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IB DP Physics Study Notes

3.1.3 Heat vs. Temperature

Distinguishing between heat and temperature is central to understanding the intricacies of thermal physics. While they're closely related and often mistaken for one another, their differences are foundational. Comprehending their unique roles, and grasping the concepts of heat capacity and calorimetry, is key for any aspiring physicist.

Differences Between Heat and Temperature

At the heart of thermal physics lies the distinction between heat and temperature. It's essential to comprehend their differences to fully grasp the dynamics of heat exchange.

  • Heat (Q):
    • Nature: Heat is the total amount of energy, both kinetic and potential, possessed by the molecules in a substance. It is not a state function, meaning its value depends on the path taken to achieve the current state. For more on how heat transfers through substances, see our notes on thermal conductivity.
    • Transfer: Heat moves from a region of higher temperature to one of a lower temperature until thermal equilibrium is reached. This process is crucial in understanding conduction.
    • Units: Measured in Joules (J) in the International System of Units.
    • Dependence: It's a function of the substance's mass. A larger mass of the substance will contain more heat than a smaller one at the same temperature.
  • Temperature (T):
    • Nature: Reflects the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a substance. Unlike heat, it doesn’t depend on the amount of substance present. It is a state function.
    • Indication: Serves as an indication of the potential for heat transfer.
    • Units: Primarily measured in Kelvin (K), but also in Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F).
    • Dependence: Not dependent on the quantity of the substance. Equal masses of the same substance at the same temperature contain different amounts of heat.

A simplified analogy: consider heat as the total amount of money (energy) people have, and temperature as the average amount of money (energy) per person.

Heat Capacity

When substances absorb heat, their temperatures change, but not uniformly. The measure of this change is termed heat capacity.

  • Definition: The heat capacity (C) of an object or substance is the amount of heat required to raise its temperature by one degree Celsius (or Kelvin). It provides insight into how effectively a material can store and release thermal energy.
  • Formula: Q = C * ΔT
    • Where:
      • Q = Heat added or taken out (Joules)
      • ΔT = Temperature change (°C or K)
  • Factors Influencing Heat Capacity:
    • Bonding Nature: The type of bond (ionic, covalent, metallic) can affect heat capacity.
    • Density: Denser substances often require more energy for a given rise in temperature.
    • Phase: Solids, liquids, and gases have different capacities to store heat. For instance, the heat capacity of water is different from that of ice or steam.

Specific Heat Capacity

While heat capacity relates to the entire body, specific heat capacity (c) gives insight at a molecular level.

  • Definition: The amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius. It's a property intrinsic to the material, not the amount.
  • Formula: Q = m * c * ΔT
    • Where:
      • m = mass of the substance (kg)
  • Notable Observations:
    • Water has a remarkably high specific heat capacity, which is why it plays a significant role in regulating Earth's climate. Large water bodies can absorb vast amounts of heat without a substantial temperature rise.


The science of measuring heat change and calorimetry is fundamental for numerous applications in physics and chemistry. For an in-depth look at energy transfers, see photoelectric equations.

  • Calorimeters: These are devices designed to measure heat exchanges.
    • Principle: All calorimeters function on the law of conservation of energy. Essentially, in an isolated system, the energy lost by a system must be gained by its surroundings, ensuring no net loss.
  • Types:
    • Coffee-cup calorimeter: Ideal for student experiments, it's a simple styrofoam cup setup. It's best suited for reactions at atmospheric pressure.
    • Bomb calorimeter: More sophisticated, designed for reactions that could change the sample's volume. It’s especially beneficial for studying combustion reactions.
  • Applications:
    • Energy Content Analysis: Determining the energy content of fuels and food. Understanding these measurements can also relate to concepts like the universal law of gravitation.
    • Reaction Study: Allows scientists to understand energy changes during reactions, helping in identifying whether a reaction is endothermic or exothermic. This links closely with the basics of circular motion in various systems.


