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IB DP Physics Study Notes

1.2.3 Absolute vs. Relative Uncertainty

When delving into the precise world of experimental physics, understanding the nuances of uncertainties is crucial. Absolute and relative uncertainties not only signify the precision of measurements but also frame the broader context of experimental reliability. In this section, we will unravel the depths of these two types of uncertainties, their calculation methodologies, and their applicability through illustrative examples.


Absolute Uncertainty

  • Definition: This type of uncertainty signifies the amount of doubt associated with a specific measurement. It doesn't consider the size or magnitude of the measurement itself but focuses on the range within which the true value might lie. It's denoted as a ± value.
    • Example: If a scientist measures the gravitational acceleration as 9.80 m/s2 ± 0.02 m/s2, the absolute uncertainty is 0.02 m/s2.

Relative Uncertainty

  • Definition: As the name suggests, relative uncertainty provides a relational context. It's the ratio of the absolute uncertainty to the measured value. Often, it's represented as a percentage, highlighting the comparative aspect of the uncertainty concerning the actual measurement.
    • Example: If you have a measurement of 50 cm with an absolute uncertainty of 1 cm, the relative uncertainty would be 2%.


Absolute Uncertainty

Deriving the absolute uncertainty can often be based on the precision of the instrument used or the spread of repeated measurements. Here are the steps:

1. Repeated Measurements: Conduct multiple measurements of the same quantity.

2. Compute the Mean: Add up all the individual measurements and divide by the number of measurements.

3. Determine the Spread: Find the difference between the highest and lowest values.

4. Calculate the Absolute Uncertainty: Divide the spread by two.

Formula: Absolute Uncertainty = (Highest Measurement - Lowest Measurement) / 2

IB Physics Tutor Tip: Mastering uncertainty calculations strengthens your experimental analysis, highlighting precision's role in scientific reliability. Focus on both types to accurately interpret and report your experimental findings.

Relative Uncertainty

Relative uncertainty places the absolute uncertainty into context:

1. Derive the Absolute Uncertainty: This can be from instrument precision or calculated as described above.

2. Compute the Mean Value: If not already determined.

3. Relative Calculation: Divide the absolute uncertainty by the mean value.

4. Percentage Conversion: Multiply the result by 100 to get a percentage.

Formula: Relative Uncertainty (%) = (Absolute Uncertainty / Mean Value) x 100


Example 1: Absolute Uncertainty

Imagine an experiment to determine the density of an irregularly shaped object using water displacement. Three volume readings are obtained: 25.3 ml, 25.5 ml, and 25.4 ml.

1. Mean volume: (25.3 + 25.5 + 25.4) / 3 = 25.4 ml

2. Absolute Uncertainty = (25.5 - 25.3) / 2 = 0.1 ml

Thus, the volume of the object is represented as 25.4 ml ± 0.1 ml.

Example 2: Relative Uncertainty

Using the data from Example 1:

1. Absolute Uncertainty = 0.1 ml

2. Mean Value = 25.4 ml

3. Relative Uncertainty (%) = (0.1 / 25.4) x 100 = 0.39%

The uncertainty in this volume measurement represents 0.39% of the total measured value.

Understanding in the Context of Experiments

Uncertainties play a pivotal role in determining the reliability and credibility of experimental results. While the absolute uncertainty gives a straightforward range about the measurement, relative uncertainty adds depth by indicating how significant this range is, given the magnitude of the measured value.

For instance, a tiny absolute uncertainty can sometimes be misleading, making results seem more accurate than they are, especially if the measurement itself is diminutive. Conversely, a large absolute uncertainty might be acceptable for very large measurements. Hence, evaluating both types of uncertainties is beneficial.

IB Tutor Advice: Practise calculating both absolute and relative uncertainties with various datasets to enhance your comfort and accuracy, a skill crucial for both internal assessments and exam questions in physics.

To better understand measurement uncertainties, it is essential to differentiate between systematic errors and random errors. Furthermore, familiarising yourself with the SI units is fundamental for interpreting experimental data accurately. It's also worthwhile to review concepts of precision versus accuracy to better appreciate the implications of different types of uncertainty in physics experiments. Additionally, an understanding of operations with vectors can be crucial when dealing with vector quantities and their uncertainties.

