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2.3.3 Inverse Transformations

Inverse transformations are a fundamental concept in the study of functions in mathematics. This topic focuses on the idea of reflecting functions over the line y=x and the resulting effects on their domain and range.

Reflection over y=x

When we talk about reflecting a function over the line y=x, we're essentially discussing the swapping of the x and y coordinates for every point on the original function. This action gives us the graph of the inverse function, but only if the original function was one-to-one.

Example: Let's take the function f(x) = 2x + 3. To find its inverse, we swap x and y to get x = 2y + 3. When we solve for y, we get the inverse function as y = (x - 3)/2.

Key Points:

  • The line y=x acts as a mirror. Points that lie on this line remain unchanged during the reflection.
  • If the original function was on an upward trend, its inverse will also trend upwards.
  • If the original function was on a downward trend, its inverse will also trend downwards.

Properties of Inverse Functions

The inverse of a function, often represented as f(-1), is the function for which f(f(-1)(x)) = x for any x in its domain. This means the function and its inverse cancel each other out.

Key Properties:

1. Bijectiveness: A function must be bijective to have an inverse. This means it has to be both injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto).

2. Composition: For a function f and its inverse f(-1), the compositions f(f(-1)(x)) and f(-1)(f(x)) both give x.

3. Graphical Reflection: The graphs of f and f(-1) are mirror images of each other about the line y=x.

Effects on Domain and Range

The domain and range of a function undergo a specific transformation when the function is reflected over y=x. Specifically, the domain of the original function becomes the range of its inverse, and vice versa.

Example: If the domain of f(x) is [1, 5] and its range is [2, 10], then the domain of its inverse, f(-1)(x), will be [2, 10] and its range will be [1, 5].

Key Points:

  • Functions that aren't one-to-one don't have inverses that are functions. For these, we use the horizontal line test to determine if an inverse exists.
  • The swapping of domain and range is a direct result of the x and y coordinate swap during reflection over y=x.

Practical Applications

Understanding inverse transformations isn't just about theory. It has practical applications in various fields.

  • In physics, it's used to understand inverse relationships, such as pressure and volume in Boyle's law.
  • In economics, supply and demand curves often have inverse relationships. Understanding their inverses can provide insights into market dynamics.

Example Question: Given the function g(x) = x2 + 4x + 7, which is defined for x > -2, find its inverse and state the domain and range of the inverse.


1. Swap x and y: x = y2 + 4y + 7.

2. To find y (the inverse), we would typically complete the square and solve for y. However, since g(x) isn't one-to-one (it's a parabola opening upwards), its inverse won't be a function.

3. The domain of g(x) is x > -2, which means the range of its inverse will be y > -2. The range of g(x) is y > 3 (the minimum value of the parabola), which means the domain of its inverse will be x > 3.


Yes, inverse functions are always symmetrical to the original function with respect to the line y=x. This symmetry arises because the x and y values are interchanged in the inverse function. So, if a point (a, b) is on the graph of the original function, the point (b, a) will be on the graph of its inverse. This relationship holds true for all points on the function, leading to the symmetry about the line y=x.

The domain of a function becomes the range of its inverse, and the range of the function becomes the domain of its inverse. This is because, in an inverse function, the roles of x and y are swapped. So, the set of all possible x-values (domain) for the original function becomes the set of all possible y-values (range) for its inverse, and vice versa.

Not all functions have inverses. For a function to have an inverse, it must be bijective, meaning it is both injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto). In simpler terms, for every x-value, there should be only one corresponding y-value, and vice versa. If a function doesn't meet this criterion, it doesn't have an inverse that is also a function. The horizontal line test is a useful tool to determine if a function has an inverse. If any horizontal line intersects the graph of the function more than once, then the function doesn't have an inverse.

The line y=x is significant because it acts as a mirror for inverse functions. When you reflect the graph of a function over this line, you get the graph of its inverse. This is because the x and y values are swapped in an inverse function. So, if a point (a, b) lies on the graph of the original function, then the point (b, a) will lie on the graph of its inverse. This reflection property is a visual representation of the algebraic process of finding the inverse of a function.

When a graph is reflected over the x-axis, every y-coordinate is negated. If it's then reflected over the y-axis, every x-coordinate is negated. Reflecting over both axes is equivalent to rotating the graph by 180 degrees about the origin. This transformation doesn't produce the inverse of the function, but it does give a graph that is a rotation of the original.

Practice Questions

Given the function h(x) = 3x - 5, find its inverse. Once you have found the inverse, determine the domain and range of the inverse function.

To find the inverse of the function h(x), we swap x and y. So, we get x = 3y - 5. Solving for y, we add 5 to both sides and then divide by 3. This gives us y = (x + 5)/3. This is the inverse function, h(-1)(x) = (x + 5)/3. The original function h(x) has a domain and range of all real numbers. Therefore, its inverse, h^(-1)(x), also has a domain and range of all real numbers.

The function k(x) = x^2 + 2 is defined for x >= 0. Find the inverse of this function and state the domain and range of the inverse.

To find the inverse of k(x), we swap x and y to get x = y2 + 2. Solving for y, we subtract 2 from both sides to get x - 2 = y2. Taking the square root of both sides, we get y = sqrt(x - 2). Since k(x) is defined for x ≥= 0, its inverse, k(-1)(x), will have a domain of x ≥= 2 (as we can't take the square root of a negative number). The range of k(x) is y ≥= 2 because it's a parabola opening upwards. Therefore, the range of its inverse will be y ≥= 0.

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