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IB DP Physics Study Notes

1.1.3 Instruments in Physics

Physics is a vast realm of discovery, and to explore it, one requires tools – instruments that can measure, detect, and analyse. These instruments' precision and accuracy dictate the reliability of our understanding. Let's delve deeper into the instruments of physics.

Types of Instruments

Mechanical Instruments

Mechanical instruments are those devices that work based on physical or mechanical principles. They're often used for direct measurements of physical quantities.

  • Vernier Callipers:
    • Description: It comprises a main scale and a sliding vernier scale, allowing for more precise measurements.
    • Use: To measure internal and external dimensions of objects like the diameter of a tube or the thickness of a plate with small uncertainties.
  • Micrometre Screw Gauge:
    • Description: Functions using a screw mechanism. The thimble has a scale that, when combined with the main scale, gives a highly accurate reading of length.
    • Use: Ideal for measuring the dimensions of small cylindrical objects or the thickness of thin sheets.
  • Barometer:
    • Description: An instrument containing a column of liquid (like mercury) that responds to changes in atmospheric pressure.
    • Use: To measure atmospheric pressure, which can predict weather changes.

Electrical Instruments

These instruments work based on electrical or electronic principles.

  • Ammeter:
    • Description: An electrical device that measures the flow of electric current in a circuit.
    • Use: To measure current strength, ensuring circuits aren't overloaded.
  • Voltmeter:
    • Description: Measures the electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit.
    • Use: Helps in monitoring and maintaining the health of electronic circuits.
  • Oscilloscope:
    • Description: A graphical display instrument that showcases voltage against time.
    • Use: Observing the exact wave shape of electrical signals, which is crucial in the diagnostics of circuits.

Optical Instruments

Optical instruments function using light and its principles.

  • Microscope:
    • Description: Contains multiple lenses that magnify minute objects.
    • Use: Widely utilised in biology to study cells, and in materials science to study surface properties.
  • Telescope:
    • Description: Collects and focuses light from distant objects to make them appear closer.
    • Use: From amateur stargazing to professional astronomical research, telescopes help us explore the universe.
  • Spectrometer:
    • Description: Separates light into a frequency spectrum and records the resulting light intensities.
    • Use: Used in chemical analysis as different elements emit and absorb specific frequencies.

Thermal Instruments

These are centred around temperature measurements.

  • Thermometer:
    • Description: Contains a liquid (often mercury) that expands and contracts with temperature.
    • Use: Measures temperature, ubiquitous in medicine and daily life.
  • Thermal Camera:
    • Description: Detects infrared radiation (heat) and displays it as an image.
    • Use: Used in surveillance, diagnostics of electrical equipment, and building insulation checks.

Acoustic Instruments

Acoustic instruments are focused on sound and its properties.

  • Tuning Fork:
    • Description: A two-pronged metal instrument that resonates at a specific pitch.
    • Use: Calibrates musical instruments and aids hearing tests.
  • Sonometer:
    • Description: Measures the relation between string tension, length, and the frequency of the sound produced.
    • Use: Helps understand the properties of sound waves and their interactions.

Uses of Instruments

Beyond the specific uses mentioned, instruments in physics serve broader purposes:

  • Scientific Research: Instruments drive discovery. Whether it's particle accelerators exploring subatomic particles or telescopes uncovering distant galaxies, these tools are vital.
  • Industrial Applications: Instruments maintain quality. From ensuring the perfect fit of machine parts to monitoring production quality, they're indispensable.
  • Medical Diagnostics: From X-rays to ultrasound, physics instruments play a vital role in diagnosing ailments and ensuring patient health.


Calibration is the comparison of measurements made by a device under test with those made by a standard. The process identifies, under specified conditions, any discrepancy between the readings and the known standard.


  • Trust in Measurements: Calibration ensures measurements are consistent and reliable, which is critical in fields like medicine, aerospace, and research.
  • Longevity of Instruments: Regular calibration can detect issues early on, ensuring the instrument's longevity and preventing costly replacements or repairs.


