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IB DP Maths AA HL Study Notes

5.3.2 Free Fall and Projectile Motion

Understanding the principles of free fall and projectile motion is essential in the study of physics and maths. These concepts delve into the behaviour of objects when influenced solely by the force of gravity. This section will explore the equations governing such motions, the maximum height attained during free fall, the range of a projectile, and its time of flight. For a deeper understanding of how velocity and acceleration interact during these motions, refer to the notes on position, velocity, and acceleration.

Equations of Motion for Free Fall

When an object is in free fall, the only significant force acting upon it is gravity. This force, due to gravitational acceleration, is represented as g. On Earth, g is approximately 9.81 m/s2, acting downwards.

From the principles of kinematics, we can derive the following equations for an object in free fall:

1. Final Velocity: v = u + gt

2. Displacement: s = ut + 0.5gt2

3. Velocity squared: v2 = u2 + 2gs


  • v is the final velocity.
  • u is the initial velocity.
  • s is the displacement.
  • t is the time.

Understanding these equations helps in comprehending the first-order differential equations that describe motion in physics.

Maximum Height in Free Fall

An object projected vertically upwards will reach a point where its velocity becomes zero before it starts its descent. This point is termed the maximum height.

Using the first kinematic equation, when v = 0, the time taken to reach the maximum height, t, is t = u/g.

The maximum height, h, can be determined using the equation: h = ut - 0.5gt2

Projectile Motion: An Overview

Projectile motion refers to the two-dimensional motion of an object subjected only to the force of gravity. This motion can be dissected into horizontal and vertical components.

Horizontal Motion (x-direction):

  • The velocity remains constant since no acceleration acts in the horizontal direction.
  • vx = ux
  • sx = ux t

Vertical Motion (y-direction):

  • This motion is influenced by gravity.
  • vy = uy - gt
  • sy = uy t - 0.5gt2

For an in-depth exploration of projectile motion through different mathematical lenses, consider studying parametric equations.

IB Maths Tutor Tip: Understanding projectile motion enriches problem-solving skills by integrating both kinematic equations and trigonometric principles, essential for real-world applications in physics and engineering.

Range and Time of Flight in Projectile Motion

The range of a projectile is the horizontal distance it traverses during its trajectory. For an object projected at an angle theta to the horizontal with an initial velocity u, the range R is: R = (u2 sin(2theta))/g

The time of flight, T, represents the total duration the projectile remains airborne. It is given by: T = (2u sin(theta))/g

Understanding the distribution of outcomes in projectile motion can also benefit from a grasp of the normal distribution, especially when analyzing errors in measurement or variations in launch conditions.

Example Question: A ball is projected upwards at an angle of 30° to the horizontal with an initial speed of 20 m/s. Determine the maximum height, range, and time of flight.

Answer: Using the equations mentioned:

  • Maximum height: h = (u2 sin2(theta))/(2g)
  • Range: R = (u2 sin(2theta))/g
  • Time of flight: T = (2u sin(theta))/g

Substituting the given values, we can compute the maximum height, range, and time of flight for the ball.

Maximum Height (H):

The vertical component of the initial velocity is u * sin(theta). Using this, the maximum height H can be calculated as:

H = (u2 * sin(theta)2) / (2*g)

Plugging in the values, we get:

  • H = 5.10 meters

Range (R):

The horizontal component of the initial velocity is u * cos(theta). The range R is the horizontal distance covered during the time of flight and can be calculated as:

R = u * cos(theta) * T

Where T is the time of flight. Plugging in the values, we get:

  • R = 35.31 meters

Time of Flight (T):

Using the formula:

T = (2*u * sin(theta)) / g

Plugging in the values, we get:

  • T = 2.04 seconds

So, the ball reaches a maximum height of 5.10 meters, covers a horizontal distance of 35.31 meters, and is in the air for 2.04 seconds.

IB Tutor Advice: Practice drawing diagrams for projectile motion problems; it aids in visualising components and applying equations correctly, a crucial skill for tackling exam questions effectively.

