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IB DP Physics Study Notes

1.2.2 Random Errors

Within experimental physics, every measurement, no matter how meticulously taken, is prone to certain degrees of error. While some errors are predictable, random errors remain elusive. Their unpredictable nature makes them a significant topic of study, ensuring the highest possible precision in experimental results.

Definition of Random Errors

Random errors are those unpredictable and unavoidable variations that occur in repeated measurements. These discrepancies have no specific pattern and can be both above or below the true value. For a better understanding of error types, you can read about systematic errors.

  • Distinct Character: Unlike systematic errors which always lean in one particular direction, random errors can manifest in any direction, either positive or negative.
  • Statistical Nature: When numerous measurements are taken, these errors tend to follow a normal distribution. This means most measurements cluster around the actual value, with fewer measurements deviating further away. It’s important to consider precision vs accuracy when evaluating these errors.

Causes of Random Errors

The emergence of random errors can be attributed to several factors, making it essential to discern these sources for better interpretation and refinement of results. For a broader context, you might want to explore absolute vs relative uncertainty.

1. Instrument Limitations: Instruments have a limit to their precision. For instance, an analogue stopwatch requires the user to judge the exact moment to start and stop, introducing a potential error in the recorded time.

2. Environmental Factors: Subtle changes in external conditions can introduce variations in measurements. A classic example is the fluctuation in room temperature, which might influence the reading of a sensitive instrument.

3. Human Inconsistencies: Variability in human judgment can introduce errors. Two observers might record slightly different times for the same event due to their reaction times.

4. Inherent Variability: Some systems being studied have an intrinsic randomness. In quantum mechanics, for instance, certain properties of particles are inherently probabilistic.

5. Noise in Measurements: All instruments have some degree of electronic or mechanical noise. For digital devices, this might come from electrical interference. For mechanical devices, wear and tear can introduce noise.

Minimisation of Random Errors

While eliminating random errors is unfeasible, there are strategies to mitigate their impact, thus ensuring more reliable results.

1. Increase Sample Size: The more times a measurement is taken, the closer the average will be to the true value. This approach leans on the law of large numbers, which states that as a sample size grows, its mean gets closer to the average of the whole population.

2. Use Higher Precision Instruments: Upgrading to instruments that offer higher precision can considerably reduce random errors. For instance, replacing a manual thermometer with a digital one can provide more consistent readings.

3. Calibration: Instruments can drift from their standard measurements over time. Periodic calibration against known standards ensures that they remain as accurate as possible.

4. Consistency in Procedure: Maintaining uniformity in the experimental setup and methodology ensures conditions remain consistent throughout the experiment. This includes ensuring consistent lighting, temperature, and other conditions that might influence results.

5. Training and Skill Development: Enhancing the skills of observers can reduce variability in results. Proper training sessions on the usage of equipment, reading measurements, and recording data can improve the consistency of results. Understanding nodes and antinodes in waveforms can also illustrate the effects of random errors in wave experiments.

6. Statistical Analysis: Using statistical tools can provide insights into the reliability and consistency of data. Techniques like calculating the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation can offer clarity on the spread and central tendency of data, shedding light on the possible extent of random errors.

7. Feedback Mechanisms: Some advanced instruments come with feedback mechanisms that adjust readings based on detected errors. While these don't eliminate random errors, they help in keeping them within acceptable limits.

8. Cross-checking with Alternative Methods: If feasible, measuring the same quantity using different methods or instruments can provide a comparative perspective, helping identify and minimise random errors. For example, when studying damping in SHM, different measurement methods can highlight inconsistencies.

9. Documentation: Keeping detailed records of every experimental setup, instrument used, and conditions present can help in identifying patterns or sources of random errors in subsequent analyses.


Yes, an instrument's precision refers to its ability to consistently reproduce similar results upon repeated measurements under unchanged conditions. However, high precision doesn't necessarily mean the absence of random errors. An instrument might give very consistent readings (high precision) but still be off from the true value due to random fluctuations. For example, an electronic balance might always give a weight reading to the nearest 0.001g, but if there's electronic noise or interference, the measurements could still fluctuate unpredictably around the true weight.

Human factors play a significant role in the introduction of random errors. Different individuals might have varying techniques or interpretations, even when following the same set of instructions. For instance, reading a scale, especially if it involves some subjective judgment like in the case of a meniscus in liquid measurements, can vary from one person to another. Hand steadiness, visual acuity, reaction times, and even cognitive biases can all introduce variations in results. Therefore, training, practice, and clear procedural guidelines can help reduce the impact of such human-induced random errors.

Control groups are essential in experiments, especially in fields like biology or medicine, to ensure that the observed effects are indeed due to the variable being tested and not because of random errors or other unforeseen factors. By keeping all conditions the same for both the experimental and control groups, except for the variable being tested, any random errors should, in theory, affect both groups equally. This makes it easier to attribute any differences in outcomes specifically to the variable being tested, rather than to random discrepancies. This technique enhances the reliability and validity of the results.

Calibration is the process of determining the relationship between the output values of an instrument and the true values of the quantities being measured. When instruments are calibrated against a known standard, any discrepancies observed can shed light on random errors. If, during calibration, the readings fluctuate significantly around the standard value without a consistent pattern, this might be an indication of random errors within the instrument. Calibration not only helps in quantifying the magnitude of these errors but also provides an opportunity to minimise or correct them before actual experimental measurements.

Environmental factors can introduce a variety of random errors in an experiment. Fluctuations in room temperature, air pressure, humidity, or electromagnetic interference can influence the outcome of measurements, especially if sensitive instruments are used. These factors are unpredictable, and even if an experimenter manages to keep conditions constant in one session, replicating those exact conditions in subsequent sessions can be challenging. For instance, even slight draughts can affect the balance in a weighing experiment, or ambient light conditions can interfere with optical measurements. Regularly monitoring and recording these environmental conditions can help in understanding and compensating for their potential effects.

Practice Questions

Differentiate between systematic errors and random errors, specifically focusing on their predictability and impact on repeated measurements.

Random errors are unpredictable variations that arise when repeated measurements are taken. They have no consistent pattern and can be both above or below the true value. These errors emerge due to factors such as human inconsistencies, instrument limitations, and inherent variability in systems. On the other hand, systematic errors are predictable and consistently lean in a particular direction—either above or below the actual value. They are typically caused by faulty equipment or a consistent misjudgment by the observer. While random errors can be minimised by taking numerous measurements and averaging, systematic errors need identification and correction at the source.

Why is it advisable to increase the sample size when trying to minimise the impact of random errors? Explain with respect to the law of large numbers.

Increasing the sample size when conducting experiments is an effective way to minimise the impact of random errors. As per the law of large numbers, as a sample size grows, its mean gets closer to the average of the entire population. By taking more measurements, individual discrepancies (which might be above or below the true value) tend to average out, causing the overall average to approach the true value more closely. Essentially, the more times an experiment is conducted or a measurement is taken, the impact of random errors on the final result diminishes, leading to more reliable and consistent findings.

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