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IB DP Physics Study Notes

11.2.1 Transformer Principles

Transformers are the unsung heroes of our modern electrical world. They efficiently adjust voltage levels, ensuring electrical power is transmitted over long distances with minimal loss. Through magnetic induction and the interplay between primary and secondary coils, transformers embody the elegance of physics in practical applications.

Magnetic Induction and Its Significance

Central to the operation of a transformer is the phenomenon of magnetic induction. When a conductor, like a coil, is subjected to a changing magnetic field, a voltage (or electromotive force) is induced in it. This is the foundational principle upon which transformers operate.

  • Faraday’s Law Revisited: Michael Faraday, in the 19th century, observed that the induced voltage in a loop is proportional to the rate at which the magnetic field changes within that loop. This observation is crucial for transformers as they typically operate with alternating currents, where the magnetic field changes continuously.
  • AC and Magnetic Flux: The continuous change in direction of alternating current (AC) results in a constantly changing magnetic field. This is in stark contrast to direct current (DC), which produces a constant magnetic field, rendering it ineffective for transformer operations. The choice of AC is pivotal for the functioning of transformers due to this constantly varying magnetic flux.

Delving into Primary and Secondary Coils

The transformer's operation is a dance between two main coils: the primary and secondary coils. These coils, despite being electrically isolated, are intrinsically connected through magnetic fields.

Primary Coil: The Initiator

  • Feeding the Energy: The primary coil is where our electrical journey begins. The alternating current input feeds into this coil, producing the initial magnetic field essential for the transformer's operation.
  • Turns and Their Importance: Represented typically as N1, the number of turns in the primary coil isn’t just a design specification. It's a key determinant of the transformer's operational characteristics. A greater number of turns can amplify the magnetic field generated, which influences the induced voltage in the secondary coil.

Secondary Coil: The Receiver

  • Harvesting the Induced Energy: Positioned within the magnetic influence of the primary coil, the secondary coil is where the magic of induction manifests. The varying magnetic field from the primary coil induces a voltage in the secondary coil.
  • The Role of N2: Just as with the primary coil, the number of turns in the secondary coil, denoted as N2, isn’t arbitrary. This figure plays a significant role in determining the voltage output. A larger N2 compared to N1 will result in a step-up transformer, producing a higher voltage output. Conversely, a smaller N2 will produce a lower voltage, characteristic of a step-down transformer.

The Transformer’s Dance: Energy Transfer and Transformation

The core action of a transformer can be seen as a two-step dance: energy transfer and transformation.

  • A Ballet of Fields: The primary coil, with its alternating current, produces a dynamic magnetic field. This field envelops the secondary coil, inducing a voltage. This interaction is silent, seamless, and efficient, with energy being transferred solely through magnetic interactions without any physical contact between the coils.
  • Changing Faces: Voltage Transformation: The beauty of a transformer is its ability to adjust voltage levels. Depending on the turn ratios between the primary and secondary coils, the transformer can either amplify the voltage (step-up) or reduce it (step-down). This transformation is given by the simple relationship: Output Voltage/Input Voltage = N2/N1.

Significance of Core Material

The heart of a transformer isn't just its coils but also the core material that supports and enhances the magnetic interaction.

  • Iron: A Preferred Choice: Laminated iron cores are commonly used in transformers. Iron, with its high permeability, provides an easy path for the magnetic lines of force, facilitating effective magnetic linkage between the primary and secondary coils. The lamination further ensures that energy losses due to eddy currents are minimised.
  • Eddy Currents and Energy Loss: Eddy currents are circulating currents induced within the transformer core due to the changing magnetic field. These currents can lead to energy losses in the form of heat. Laminating the core disrupts the path of these currents, thus reducing energy loss.

Idealised Dreams vs. Ground Realities

Transformers, in textbooks, often operate under ideal conditions. However, real-world scenarios introduce complexities.

  • The Ideal Transformer: In a perfect world, transformers would exhibit 100% efficiency. Every ounce of energy fed into the primary coil would emerge from the secondary coil. There would be no energy losses, and the transformer would operate at its theoretical best.
  • Practical Limitations: Real transformers, while impressive, aren’t perfect. They contend with energy losses, primarily from the resistance of the coils, eddy currents in the core, and leakage of the magnetic field. Modern engineering has made transformers incredibly efficient, but a minuscule loss, often in the form of heat, still persists.


