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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

17.1.4 Detection of Carbonyl Compounds with 2,4-DNPH (Brady's Reagent)

Carbonyl compounds, encompassing aldehydes and ketones, play a crucial role in organic chemistry. Their detection and identification are fundamental in understanding various chemical reactions and structures. The use of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, commonly known as 2,4-DNPH or Brady's reagent, is a classic method for detecting these compounds.

Introduction to 2,4-DNPH

2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine, often referred to as 2,4-DNPH or Brady's reagent, serves as a chemical detective, identifying the presence of carbonyl groups in aldehydes and ketones. When reacted, it forms a yellow or orange precipitate, signifying the carbonyl function. This test is crucial in organic chemistry for discerning specific functional groups within unknown substances.

2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine, 2,4-DNPH or Brady's reagent test

Image courtesy of Jove

Chemical Properties of 2,4-DNPH

  • Structure: 2,4-DNPH is characterized by a benzene ring, substituted with two nitro groups at the 2 and 4 positions, and a hydrazine group. This arrangement is key to its reactivity.
  • Reactivity: The presence of nitro groups in 2,4-DNPH stabilizes the hydrazine group, enabling it to act as a nucleophile and selectively react with carbonyl compounds.
  • Solubility: While slightly soluble in water, 2,4-DNPH dissolves more readily in acidic solutions, enhancing its versatility in different testing environments.
Structural formula of 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine or 2,4-DNPH

Image courtesy of Mysid

Mechanism of Reaction

The reaction between 2,4-DNPH and carbonyl compounds occurs through a nucleophilic addition-elimination mechanism, following these steps:

  • Nucleophilic Attack: The nitrogen atom in the hydrazine group of 2,4-DNPH, being a nucleophile, attacks the electrophilic carbon atom in the carbonyl group.
  • Formation of Hydrazone: This reaction forms a hydrazone linkage, resulting in the release of a water molecule.
  • Precipitation: The reaction culminates in the formation of a yellow or orange precipitate, which is the hydrazone derivative of the original carbonyl compound.
Reaction between 2,4-DNPH and carbonyl compounds

Image courtesy of School of Chemistry

Laboratory Procedure

1. Preparation of Reagent: Dissolve 2,4-DNPH in a dilute acid, typically sulfuric (H₂SO₄) or hydrochloric acid (HCl), to enhance its reactivity.

2. Sample Addition: Introduce the aldehyde or ketone sample to the prepared reagent.

3. Observation: The formation of a yellow or orange precipitate indicates the presence of a carbonyl group in the tested compound.

Safety Considerations

  • Handling Precautions: Given its irritant nature, 2,4-DNPH should be handled with care, using protective gloves and goggles.
  • Waste Disposal: The precipitate, alongside any excess reagent, must be disposed of responsibly, adhering to local safety and environmental regulations.
Chemistry lab safety protocol, protective gloves and goggles.

Image courtesy of Mikhail Nilov

Applications in Chemistry

  • Identifying Carbonyl Compounds: This test is instrumental in differentiating aldehydes and ketones from other functional groups in organic compounds.
  • Structural Elucidation: The hydrazone precipitate can be subjected to further analysis to deduce the specific structure of the carbonyl compound in question.

Advanced Analytical Techniques

Following the precipitation reaction, additional analytical techniques can be employed for more detailed structural analysis:

  • Melting Point Determination: The melting point of the hydrazone derivative can be measured and compared with known values to identify the specific carbonyl compound.
  • Spectroscopic Methods: Infrared (IR) spectroscopy can be utilized to gain deeper insights into the molecular structure of the precipitate, providing valuable information about the original carbonyl compound.
Illustration of the mechanism of Infrared (IR) spectroscopy

Mechanism of Infrared (IR) spectroscopy

Image courtesy of ChemistryStudent

Advantages and Limitations of the 2,4-DNPH Test


  • High Specificity: The test is particularly specific for carbonyl compounds, making it a reliable method for identifying aldehydes and ketones.
  • Simplicity of Procedure: The test can be easily conducted in basic laboratory setups, making it accessible for educational and research purposes.


  • Sensitivity Issues: The test may not be effective for detecting very low concentrations of carbonyl compounds.
  • Potential Interference: Although rare, other functional groups in complex molecules may occasionally interfere with the test's accuracy.

Interpretation of Test Results

  • Presence of a Yellow or Orange Precipitate: This is a positive indication of the carbonyl group in the tested compound.
  • Absence of Precipitate: Suggests that the compound tested does not contain aldehydes or ketones.

The Role of 2,4-DNPH in Organic Chemistry

The 2,4-DNPH test has cemented its place as a fundamental technique in the toolkit of organic chemists. It offers a straightforward, yet effective, method for the detection of carbonyl groups. The ability to identify these functional groups is crucial, given their prevalence in a wide range of chemical compounds and their importance in numerous biological and industrial processes.


The 2,4-DNPH test stands as an essential, reliable method for detecting carbonyl groups in aldehydes and ketones. Its simplicity and specificity make it an invaluable tool for students and researchers in the field of organic chemistry. Through this test, one can gain significant insights into the nature and structure of various organic compounds, underpinning the fundamental understanding of organic chemistry.


