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IB DP Physics Study Notes

1.1.1 SI Units

The International System of Units, known as SI Units, is paramount in modern scientific measurement. To navigate the complexities of scientific inquiry, a universal system is essential. Let's dive into the world of SI Units, examining their definition, the core base units, and the consequential derived units.

Definition of SI Units

The International System of Units (SI) is the world's primary system for measurement. Founded on the need for worldwide standardisation, SI Units were established during the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) in 1960. Rooted in seven fundamental units, all other units in the system can be derived from these pillars. This offers a unified language for science across various geographies and disciplines. Understanding this system aids in distinguishing between absolute and relative uncertainty in measurements.

Base SI Units

Seven base SI units form the foundational bedrock of all measurements in the realm of physics. Each corresponds to a specific kind of physical quantity:

1. Metre (m) - The Essence of Length

  • Symbol: m
  • Definition: Initially derived from the Earth's geographical characteristics, it's now defined by the speed of light. Specifically, 1 metre is the length light travels in a vacuum in precisely 1/299,792,458 of a second.

2. Kilogram (kg) - The Embodiment of Mass

  • Symbol: kg
  • Definition: Unique in its dependence on a physical artefact, the kilogram's mass is equivalent to that of the International Prototype of the Kilogram, a platinum-iridium alloy stored in France.

3. Second (s) - Time's Tapestry

  • Symbol: s
  • Definition: Derived from atomic properties, a second is defined as the duration of 9,192,631,770 oscillations between two hyperfine levels of a caesium-133 atom.

4. Ampere (A) - The Pulse of Power

  • Symbol: A
  • Definition: It denotes the electric current produced when one coulomb flows past a point in a circuit every second.

5. Kelvin (K) - Temperature's Touchstone

  • Symbol: K
  • Definition: Based on thermodynamic principles, 1 Kelvin represents 1/273.16 of the temperature at water's triple point.

6. Mole (mol) - Substance's Standard

  • Symbol: mol
  • Definition: A bridge between our macroscopic world and the atomic realm, a mole represents about 6.022 x 10 elementary entities, such as atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12.

7. Candela (cd) - The Beacon of Brightness

  • Symbol: cd
  • Definition: A measure of luminous intensity, it represents light from a source emitting radiation at a frequency of 540 x 1012 hertz with an intensity of 1/683 watt per steradian.

Derived SI Units

Derived from the fundamental base units, these units encapsulate complex physical phenomena for ease of representation:

1. Newton (N) - The Metric of Might

  • Definition: Representing force, one newton is the amount required to accelerate a kilogram's mass by a metre per second squared. This concept of force is fundamental when studying Newton's second law of motion.
  • Expressed in base units: N = kg * m/s2

2. Joule (J) - Energy's Exponent

  • Definition: Joules convey energy, marking the work done when a force of one newton shifts an object by one metre.
  • Expressed in base units: J = N * m = kg * m2/s2

3. Watt (W) - Power's Protagonist

  • Definition: Watts gauge energy transfer speed. One watt equals the transfer of one joule every second. This principle of power transfer is crucial in understanding the electric field strength.
  • Expressed in base units: W = J/s = kg * m2/s3

4. Pascal (Pa) - Pressure's Paradigm

  • Definition: Pascals articulate the pressure exerted by a force of one Newton spread over one square metre. Pascal is a fundamental unit used in describing the ideal gas law.
  • Expressed in base units: Pa = N/m2 = kg/(m * s2)

5. Volt (V) - Potential's Prodigy

  • Definition: Volts gauge the potential difference or electromotive force in a system. An understanding of volts is essential in discussions about the gravitational field.
  • Expressed in base units: V = W/A

6. Ohm (Ω) - Resistance's Representative

  • Definition: Ohms measure electrical resistance, representing the resistance in a circuit where one volt produces a current of one ampere.
  • Expressed in base units: Ω = V/A