Delving Deeper: Factors Affecting Projectile Motion

While the equations provided offer a simplified view of projectile motion, several factors can influence the trajectory of a projectile in real-world scenarios:

  • Air Resistance: In a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate. However, in the atmosphere, air resistance can significantly affect the motion, especially for objects with large surface areas or those moving at high velocities.
  • Altitude: The value of g can vary with altitude. At higher altitudes, the gravitational force is slightly weaker, which can influence the motion of projectiles.
  • Earth's Rotation: For long-range projectiles, the rotation of the Earth can come into play, causing deviations in the trajectory.


Yes, an object can have a horizontal velocity while in free fall. In fact, this is the basis of projectile motion. When an object is launched or thrown at an angle to the vertical, it has both horizontal and vertical components of velocity. While the vertical component causes the object to rise and then fall under gravity, the horizontal component remains unchanged (in the absence of air resistance) and causes the object to move horizontally. This combination of vertical and horizontal motions results in a curved trajectory typical of projectiles.

The motion of a projectile differs from pure free fall in that a projectile experiences motion in two dimensions: horizontal and vertical. In pure free fall, an object moves only vertically under the influence of gravity. For a projectile, while the vertical motion is influenced by gravity (similar to free fall), the horizontal motion is due to the initial horizontal component of velocity. This horizontal velocity remains constant (assuming no air resistance) throughout the projectile's flight. The combination of these two motions gives the projectile its characteristic parabolic trajectory.

The angle of projection plays a crucial role in determining the range of a projectile. For a given initial velocity, the maximum range is achieved when the angle of projection is 45°. This is because the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity are balanced, maximising the distance covered. If the angle is less than 45°, the projectile will have a greater horizontal component but will not rise as high, reducing the time of flight. Conversely, if the angle is greater than 45°, the projectile will rise higher but will not travel as far horizontally. Thus, 45° provides the optimal balance for maximum range.

In real-world scenarios, several factors can influence the trajectory of a projectile beyond the idealised models. One of the primary factors is air resistance, which can slow down the projectile and alter its path, especially if the object has a large surface area or is moving at high velocities. The altitude at which the projectile is launched can also play a role; at higher altitudes, the gravitational force is slightly weaker. Additionally, the Earth's rotation can affect long-range projectiles, causing deviations in their trajectory. Other factors include the shape of the projectile, spin, and initial launch conditions.

An object in free fall accelerates due to the gravitational pull of the Earth. When an object is released from a height, there are no forces acting on it in the vertical direction other than gravity (assuming we neglect air resistance). This gravitational force causes the object to accelerate downwards. On Earth, this acceleration is approximately 9.81 m/s2, and it remains constant for the object as it falls, leading to an increase in its velocity until it reaches the ground or another intervening surface.

Practice Questions

A football is kicked with an initial speed of 25 m/s at an angle of 40° to the horizontal. Calculate the maximum height the football reaches and the total time it remains in the air.

To determine the maximum height, we use the formula: h = (u2 sin2(theta))/(2g) Where:

  • u is the initial velocity, 25 m/s.
  • theta is the angle of projection, 40°.
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity, approximately 9.81 m/s2.

Substituting the values in, we get: h = (252 sin2(40))/(2 x 9.81) This gives a maximum height of approximately 13.16 m.

For the total time of flight, we use: T = (2u sin(theta))/g Substituting the values, we get: T = (2 x 25 sin(40))/9.81 This gives a time of flight of approximately 3.28 seconds.

A stone is thrown horizontally from the top of a 60 m high cliff with an initial speed of 15 m/s. How far from the base of the cliff will the stone land?

When an object is thrown horizontally, its horizontal velocity remains constant. The horizontal distance or range can be found using: R = u x t Where:

  • u is the horizontal velocity, 15 m/s.
  • t is the time taken to reach the ground.

To find t, we use the vertical motion under gravity: s = 0.5 g t2 Given s is 60 m and g is 9.81 m/s2, we can solve for t. This gives t as approximately 3.5 seconds.

Substituting t into the range formula, we get: R = 15 x 3.5 This gives a range of approximately 52.5 m from the base of the cliff.

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