Quantifying the amount of a carbonyl compound using the 2,4-DNPH test is not straightforward and typically requires additional steps. The 2,4-DNPH test is primarily qualitative, designed to indicate the presence or absence of carbonyl groups. However, with further analytical techniques, quantification is possible. After forming the hydrazone derivative with 2,4-DNPH, one could isolate and purify the precipitate and then weigh it. The mass of the derivative can be used to calculate the amount of the original carbonyl compound, considering the stoichiometry of the reaction. Alternatively, spectroscopic methods like UV-Vis spectroscopy can be used. The intensity of the absorption peak of the hydrazone derivative in the UV-Vis spectrum can be correlated to the concentration of the carbonyl compound, using a calibration curve prepared with known concentrations. These methods, however, require precise experimental control and additional equipment.

2,4-DNPH is preferred over other reagents for the detection of carbonyl compounds due to several reasons. Firstly, its specificity: 2,4-DNPH selectively reacts with carbonyl compounds to form brightly coloured precipitates, making the detection straightforward and visually identifiable. Secondly, the reaction conditions are mild and do not require extreme temperatures or pressures, making it suitable for routine laboratory use. Thirdly, the derivatives formed (hydrazones) are typically crystalline, allowing for easy isolation and purification for further analysis, such as melting point determination or spectroscopic identification. Additionally, 2,4-DNPH is relatively stable and safe to handle compared to other reagents, which may be more hazardous or less stable. These factors combined make 2,4-DNPH a versatile and reliable reagent for detecting aldehydes and ketones in various organic samples.

2,4-DNPH by itself cannot distinguish between different types of carbonyl compounds, such as aldehydes and ketones. The reaction with 2,4-DNPH will produce a yellow or orange precipitate in both cases, indicating the presence of a carbonyl group but not specifying its nature. To differentiate between aldehydes and ketones, additional tests are required. For instance, aldehydes can be further identified using Fehling's solution or Tollens' reagent. Aldehydes reduce Fehling's solution, forming a reddish precipitate, and reduce Tollens' reagent, resulting in a silver mirror. Ketones do not react with these reagents. Therefore, while 2,4-DNPH is excellent for confirming the presence of carbonyl compounds, further tests are necessary to determine the specific type of carbonyl group present in the sample.

The acidity or basicity of the solution plays a significant role in the reaction between 2,4-DNPH and a carbonyl compound. In acidic conditions, the reaction proceeds efficiently as the hydrazine group of 2,4-DNPH is more nucleophilic. The acid medium helps in protonating the oxygen of the carbonyl group, increasing its electrophilicity and making it more susceptible to nucleophilic attack by the nitrogen of 2,4-DNPH. Conversely, in a basic or neutral environment, the reaction may not proceed as effectively. The carbonyl oxygen is less protonated, reducing the electrophilicity of the carbonyl carbon, which in turn decreases the reaction rate. Therefore, maintaining an acidic environment is crucial for the optimal performance of the 2,4-DNPH test. Typically, a dilute acid like sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid is used to dissolve 2,4-DNPH for the test.

Yes, 2,4-DNPH can be used to detect carbonyl compounds in a mixture of organic substances, but the process requires careful consideration. In a mixture, various substances may react with 2,4-DNPH or interfere with the detection of the carbonyl group. To accurately identify carbonyl compounds in a mixture, it is recommended to first separate the components using a technique like column chromatography or thin-layer chromatography (TLC). After separation, each fraction can be individually tested with 2,4-DNPH. This approach minimizes interference from other substances and increases the reliability of the test. However, it's important to note that the presence of other reactive functional groups in the mixture might still lead to false positives or complicate the interpretation of results. In such cases, complementary analytical techniques, such as IR spectroscopy or NMR spectroscopy, should be used to confirm the presence of carbonyl compounds.

Practice Questions

Describe the procedure and the chemical principle behind the use of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH) for detecting carbonyl compounds in a given organic sample.

The use of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH) in detecting carbonyl compounds is based on the nucleophilic addition-elimination reaction. The procedure involves preparing a solution of 2,4-DNPH in a dilute acid like H₂SO₄ or HCl, then adding the organic sample suspected of containing a carbonyl group. If a carbonyl compound is present, the 2,4-DNPH reacts with it to form a hydrazone linkage, leading to the formation of a yellow or orange precipitate. This change indicates the presence of aldehydes or ketones in the sample. The principle behind this reaction is the nucleophilic attack by the nitrogen atom in the hydrazine group of 2,4-DNPH on the electrophilic carbon atom of the carbonyl group, followed by water elimination.

Explain the limitations of using 2,4-DNPH for the detection of carbonyl compounds and suggest a method to overcome one of these limitations.

One limitation of using 2,4-DNPH is its sensitivity issue; it may not detect very low concentrations of carbonyl compounds. To overcome this, the sample concentration can be increased, or more sensitive analytical techniques like mass spectrometry or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) can be used alongside to confirm the presence of carbonyl groups. Another limitation is potential interference from other functional groups in complex molecules, which might give false positives. This can be mitigated by purifying the sample before the test or using additional confirmatory tests such as melting point determination or infrared spectroscopy to validate the presence of specific carbonyl compounds.

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