. This method provides dynamic memory allocation, meaning the stack can grow or shrink according to the number of elements, without the need for specifying a maximum size as in array-based stacks. This flexibility is particularly beneficial in applications where the size of the stack cannot be predetermined. Additionally, since each node in a linked list is independently allocated in memory, there is less concern about large contiguous memory allocation, which can be a limitation in array-based implementations. However, this approach has a slight overhead due to the extra memory used for pointers in each node, and potentially slower access times compared to arrays due to the lack of direct indexing.

The dynamic nature of linked lists significantly impacts memory usage compared to static structures like arrays. In an array, a fixed amount of contiguous memory space is allocated during the initialisation, regardless of the actual usage, potentially leading to memory wastage if the array is not fully utilised. Conversely, linked lists allocate memory as needed, with each node only occupying memory when it's added. This non-contiguous memory allocation means that linked lists are more memory-efficient for collections that fluctuate in size. However, this flexibility comes with overhead – each node in a linked list requires additional memory for storing the pointer to the next (and possibly previous) node, which is not a requirement in arrays. This makes linked lists less memory efficient when handling large datasets, as the additional pointers consume significant extra memory. Furthermore, linked lists can lead to fragmented memory usage, which might affect performance in systems where memory allocation speed is critical.

When comparing the performance of queues implemented with a linked list versus an array, several factors come into play. A linked list-based queue does not require pre-allocation of memory and is more efficient in terms of memory usage for dynamic or unpredictable datasets. Each element in a linked list is a separate object with its pointer, allowing for efficient enqueue and dequeue operations, as these simply involve updating pointers. However, linked lists can suffer from higher memory overhead due to storage of pointers and potentially slower traversal times, as accessing elements is not as direct as in an array.

In contrast, an array-based queue requires initial allocation of a fixed size, which can lead to either wasted space or the need for costly resizing operations if the queue exceeds its capacity. Access times in an array are generally faster due to direct indexing, making them more efficient for queues with a large number of elements where frequent access is required. However, enqueue and dequeue operations can be less efficient, especially in non-circular arrays, as they may require shifting elements to maintain the queue order.

Overall, the choice between a linked list and an array for implementing a queue depends on specific application requirements, such as the predictability of data size, the frequency of access versus insertion/deletion operations, and memory efficiency considerations.

Practice Questions

Explain why a linked list might be preferred over an array for certain data storage applications. Provide two specific scenarios where a linked list offers advantages.

A linked list is preferred over an array in scenarios requiring dynamic data allocation and frequent insertions or deletions. Unlike arrays, linked lists do not require contiguous memory allocation, allowing them to expand as needed without a significant overhead of reallocating and copying the entire data structure. This makes them ideal for applications where the size of the data set is not predetermined, such as managing a user-generated list of tasks in a to-do list application. Additionally, in scenarios like an image editing program, where frequent insertions and deletions of elements occur, linked lists offer a performance advantage as these operations do not require shifting elements, unlike in arrays.

Describe how a stack and a queue would be used differently in a computer system, providing a practical example for each.

In a computer system, a stack and a queue are used differently due to their distinct operational characteristics. A stack, operating on a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, is ideal for tasks like managing function calls in a program. For instance, in a recursive algorithm, each function call is pushed onto the stack, and as the functions complete, they are popped off. On the other hand, a queue, following a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) approach, is suitable for tasks requiring order preservation, such as print job management in a printer. Each print job is enqueued, and jobs are processed in the order they were added, ensuring fairness and efficiency.

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