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IB DP Physics Study Notes

3.2.3 Ideal Gas Law

The Ideal Gas Law is a quintessential equation that bridges several fundamental principles in thermal physics. Establishing a relationship between the pressure, volume, temperature, and the amount of gas present, this law amalgamates the concepts derived from Boyle's Law and Charles' Law, providing a comprehensive model, particularly for ideal gases.


The Ideal Gas Law can be represented as: PV = nRT In this equation:

  • P stands for the pressure of the gas. Pressure is the force exerted by gas per unit area of the container. It arises due to the constant motion and subsequent collisions of the gas molecules with the container walls.
  • V denotes the volume of the container holding the gas. It's the three-dimensional space occupied by the gas, and its value can be altered by changing the container's size.
  • n is the number of moles of the gas. A mole is a unit that represents 6.02 x 1023 particles of the substance.
  • R is the ideal gas constant. Its value is 8.31 J/(mol·K). This constant bridges the macroscopic world we observe and the microscopic world of atoms and molecules.
  • T represents the temperature of the gas, always measured in Kelvin (K). This is because the Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature where molecules have minimal motion. Understanding the detailed implications of temperature on molecular motion can be further explored in the context of heat vs temperature.


The effectiveness of the Ideal Gas Law rests on several key assumptions:

1. Molecular Size: The actual volume of individual gas molecules is assumed negligible in comparison to the volume of the container. This premise establishes that a gas predominantly comprises empty space.

2. Absence of Intermolecular Forces: The law assumes that there are no forces of attraction or repulsion between gas molecules. In real scenarios, these forces might exist but are considered negligible for the sake of simplicity in calculations. To understand how real gases deviate from this ideal behaviour, one can look into the Van der Waals equation.

3. Elastic Collisions: Collisions between gas molecules, or between molecules and the container walls, are perfectly elastic. This signifies that no kinetic energy is lost during these collisions; it's merely transferred.

4. Continuous Molecular Motion: Gas molecules are believed to be in ceaseless, random motion. Their kinetic energy is directly proportional to the temperature in Kelvin.

5. Boltzmann Distribution: The kinetic energy of gas molecules is not uniform. Instead, it follows the Boltzmann distribution, meaning that at any given temperature, while most molecules move at an average speed, some move slower, and some move faster.

IB Physics Tutor Tip: Always convert temperature to Kelvin when using the Ideal Gas Law, as calculations in any other scale (e.g., Celsius) will not yield accurate results.


The expansive reach of the Ideal Gas Law is evident in numerous practical applications:

1. Tyres: Understanding the pressure inside tyres is crucial for safety. The number of air molecules and the temperature predominantly influence this. For instance, as a tyre heats up, its internal pressure rises. This understanding is paramount for engineers to design durable and efficient tyres.

2. Balloons: Balloon vendors and manufacturers use the ideal gas law to determine the quantity of gas (like helium) required to inflate balloons to specific volumes at certain pressures. The law also explains why balloons shrink in colder conditions — the gas inside contracts, reducing the volume.

3. Respiration: Human breathing mechanics can be interpreted using this law. The lungs act like bellows, with changes in volume and pressure facilitating breathing. A deeper grasp of this relationship is invaluable in medical diagnostics and therapeutic interventions.

4. Refrigeration: Modern refrigeration systems work by manipulating the pressure and volume of refrigerant gases. By compressing and expanding these gases, they either absorb or release heat, resulting in the cooling effect we experience.

5. Lab Applications: The Ideal Gas Law is indispensable in chemistry labs. For reactions involving gaseous reactants or products, this law aids in calculating the quantity, pressure, or volume under varying conditions.

6. Environmental Studies: Atmospheric science often employs the Ideal Gas Law. The air pressure, which varies with altitude, impacts weather patterns. Understanding these variances can lead to better weather predictions and climate models.

7. Space Missions: Venturing into the vast expanse of space demands a profound understanding of gas behaviour. Whether ensuring optimal conditions inside a spacecraft or accounting for the behaviour of gases in alien atmospheres, the Ideal Gas Law plays a pivotal role. The behaviour and applications of gases in space can be specifically addressed in the study of satellites and orbits.

IB Tutor Advice: Practise solving problems that integrate concepts from Boyle's Law and Charles' Law, to deepen your understanding of how they underpin the Ideal Gas Law in various scenarios.

