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IB DP Physics Study Notes

11.2.3 AC vs. DC Transmission

AC and DC, while fundamentally different in their nature of current flow, are both pivotal in our modern electrical systems. Understanding their inherent advantages, drawbacks, and optimal use scenarios is essential for any physicist or engineer working in power systems.

Alternating Current (AC) Transmission

Characteristics of AC:

  • AC stands for Alternating Current, meaning the current changes direction periodically. The voltage (or potential difference) in AC circuits also periodically reverses because the current changes direction.
  • AC waveforms are usually sinusoidal but can adopt other forms, such as triangular or square waves.


  • Transformers: One of the standout benefits of AC is its compatibility with transformers. These electrical devices can increase or decrease the voltage of AC effortlessly. When transmitting electricity over vast distances, it's more efficient to do so at high voltage, thus minimising power loss. Upon reaching urban areas or residences, transformers then reduce this voltage to more usable levels.
  • Safety Considerations: The alternating nature of AC means there's less risk of a sustained electric shock when compared to DC. Those minute instances when there's no current flow due to alternation can significantly reduce the severity of electric shocks.
  • Generation Sources: Many of our primary sources of electricity generation, such as hydroelectric dams or coal-fired power plants, naturally produce AC. This inherent generation of AC simplifies the distribution process, eliminating conversion stages.


  • Transmission Losses: Even though AC is efficient, it is not without its losses. Over extensive stretches, AC tends to experience more significant power losses than DC, predominantly due to factors like reactive power and the skin effect – a phenomenon where the current prefers the outer surface of a conductor.
  • Complex Grid Management: Dealing with AC at a large scale, like in national power grids, introduces complexities. Synchronising the frequency across vast power networks requires advanced control systems and machinery.

Direct Current (DC) Transmission

Characteristics of DC:

  • DC, or Direct Current, as the name suggests, involves the unidirectional flow of electric charge. Unlike AC, DC does not oscillate and maintains a steady direction.
  • Historically, DC was the first kind of electricity to be used in the early days of electrical transmission.


  • Efficiency Over Distance: Especially when leveraged in High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) systems, DC showcases superior efficiency over long distances when compared to AC.
  • Subterranean and Subaqueous Applications: DC transmission has a distinct edge in underwater and underground settings. For lengthy submarine cables or subterranean conduits, DC, due to reduced capacitance issues, becomes the preferred mode of transmission.
  • Grid Interconnections: As our energy needs diversify and sources become decentralised, HVDC links serve as bridge points. They can effectively connect asynchronous grids or grids operating at different frequencies, facilitating smoother energy transfers.


  • Infrastructure Costs: Establishing HVDC infrastructure demands a significant investment, more so than its AC counterparts. This financial discrepancy becomes pronounced for shorter distances, where DC might not offer a clear cost benefit.
  • Conversion Hurdles: Given our legacy infrastructure is predominantly AC, there are inevitable conversion requirements when integrating DC systems. The need for rectifiers (to convert AC to DC) and inverters (to convert DC to AC) adds layers of complexity and potential failure points.


While it's true that many modern gadgets, like laptops and smartphones, operate on DC, our homes are wired for AC due to historical reasons and its benefits. When electricity was first introduced for residential use, AC was chosen because of its easy voltage transformation capability, which made distribution more efficient. Furthermore, converting AC in the home to DC for specific devices is straightforward, and often achieved through simple adaptors. Rewiring homes for DC would be prohibitively expensive and might not offer significant advantages.

Technological advancements have indeed bolstered the case for DC in specific applications, particularly with the growth of renewable energy sources like solar panels, which produce DC. Additionally, the development of high-voltage DC (HVDC) technology has made DC transmission more attractive for long distances. While there may be an increase in DC applications, AC will still remain dominant in many sectors due to its established infrastructure and certain inherent advantages, especially in local power distribution.

Converting from AC to DC and back does come with costs. This process requires rectifiers (for AC to DC) and inverters (for DC to AC). While technology has advanced, making these devices more efficient, there are still energy losses involved in the conversion process. Moreover, the infrastructure itself (rectifiers and inverters) presents significant capital costs. However, in scenarios where the advantages of a certain transmission type (AC or DC) outweigh these costs, conversion becomes justifiable.

Adopting a single form of transmission, be it AC or DC, universally would introduce inefficiencies and complications. While AC is brilliant for local distribution due to its compatibility with transformers and the fact that many primary electricity generation sources produce AC, DC shines in long-distance, high-voltage transmissions. Specifically, DC experiences less power loss over long distances and doesn't have the reactive power issues seen with AC. A universal approach would either compromise efficiency in local distributions or make long-distance transmission less feasible.

Both AC and DC pose safety risks, but their impacts on the human body differ. AC, especially at certain frequencies, can cause muscles to contract, potentially leading to a situation where an individual can't let go of a live conductor. DC, while not causing the same muscle contractions, can result in a single strong muscle jolt which might cause injury from a sudden movement. Moreover, the risks associated with electric shocks from either can be fatal, depending on the voltage and current.

Practice Questions

Briefly explain the reasons behind the preference for AC transmission in local power distribution and for DC transmission in subterranean and subaqueous settings.

AC transmission is typically preferred in local power distribution due to several reasons. First, many primary sources of electricity generation naturally produce AC, simplifying distribution by removing the need for conversion. Furthermore, AC's compatibility with transformers is beneficial. Transformers can effortlessly adjust the voltage of AC, enabling efficient power transmission across various distances, from power plants to residential areas. On the other hand, DC transmission is favoured for subterranean and subaqueous settings due to reduced capacitance issues. In lengthy submarine cables or underground conduits, the consistent and steady nature of DC makes it more suitable and efficient than AC.

Why does AC transmission present more complex grid management issues than DC, and how does DC prove advantageous in terms of grid interconnections?

AC transmission presents more complex grid management issues primarily because of the need to synchronise the frequency across vast power networks. AC's alternating nature means that large-scale grids, such as national power networks, require sophisticated control systems to ensure all areas are in phase and harmonised. This is essential to prevent power outages or inefficiencies. Conversely, DC proves advantageous for grid interconnections due to its capacity to bridge asynchronous grids or those operating at different frequencies. HVDC links can effectively connect these grids, facilitating smoother energy transfers and allowing for more flexibility and integration in a diverse energy generation landscape.

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