7. Lumen (lm) - Luminosity's Lexicon

  • Definition: Lumens quantify the total visible light emitted by a source, representing the light flux from a source of one candela.
  • Expressed in base units: lm = cd * sr (steradian)


The candela's uniqueness stems from its consideration of the human eye's sensitivity to different wavelengths of light. Purely measuring the power of emitted light doesn't provide a full understanding of how humans perceive brightness. Our eyes are more sensitive to some wavelengths (around the green region) than others. Thus, the candela weighs the power emitted at different wavelengths against a standardised model of human brightness perception. This ensures that the candela doesn't just gauge emitted power, but also how intensely an average human eye would perceive that light, making it immensely relevant in applications like lighting design, visual displays, and safety indicators.

Derived units, such as the volt or watt, connect multiple base units to depict complex physical phenomena. For example, the watt, representing power, describes how swiftly energy is transferred or converted. In real-world applications like electrical devices, knowing the wattage can guide us on energy consumption rates, helping in energy efficiency determinations. Similarly, the volt, indicating electrical potential difference, can elucidate how forcefully electrons are driven in a circuit. Devices' voltage ratings in everyday appliances like phone chargers ensure compatibility with the supplied voltage, guaranteeing optimal performance and safety.

While SI units are the globally accepted system for scientific measurements, there are other systems still in use, particularly in certain regions or industries. For instance, the Imperial system, which includes units like inches, pounds, and gallons, is still utilised in the United States for many everyday measurements. Another example is the CGS (Centimetre-Gram-Second) system, historically significant in science. However, for international scientific communication and collaboration, the SI system's standardisation is crucial. It ensures consistent understanding and interpretation of data, findings, and theories, regardless of the observer's regional measurement system.

The mole bridges the gap between the macroscopic world we experience and the microscopic atomic realm. At the atomic and molecular scales, discussing quantities in terms of individual atoms or molecules becomes impractical due to their vast numbers. The mole offers a means to relate a macroscopic quantity of a substance to a specific number of its constituent atomic or molecular entities. With a mole defined as about 6.022 x 1023 entities (Avogadro's number), it ensures that scientists can discuss large quantities of atoms or molecules in a comprehensible manner, facilitating calculations and comparisons in fields like chemistry and molecular physics.

The original definition of the kilogram was based on a physical artefact, the International Prototype of the Kilogram (IPK), a cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy stored in France. However, over time, minute discrepancies in mass emerged between the IPK and its replicas worldwide. Such changes, although minuscule, jeopardised the stability of the unit. Hence, there was a push to redefine the kilogram in terms of immutable fundamental constants of nature. In 2019, the kilogram was redefined using the Planck constant, leveraging its relationship with energy and frequency through quantum mechanical principles. This redefinition ensures that the kilogram will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future, irrespective of the condition of any physical object.

Practice Questions

Describe the importance of SI Units in ensuring consistency and universality in scientific measurements, providing an example with the SI unit for time.

SI Units play a pivotal role in guaranteeing consistency and universality in scientific measurements, ensuring that data and findings are universally understood, regardless of geographical or linguistic disparities. The International System of Units provides a shared language for scientists globally, fostering collaboration and understanding. For instance, the SI unit for time, the second, is defined using the specific duration of 9,192,631,770 oscillations of a caesium-133 atom. This precise definition ensures that time measurements remain consistent across different labs and nations, eliminating any discrepancies that might arise from traditional or regional definitions.

Differentiate between a base SI unit and a derived SI unit, giving an example of each.

Base SI units are the fundamental units upon which the entire SI system is built. They are independent and do not derive from any other units. An example is the kilogram (kg), which is the base unit for mass. On the other hand, derived SI units are formed from combinations of these base units to represent other physical quantities more directly. An example of a derived unit is Newton (N), which represents force and is a combination of the base units kilogram, metre, and second (kg * m/s2). In essence, while base units serve as the foundational pillars, derived units expand upon them to cover a broader range of measurements.

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