  1. Selection of a Reference Standard: This standard should be of higher accuracy than the instrument under test.
  2. Environment Control: Temperature, humidity, and other conditions can impact calibration. It's crucial to maintain a stable environment.
  3. Documentation: Once calibrated, the results and any adjustments made should be meticulously documented for future reference.


During calibration, environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure can greatly influence readings. For example, the expansion or contraction of metal in a thermometer due to temperature can affect its accuracy. Hence, maintaining a stable, controlled environment is essential during the calibration process. Ensuring such stability guarantees that the only variables considered are the instrument and the reference standard, eliminating external influences that might skew results.

Optical instruments, like microscopes and telescopes, manipulate and magnify light to enhance our observation capabilities. In biology, microscopes allow scientists to study cells, bacteria, and other microorganisms at a scale that's invisible to the naked eye. They have paved the way for significant discoveries about life on a cellular level. In astronomy, telescopes collect and focus light from distant celestial objects, enabling astronomers to study stars, galaxies, and phenomena billions of light-years away. These instruments bridge the gap between the micro and macro realms of the universe, offering invaluable insights in both fields.

No instrument can ever be 100% accurate due to inherent uncertainties and potential errors, both systematic and random. Even high-quality instruments can drift from their original settings over time, or might be influenced by external factors. Calibration, even for top-tier devices, is necessary to ensure that they are as close to the accepted standard as possible. Regular calibration can identify minor deviations before they become major problems, ensuring the reliability and longevity of the instrument.

Traditional cameras capture visible light to create an image. They record the different wavelengths of light reflecting off objects, translating them into colours that our eyes can perceive. Thermal cameras, on the other hand, detect infrared radiation (heat) emitted by objects. Every object emits a certain amount of infrared radiation, and hotter objects emit more. A thermal camera translates these variations in infrared emission into a visual display where warmer objects stand out against cooler backgrounds. This function makes them invaluable in areas like surveillance, detecting heat loss in buildings, or identifying overheated components in machinery.

Mechanical instruments in physics operate based on physical or mechanical principles. These devices, like vernier callipers or barometers, often provide direct measurements of physical quantities without the need for electrical input. Electrical instruments, on the other hand, work based on electrical or electronic principles. Devices such as ammeters or voltmeters measure electrical quantities like current or potential difference. While mechanical instruments might physically measure an aspect of an object or environment, electrical instruments often measure attributes related to electrical circuits or components.

Practice Questions

Describe the importance and process of calibration in the context of electrical instruments like voltmeters and ammeters. How does this ensure the reliability of readings in experiments?

Calibration is paramount for instruments like voltmeters and ammeters as it ensures that the readings obtained are both accurate and consistent. Calibration entails comparing the measurements made by these devices with those made by a recognised standard. By recognising any discrepancy between the readings and the known standard, it's possible to adjust the instrument or understand its level of uncertainty. In the context of experiments, calibration ensures the reliability of results, making conclusions and findings more valid. Moreover, when an instrument is calibrated regularly, it aids in detecting issues early on, ensuring the longevity of the instrument and maintaining the quality of experimental results.

Differentiate between the uses of an oscilloscope and a spectrometer in the field of physics. Why might a physicist choose one over the other in specific experiments?

An oscilloscope is primarily used to observe the exact wave shape of electrical signals. It displays voltage against time, making it a vital tool for diagnosing circuits or studying electrical waveforms. Conversely, a spectrometer separates light into its spectrum and records the light intensities. It's crucial for chemical analysis since different elements emit and absorb specific frequencies of light. A physicist might choose an oscilloscope when examining electrical circuits or waveforms, while they would opt for a spectrometer when analysing the light emitted or absorbed by substances, perhaps in studies related to atomic or molecular properties. The choice is based on the nature and objective of the experiment.

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