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3.6.3 Intersection of Plane and Line

Understanding the intersection of a plane and a line is a fundamental concept in vector geometry. This topic delves into the conditions required for a line to intersect a plane and the methods to find the points of intersection.


In the realm of three-dimensional geometry, the interaction between a plane and a line is a topic of great significance. Whether in architectural designs, computer graphics, or advanced mathematical problems, understanding how and where a line intersects a plane is crucial. This section will explore the conditions under which a line and plane intersect and the methods to determine the exact points of intersection. To grasp these concepts fully, it's beneficial to have a solid understanding of plane equations.

Conditions for Intersection

A line can have three potential relationships with a plane:

1. Intersecting the Plane Once: This is the scenario where a line pierces through the plane, intersecting it at a single, unique point. This point of intersection is where the line and the plane share a common location in space.

2. Lying Entirely on the Plane: In this situation, the line doesn't just touch the plane at a single point; instead, every point on the line also lies on the plane. This means the line is entirely contained within the plane.

3. Parallel to the Plane but Outside it: Here, the line and the plane never meet. They run parallel to each other, maintaining a consistent distance apart, and no point on the line exists on the plane.

To determine which of these relationships a line has with a plane, we can utilise the direction vector of the line and the normal vector of the plane. The dot product of these vectors provides insights into their relationship. For a deeper understanding of vector operations, see basic vector operations and the importance of dot product and magnitude.

  • If the dot product is zero and a point on the line doesn't lie on the plane, the line is parallel to the plane.
  • If the dot product is zero and a point on the line does lie on the plane, then the line is entirely contained within the plane.

Finding Points of Intersection

Determining where a line intersects a plane is a systematic process. Here's a step-by-step guide:


1. Establish the Parametric Equations of the Line: These equations represent the line in terms of a parameter, usually denoted as 't'. The equations are of the form: x = x1 + at y = y1 + bt z = z1 + ct Here, (x1, y1, z1) is a specific point on the line, and (a, b, c) represents the direction vector of the line. Understanding parametric equations is crucial at this stage.

2. Integrate these Equations into the Plane's Equation: A plane's equation is generally represented as: Ax + By + Cz = D

3. Resolve for the Parameter 't': By substituting the parametric equations into the plane's equation, we can solve for 't'. This value indicates the instance when the line intersects the plane.

4. Determine the Intersection Point: With 't' known, plug this value back into the line's parametric equations. The resulting x, y, and z values give the coordinates of the intersection point.


Imagine a line that traverses through the point (1,2,3) and has a direction vector of (2,1,1). Now, consider a plane described by the equation x + 2y + z = 7.

By substituting the line's parametric equations into the plane's equation, we can compute the value of 't'. This value, when plugged back into the line's equations, provides the coordinates where the line intersects the plane. For more examples of how lines and planes interact, consider exploring the angles between planes.

Practical Implications

The concept of a line intersecting a plane isn't just theoretical; it has tangible applications:

  • Architecture and Engineering: For structural designs, understanding intersections is pivotal for both stability and aesthetics.
  • Computer Graphics: In digital scenes, determining where a ray (a type of line) intersects a surface is essential for effects like shading and reflection.
  • Navigation and Aviation: For pilots and navigators, understanding intersections is vital to manoeuvre around obstacles or reach specific destinations.

Advanced Considerations

While the basics of line-plane intersections are covered above, there are more advanced considerations in higher-level maths. For instance, how do changes in the direction vector of the line influence the intersection point? Or, how can we determine if a line lies in the plane's boundary versus its interior?


The point-normal form of a plane is particularly useful because it provides a straightforward method to define a plane using just a point and a normal vector. The point guarantees that the plane passes through a specific location in space, while the normal vector gives the orientation or the direction in which the plane is facing. This form is especially handy in problems where the perpendicular direction to the plane is known or can be easily determined.

Yes, a line can be perpendicular to a plane. For a line to be perpendicular to a plane, its direction vector should be either in the same direction or in the opposite direction as the normal vector of the plane. This can be determined by taking the dot product of the direction vector of the line and the normal vector of the plane. If the dot product equals the magnitude of the product of the lengths of the two vectors, then the line is perpendicular to the plane.

Yes, it's possible for two planes to intersect a line at the same point. When this happens, it means that the line is the line of intersection for the two planes. Every point on this line will satisfy the equations of both planes. In other words, the line lies entirely in both planes. This scenario is a part of the broader concept where three planes can intersect at a single point, known as the point of concurrency.

To determine if a line is parallel to a plane, we need to look at the direction vector of the line and the normal vector of the plane. If the direction vector of the line is orthogonal (perpendicular) to the normal vector of the plane, then the line is parallel to the plane. Mathematically, this is confirmed if the dot product of the two vectors is zero.

There are three primary scenarios when considering the intersection of a line and a plane:

  • The line intersects the plane at a single point. This is the most common scenario, where the line pierces through the plane, resulting in one unique point of intersection.
  • The line lies entirely within the plane. In this case, the line doesn't just intersect the plane at a single point; instead, every point on the line is also on the plane. This means the line itself is the intersection.
  • The line is parallel to the plane and does not intersect it at all. Here, the line and plane run alongside each other without ever meeting.

Practice Questions

Given a line with parametric equations x = 1 + 2t, y = 3 - t, and z = 4 + 3t, and a plane represented by the equation 2x - y + 3z = 12, determine the point of intersection between the line and the plane.

To find the point of intersection, we substitute the parametric equations of the line into the equation of the plane.

Using x = 1 + 2t in the plane's equation, we get: 2(1 + 2t) - (3 - t) + 3(4 + 3t) = 12.

Solving for t, we get t = 1/14.

Substituting t = 1 into the parametric equations, we find: x = 8/7, y = 41/14, and z = 59/14.

Thus, the point of intersection is (8/7, 41/14, 59/14).

A line passes through the point (2, 1, 3) and has a direction vector of (1, -2, 1). If this line intersects the plane x - 2y + z = 5, find the coordinates of the intersection point.

First, we write the parametric equations for the line: x = 2 + t, y = 1 - 2t, z = 3 + t.

Substituting these into the plane's equation, we get: (2 + t) - 2(1 - 2t) + (3 + t) = 5.

Solving for t, we obtain t = 1/3.

Plugging t = 1/3 into the line's parametric equations, we get: x = 7/3, y = 1/3, and z = 10/3.

Hence, the intersection point is (7/3, 1/3, 10/3).

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