The sensation of metals feeling colder than materials like wood at room temperature is due to their different thermal conductivities. Metals are good conductors of heat. When you touch a metal object, it rapidly draws heat away from your skin, leading to a cooling sensation and making it feel 'colder'. On the other hand, wood is an insulator; it does not conduct heat away from your skin as efficiently. As a result, the temperature difference between your skin and the wood is not as pronounced, so wood feels warmer to the touch than metal, even though they are at the same temperature.

Stirring the solution in a calorimeter ensures that the mixture maintains a uniform temperature throughout. Without stirring, you could end up with hot or cold spots in the solution due to uneven heat distribution, especially if the reaction or process being studied is localised or occurs at a particular spot. By stirring, the heat produced or absorbed is dispersed evenly across the solution, leading to a more accurate measurement of the average temperature change. This uniform distribution ensures that the data obtained from the calorimeter reflects the overall heat exchange and not just localized changes.

An endothermic reaction absorbs heat from its surroundings, leading to a decrease in the temperature of the environment unless energy is added. Conversely, an exothermic reaction releases heat to its surroundings, causing an increase in environmental temperature. Calorimetry is a method used to measure these heat exchanges. By observing the temperature change in a calorimeter, one can determine whether a reaction is endothermic (temperature drops) or exothermic (temperature rises). The magnitude of this temperature change, combined with the specific heat capacity, can also quantify the amount of heat involved in the reaction.

Water is frequently used in calorimeters for several reasons. Firstly, it has a high specific heat capacity, meaning it can absorb or release a considerable amount of heat without undergoing a significant temperature change. This makes it easier to detect and measure small amounts of heat. Secondly, water is readily available and is a non-toxic, safe medium to use. Its phase transitions (like melting and boiling) are well-documented and understood, allowing for corrections in calculations if necessary. Furthermore, many chemical reactions take place in aqueous solutions, making water a practical choice for studying these reactions.

Different substances have varied atomic or molecular structures, and this influences how they store and transfer thermal energy. At a microscopic level, a substance's specific heat capacity is determined by the type and amount of atomic or molecular vibrations, rotations, and other excitations it can undergo. A substance with more ways to store energy (more degrees of freedom) will generally have a higher specific heat capacity. Moreover, the strength and type of bonds between atoms or molecules can also play a significant role. Stronger bonds may require more energy to vibrate or rotate, impacting the substance's ability to absorb and release heat.

Practice Questions

A metal block with a mass of 2.0 kg is heated in boiling water and then placed into 1.0 kg of water at 20°C. The final temperature of the water and metal block is 30°C. Given the specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/(kg·K), and no heat is lost to the surroundings, calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal.

First, we need to find the heat gained by the water: Heat gained by water = mass of water × specific heat capacity of water × change in temperature = 1.0 kg × 4200 J/(kg·K) × 10K = 42000 J.

This heat was lost by the metal block. Using the formula Q = m * c * ΔT, where Q is the heat, m is the mass, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature:

42000 J = 2.0 kg × c × (boiling point of water - 30°C). From this, c = 42000 J / (2.0 kg × 70K) = 300 J/(kg·K).

Thus, the specific heat capacity of the metal is 300 J/(kg·K).

A student wishes to determine the heat of reaction of a chemical using a simple coffee-cup calorimeter. Explain the principle behind this calorimeter and any precautions the student should take to ensure accurate results.

A coffee-cup calorimeter works on the principle of conservation of energy. It assumes that any heat released or absorbed by the reaction within the calorimeter is perfectly transferred to the water, leading to a temperature change which can be measured. The calorimeter, usually made of styrofoam, insulates the system to minimise heat exchange with the surroundings. To ensure accurate results, the student should make sure the calorimeter is well-insulated, stir the solution to ensure uniform temperature, measure the temperature change quickly to minimise heat loss, and account for any heat capacity of the reaction vessel or calorimeter itself.

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