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IB DP Physics Study Notes

3.2.1 Boyle's Law

Boyle's Law delves deep into the nature of gases, offering a vital connection between the volume and pressure of a gas under constant temperature conditions. Rooted in 17th-century observations, this principle is now foundational in the realm of gas physics, and its applications are wide-reaching.

Pressure-Volume Relationship

At its core, Boyle's Law asserts a fundamental connection between the pressure and volume of an enclosed gas. Specifically, when you alter the volume of the gas (while maintaining a steady temperature), its pressure responds in the opposite direction. Contracting the volume causes the pressure to climb, while expanding the volume sees the pressure decrease.

  • The Mathematical Expression: If we let P represent pressure and V for volume, Boyle's law states that PV is a constant. Therefore, if the initial pressure and volume of the gas are denoted as P1 and V1, and later change to P2 and V2, Boyle's law is represented as P1 times V1 equals P2 times V2. This relationship is further explored in the Ideal Gas Law, which also considers the effect of temperature on gas behaviour.

Historically, Robert Boyle arrived at this conclusion through meticulous experiments. By employing a J-shaped tube and mercury, Boyle observed how trapped air behaved under different pressures. The conclusions drawn from these experiments still form the bedrock of our modern understanding of gases.

IB Physics Tutor Tip: Understanding Boyle's Law enhances problem-solving skills in gas dynamics by linking pressure and volume changes, crucial for grasping real-world applications like breathing and pneumatic systems. Moreover, the principles of Boyle's Law are also critical in understanding concepts like temperature and heat in gases.

Graphical Representation

When Boyle's Law is mapped onto a graph, its foundational principle becomes visually evident:

  • Pressure vs. Volume Graph: Creating a graph with volume on the horizontal axis and pressure on the vertical will yield a curve that's hyperbolic in shape. This shape captures the inverse relationship — as the volume shrinks, the pressure visibly rises, and as the volume grows, the pressure drops. It's this curvature that visually embodies Boyle's observations.
  • Pressure vs. 1/Volume Graph: Another way to graphically represent Boyle's law is to plot pressure against the reciprocal of volume (essentially, 1 divided by the volume). When done this way, the graph reveals a straight line, underlining the fact that pressure and 1/volume share a direct proportional relationship. Graphing skills like these are essential, as explained in the Charles' Law notes, which detail another crucial aspect of gas behaviour.

Applications of Boyle's Law

The true power and relevance of Boyle's Law become evident when we see its multitude of applications in the real world:

1. Human Respiratory System: Deep within us, Boyle's Law is at play every time we breathe. Inhaling involves the diaphragm contracting, thereby amplifying our lung volume. This increase in volume causes a corresponding decrease in pressure, which is then lower than the external atmospheric pressure. As a result, air flows into our lungs. The reverse process takes place during exhalation.

2. Pneumatic Systems: Tools and machinery powered by air, often found in factories and workshops, owe their functionality to Boyle's Law. An air compressor, for instance, captures air and compresses it, reducing its volume. As a direct consequence of this volume reduction, the air's pressure escalates, priming it to power various tools and machinery. Such applications of circular motion are integral to the functioning of many pneumatic systems, as discussed in applications of circular motion.

3. Scuba Diving: Every scuba diver, whether novice or expert, must have a solid grasp of Boyle's Law. The deeper one goes underwater, the greater the pressure exerted by the overlying water column. This increased pressure can potentially lead to a significant drop in the volume of the gas within a diver's tank. This understanding is pivotal for divers to anticipate their oxygen supply and ensure safety during their underwater escapades. Knowledge about vertical circular motion also benefits divers in understanding changes in forces under water.

4. Bicycle Pumps: An everyday application of Boyle's Law is seen in the simple act of inflating a bicycle tyre. When a bicycle pump is actuated, it compresses the air inside. This compression leads to a decrease in volume and a consequent spike in pressure. This pressurised air is what gets channelled into the tyre, inflating it.

5. Syringes: A medical syringe is a perfect, real-world illustration of Boyle's Law in action. When the plunger of the syringe is pulled back, it augments the syringe's internal volume. As per Boyle's Law, this increase in volume causes the internal pressure to drop, allowing the syringe to draw in liquids. Conversely, when the plunger is pushed down, the volume reduces, the pressure soars, and the liquid is promptly expelled.