Elaboration on Real Gases

While the Ideal Gas Law is instrumental in a range of applications, it's worth noting its limitations. Real gases don't always behave ideally, especially under extreme conditions (very high pressures or very low temperatures). Here, deviations arise because real gases have molecular volumes and intermolecular forces. The Van der Waals equation is one such model that accounts for these deviations, providing a more accurate description of real gases.


The Ideal Gas Law operates in terms of the number of moles (n) of a gas, as opposed to its mass. The rationale behind this is that the behaviour of gases is majorly influenced by the sheer number of gas molecules present rather than their combined mass. Moles provide a count of entities, making it a consistent measure across gases, regardless of their individual molar masses. This emphasis on the number of molecules, as opposed to mass, ensures that the Ideal Gas Law retains universal applicability across a wide range of gases, eliminating the need for adjustments based on specific mass considerations.

Real gases often display behaviour that deviates from the ideal under conditions of high pressures and low temperatures. At elevated pressures, the volume occupied by individual gas molecules starts playing a significant role. This means the volume isn't negligible anymore, which contradicts one of the assumptions of the Ideal Gas Law. Conversely, at low temperatures, gas molecules move much slower. Their interactions become prolonged, allowing for stronger intermolecular forces to come into play. As these forces become more pronounced, the gas no longer behaves ideally. It might even lead to the gas getting liquefied, further straying from ideal behaviour.

The combined gas law is essentially a fusion of Boyle's Law, Charles' Law, and Gay-Lussac’s Law. In its basic form, it is expressed as (P1 * V1) / T1 = (P2 * V2) / T2. For a constant amount of gas, we can adapt this equation to yield PV/T = a constant value. Incorporating the number of moles (n) and the universal gas constant (R) into this equation makes this constant synonymous with nR. This gives birth to the Ideal Gas Law in the form PV = nRT. Essentially, the Ideal Gas Law is an extension of the combined gas law, with considerations for the quantity of the gas in focus.

Absolutely, the Ideal Gas Law remains relevant even for mixtures of gases, thanks to Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures. According to this principle, for a mix of non-reacting gases, the total pressure they exert is equivalent to the sum of the partial pressures of the individual constituent gases. This is grounded in the idea that each gas in a mixture behaves as though it alone occupies the entire volume. By determining the number of moles for each individual gas in a mixture, you can ascertain its partial pressure using the Ideal Gas Law. By adding up these individual pressures, you arrive at the total pressure exerted by the mixture. This principle makes the Ideal Gas Law incredibly versatile and applicable across a wide range of scenarios.

The ideal gas constant, R, holds a consistent value for all gases because it's a reflection of the universal relationship between several parameters: pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles in a gas, as described in the Ideal Gas Law. It essentially forms a bridge between the macroscopic attributes of gases (like pressure and volume) and their microscopic properties (namely, the number of molecules). Each individual gas has its own specific gas constants based on its unique properties. However, R is derived from global physical constants, ensuring its wide applicability across all ideal gases. This universal constancy aids in creating a standard benchmark, facilitating cross-comparison among various gases under differing conditions.

Practice Questions

A container holds 2.00 moles of an ideal gas at a pressure of 100 kPa and a temperature of 300 K. If the temperature is increased to 600 K while keeping the volume constant, what will the new pressure be?

Using the Ideal Gas Law, PV = nRT, initially P1 = 100 kPa, T1 = 300 K, and upon heating T2 = 600 K. Since the volume remains constant, we can derive the relation: P1/T1 = P2/T2. Substituting in our values, 100 kPa / 300 K = P2 / 600 K. Solving for P2, we find that P2 = 200 kPa. Thus, when the temperature of the ideal gas is doubled while keeping the volume constant, the pressure also doubles.

Describe two key assumptions of the Ideal Gas Law that might not hold true for a real gas under certain conditions. How would this affect the behaviour of the gas?

Two key assumptions of the Ideal Gas Law are:

  1. The volume of individual gas molecules is negligible compared to the container's volume.
  2. There are no forces of attraction or repulsion between gas molecules. For real gases, especially at high pressures or low temperatures, these assumptions may not hold. At high pressures, the volume of gas molecules becomes significant compared to the container volume, and intermolecular forces become more pronounced at low temperatures. Deviation from these assumptions means that real gases might not follow the Ideal Gas Law under such conditions, resulting in discrepancies when predicting pressure, volume, or temperature.

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