Considerations in Measurements

When undertaking physics experiments, it's vital to account for the precision of the instruments and the methodology. Instruments with greater precision will usually render a reduced absolute uncertainty. However, precision isn't the sole determinant. The method of measurement, the conditions under which the experiment is conducted, and even the skill level of the experimenter can influence uncertainties.


No, relative uncertainty is a percentage representation of how significant the absolute uncertainty is concerning the measured value. Absolute uncertainty represents a specific range (or value) of uncertainty, whereas relative uncertainty represents this range as a fraction or percentage of the total measurement. Hence, by definition, relative uncertainty cannot surpass absolute uncertainty in magnitude, as it is a derived value from the latter.

Relative uncertainty becomes particularly significant when comparing measurements of differing magnitudes or from different experiments. If two measurements have the same absolute uncertainty but vastly different magnitudes, their relative uncertainties will differ, indicating a higher precision for the larger value. For instance, an absolute uncertainty of 1 g is more significant for a sample weighing 10 g than for one weighing 1000 g. Thus, in contexts like quality control, standardisation across industries, or when trying to discern minute differences in large datasets, relative uncertainty offers a more contextual and insightful evaluation.

Differentiating between absolute and relative uncertainty offers a more holistic perspective on the precision and reliability of a measurement. While absolute uncertainty provides a specific range within which the true value lies, relative uncertainty offers a percentage that shows how significant the absolute uncertainty is in relation to the measurement. By considering both, a researcher can judge not only the magnitude of the uncertainty but also its significance in the context of the entire experiment. This dual evaluation helps in making informed decisions, especially when comparing results from different experiments or scales.

Equipment precision plays a pivotal role in determining uncertainties. High-quality instruments typically have smaller absolute uncertainties due to better calibration and fewer errors. However, the effect on relative uncertainty depends on the measurement magnitude. For a small measurement, even a minor absolute uncertainty can lead to a large relative uncertainty, and vice versa. It's essential to choose equipment that minimises both types of uncertainties for the specific magnitude of measurement anticipated. Moreover, even with high-end equipment, user proficiency and equipment maintenance are crucial to maintain low uncertainties.

Significant figures are crucial for ensuring that reported results, including uncertainties, are not misleading. When reporting measurements, it's essential to ensure that the absolute uncertainty is rounded to one or two significant figures, and the main measurement is rounded to the same decimal place as the absolute uncertainty. This practice ensures clarity and avoids giving a false sense of precision. For instance, if a length is measured as 10.34 m ± 0.021 m, it should be rounded and reported as 10.3 m

Practice Questions

A student measures the length of a metal rod several times and obtains the following results: 32.4 cm, 32.5 cm, 32.3 cm, and 32.5 cm. Calculate both the absolute and relative uncertainties for the length of the rod.

In addressing the question, we first need to ascertain the mean value from the given measurements. Summing them up and dividing by 4, we obtain a mean length of 32.425 cm. The spread between the highest and lowest measurements is 32.5 cm - 32.3 cm = 0.2 cm. Thus, the absolute uncertainty is half this spread, equating to 0.1 cm. To determine the relative uncertainty, the absolute uncertainty is divided by the mean and multiplied by 100, which gives: (0.1/32.425) x 100 = 0.31%. Therefore, the absolute uncertainty is 0.1 cm and the relative uncertainty is 0.31%.

An experiment to determine the charge of an electron yielded a value of 1.61 x 10^-19 C with an absolute uncertainty of 0.03 x 10^-19 C. Compute the relative uncertainty in percentage.

To ascertain the relative uncertainty, one would utilise the formula: (Absolute Uncertainty / Measured Value) x 100. Plugging in the given values, we get: (0.03 x 10-19 C / 1.61 x 10-19 C) x 100. This calculation yields a relative uncertainty of approximately 1.86%. Thus, the relative uncertainty in the determination of the electron's charge in the experiment is 1.86%.

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