IB Tutor Advice: Practise plotting and interpreting graphs of Boyle's Law, focusing on the hyperbolic and linear relationships, to solidify your understanding of inverse and direct proportionalities in gas behaviour.

Moreover, this law's principles are also evident in processes like:

1. Altitude and Airplane Cabins: The atmospheric pressure decreases as one goes higher in altitude. Aircraft cabins utilise Boyle's Law to ensure passengers experience a comfortable pressure inside, even at high altitudes.

2. Natural Gas Storage: Natural gas can be stored safely and efficiently by compressing it, which reduces its volume and increases its pressure. This makes transportation and storage more practical.


Yes, a common apparatus that utilises Boyle's Law is the syringe. When the plunger of a syringe is pulled back, the volume inside the syringe increases, causing the pressure inside to drop. This draws liquid or air into the syringe. Conversely, when the plunger is pushed, the volume decreases, and the pressure increases, expelling the contents. The operation of the syringe, especially in ensuring accurate volumes and pressures, is fundamentally based on Boyle's Law.

Boyle's Law has direct implications for the mechanics of breathing. When we inhale, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles expand the chest cavity. This increases the volume inside our lungs, causing a decrease in pressure (according to Boyle's Law). As a result, air rushes into the lungs from the higher atmospheric pressure outside. Conversely, when we exhale, the volume inside the lungs decreases, increasing the pressure, and forcing air out. Essentially, the mechanism of breathing is a practical demonstration of Boyle's Law in action within our bodies.

Deep-sea divers need to be aware of Boyle's Law because of the drastic changes in pressure they experience as they dive deeper or ascend. The volume of air in a diver's lungs will decrease as they dive deeper due to the increased water pressure, and conversely, the volume will increase as they ascend. Moreover, the air in a scuba tank will also be affected by changes in pressure. Rapid ascents can lead to dangerous conditions like decompression sickness, where nitrogen bubbles form in the bloodstream due to rapid pressure changes. Understanding Boyle's Law helps divers make informed decisions about ascent rates and safety stops.

At extremely high pressures, real gases deviate significantly from the predictions of Boyle's Law. This deviation arises because Boyle's Law assumes gases are composed of point-sized particles that don't interact with one another. But at very high pressures, the volume of the gas particles themselves becomes significant compared to the volume the gas occupies, and intermolecular forces between gas molecules become more pronounced. This means the gas does not compress as much as Boyle's Law would predict, and the PV product is not constant.

Boyle's Law assumes that the gas being examined behaves as an ideal gas. In reality, most gases deviate from this ideal behaviour, especially at high pressures or low temperatures. An ideal gas is a hypothetical gas whose particles occupy negligible space and have no attractions or repulsions between them. In real gases, these intermolecular forces become significant, especially when the gas is compressed. As a result, the PV product for real gases often deviates from a constant value when pressure changes. Thus, while Boyle's Law provides an excellent approximation for many situations, it doesn't capture the behaviour of real gases under all conditions.

Practice Questions

A gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a movable piston. The initial volume of the gas is 4.0 L under a pressure of 2.0 atm. The piston is then compressed such that the volume of the gas reduces to 2.0 L. If the temperature remains constant, what is the final pressure of the gas according to Boyle's Law?

In accordance with Boyle's Law, the product of pressure and volume remains constant if the temperature is steady. Given P1V1 = P2V2, where P1 is the initial pressure and V1 is the initial volume, and P2 is the final pressure and V2 is the final volume. Plugging in the given values, 2.0 atm x 4.0 L = P2 x 2.0 L. Solving for P2, we find it to be 4.0 atm. Thus, when the volume of the gas is halved, its pressure doubles, resulting in a final pressure of 4.0 atm.

Explain, using Boyle's Law, why a balloon shrinks when it goes from the ground level to a higher altitude.

Boyle's Law states that the product of the pressure and volume of a gas is constant at a constant temperature. At ground level, the atmospheric pressure is higher. As we ascend to a higher altitude, atmospheric pressure drops. Assuming the temperature of the gas inside the balloon remains relatively constant when the balloon rises and encounters a decrease in external pressure, its volume should increase according to Boyle's Law. However, the balloon shrinks instead. This apparent contradiction is due to the fact that the reduced external pressure at higher altitudes is less capable of counteracting the pressure of the gas inside the balloon, causing the balloon to contract.

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