Certainly, like many electrical appliances, transformers come with a set of safety considerations. One major concern is overheating. Should a transformer be subjected to currents surpassing its designated capacity, or if internal faults arise, the resultant heat can potentially lead to fires. Additionally, transformers using oil as a cooling medium can, over time, develop leaks. In worst-case scenarios, these leaks could lead to explosive situations. To mitigate these risks, modern transformers are equipped with a plethora of safety features. Circuit breakers prevent excessive current flow; cooling systems manage temperature elevations; protective relays detect abnormal conditions and initiate corrective actions. Furthermore, routine maintenance, comprehensive inspections, and strict adherence to international safety protocols and guidelines collectively ensure the safe and efficient operation of transformers.

The core rationale behind varying voltage levels in power transmission hinges on efficiency and energy conservation. When electricity is transmitted over vast distances, higher voltages are crucial because they lead to proportionally lower currents, given that Power (P) is the product of current (I) and voltage (V). This reduction in current directly translates to decreased resistive losses, often termed as I2R losses, in transmission lines. As electricity approaches its endpoint, whether that be households or businesses, the high voltage is then 'stepped down' to render it safe and compatible with everyday appliances. This two-pronged strategy guarantees both effective power transmission and secure end-use.

The audible hum emerging from sizable transformers is a physical manifestation of a phenomenon termed 'magnetostriction'. The alternating current, by its very nature, generates a magnetic field that oscillates. This pulsating field exerts forces on the transformer's iron core, inducing minute dimensional alterations—expansions and contractions—in sync with the AC's frequency (typically 50 or 60 Hz). These incessant, rapid physical deformations generate vibrations which propagate through the surrounding air as sound waves, culminating in the distinct hum one often associates with transformers.

Transformers are devices intricately tied to the principle of electromagnetic induction, which is fundamentally dependent on a fluctuating magnetic field to generate an electromotive force (voltage). With alternating current (AC), there's a periodic reversal of direction, creating a constantly varying magnetic field when it circulates through the transformer's primary coil. This change in the magnetic field subsequently induces a voltage in the adjacent secondary coil. On the other hand, direct current (DC) maintains a constant flow direction, leading to a static magnetic field. This lack of change means that post an initial transient period, no voltage is induced in the secondary coil. Hence, the very functioning of transformers makes them intrinsically more suited for AC rather than DC.

Transformers play an indispensable role in power distribution systems. In an ideal scenario, the power drawn into the transformer (via the primary coil) is identical to the power output (via the secondary coil), since P = IV. Though real-world transformers inevitably encounter efficiency losses, primarily due to inherent resistances and magnetic hysteresis, contemporary designs still achieve commendable efficiency levels. By adeptly modifying voltage magnitudes suitable for distinct phases of power distribution, transformers dramatically minimise energy wastage, making them pivotal in endeavours for power conservation.

Practice Questions

A transformer has a primary coil with 500 turns and a secondary coil with 2000 turns. If the primary coil is supplied with 100V, what is the voltage across the secondary coil, assuming the transformer is ideal?

The voltage transformation in a transformer is directly proportional to the turn ratio of its coils. For an ideal transformer, the ratio of the voltages in the secondary and primary coils (Vs/Vp) is equal to the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary and primary coils (N2/N1). Given that Vp = 100V, N1 = 500, and N2 = 2000, Vs can be found as: Vs/Vp = N2/N1 Vs = (N2/N1) x Vp Vs = (2000/500) x 100V Vs = 4 x 100V Vs = 400V. Hence, the voltage across the secondary coil is 400V.

Why are transformer cores often made of laminated iron, and how does this design help in reducing energy losses?

Transformer cores are made of laminated iron primarily because iron, being a ferromagnetic material, has high magnetic permeability. This ensures that it provides an easy path for magnetic lines of force, facilitating a strong magnetic linkage between the primary and secondary coils. Lamination plays a crucial role in reducing energy losses due to eddy currents. Eddy currents are induced circulating currents within the transformer core, which can lead to energy losses in the form of heat. By laminating the iron core, the path of these currents is disrupted, resulting in a reduction in their magnitude and hence a decrease in associated energy loss.

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