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2.3.2 Advanced Transformations

Understanding advanced transformations in the context of functions is a cornerstone of mathematics. These transformations, which include stretching, compressing, and combined transformations, offer a lens through which we can view and understand the behaviour of functions in various scenarios. In this section, we will delve deeper into these transformations, exploring their intricacies and applications.

Stretching and Compressing

When we talk about stretching and compressing functions, we refer to the modifications in the shape of the function's graph. These transformations can be vertical or horizontal, and they play a pivotal role in changing the appearance of the function without altering its inherent nature.

Vertical Stretching and Compressing

Vertical transformations are all about changing the height of the function's graph.

  • Definition: A vertical stretch elongates the graph away from the x-axis, making it appear taller, while a vertical compression pushes the graph closer to the x-axis, making it appear shorter.
  • Mathematical Representation: For a function f(x), if it undergoes a vertical stretch by a factor 'a' where a > 1, the new function becomes af(x). Similarly, for a vertical compression by a factor 'a' where 0 < a < 1, the function is represented as af(x).
  • Impact on Graph: For a function like y = x2, a vertical stretch makes the parabola narrower, while a compression makes it wider.
  • Real-life Application: Imagine a bouncing ball. The height it reaches with each bounce can be modelled by a vertically compressed quadratic function, where the compression factor represents the energy loss with each bounce.

Horizontal Stretching and Compressing

Horizontal transformations focus on the width of the function's graph.

  • Definition: A horizontal stretch makes the graph wider, pulling it away from the y-axis, while a horizontal compression pushes it closer to the y-axis, making it narrower.
  • Mathematical Representation: For a function f(x), a horizontal compression by a factor 'b' is represented as f(bx). For a stretch, where 'b' is a fraction, the function becomes f(x/b).
  • Impact on Graph: For a function like y = x3, a horizontal compression results in a steeper curve, while a stretch makes it flatter.
  • Real-life Application: Consider the growth of a plant. If a plant grows faster in its initial days and then slows down, its growth can be modelled by a horizontally stretched cubic function.

Combined Transformations

In many scenarios, functions undergo multiple transformations simultaneously. Understanding the net effect of these combined transformations is crucial for accurate analysis.

  • Sequential Application: When applying multiple transformations, it's essential to apply them in sequence. For instance, if a function is reflected, stretched, and then translated, each transformation should be applied one after the other.
  • Example: For the function y = x2, if we vertically stretch it by 2, reflect it over the x-axis, and then translate it 3 units right and 4 units up, the transformed function is y = -2(x - 3)2 + 4.
  • Tips for Combined Transformations:
    • Begin with reflections.
    • Apply stretches or compressions next.
    • End with translations.

Example Questions

1. How would the function y = x2 appear if it's first horizontally compressed by 2, vertically stretched by 3, and then translated 2 units left?

Answer: The function, after undergoing the transformations, would be represented as y = 3(2x + 2)2. This means the parabola will first become steeper due to the horizontal compression, then become narrower because of the vertical stretch, and finally shift 2 units to the left.


2. Transform the function y = x3 to get y = -2(x/3 + 1)3 - 2. What transformations are applied?

Answer: The function y = -2(x/3 + 1)3 - 2 has undergone several transformations from y = x3. Firstly, it's reflected over the x-axis. Then, it's vertically stretched by a factor of 2 and horizontally stretched by a factor of 3. Finally, it's translated 1 unit left and 2 units down.


No, a function cannot undergo both a horizontal stretch and a horizontal compression simultaneously. These two transformations are opposites. A horizontal stretch makes the graph wider, while a horizontal compression makes it narrower. If a function is said to undergo a horizontal stretch by a certain factor and a compression by another factor, the two effects would counteract each other. The net effect would be determined by the combined impact of both factors. For instance, a stretch by a factor of 2 followed by a compression by the same factor would result in no net horizontal transformation.

Absolutely! Advanced transformations of functions are foundational in various real-world scenarios. Engineers use them to model and analyse signals in telecommunications. In physics, transformations help in understanding wave behaviours under different conditions. In finance, they can be used to model and predict stock market behaviours by adjusting existing data sets to fit new scenarios. In essence, understanding how to manipulate and transform functions is key to modelling and solving real-world problems across numerous domains.

Advanced transformations can significantly impact the periodicity of trigonometric functions. For instance, a horizontal stretch or compression will alter the period of functions like sine and cosine. If y = sin(x) undergoes a horizontal stretch by a factor of 'a', its period becomes 2π/a. Similarly, a horizontal compression by a factor of 'b' would result in a period of 2πb. Vertical transformations, on the other hand, do not affect the periodicity but can change the amplitude or vertical displacement of the function.

The order in which combined transformations are applied to a function can significantly affect the resulting graph. For instance, if a function is first reflected and then translated, the outcome might be different than if it were first translated and then reflected. It's crucial to apply transformations in the specified sequence to achieve the desired result. Typically, reflections are applied first, followed by stretches or compressions, and then translations. However, always refer to the given instructions or context to determine the correct order of operations for combined transformations.

In the context of function transformations, the terms "stretch" and "dilation" are often used interchangeably. Both refer to the process of altering the shape of a graph either vertically or horizontally. However, in some contexts, a dilation might be considered a more general term that encompasses both stretches and compressions. A stretch increases the distance between points on the graph and a fixed line (usually an axis), while a compression decreases this distance. Regardless of the terminology, the key is to understand the underlying concept: altering the shape of a graph by changing the distances between its points and a fixed line.

Practice Questions

Given the function y = -x^2 + 4, describe the transformations required to obtain the function y = -2(x - 1)^2 + 5.

To transform the function y = -x2 + 4 to y = -2(x - 1)2 + 5, several transformations are applied:

  • Firstly, there's a vertical stretch by a factor of 2. This is evident from the coefficient of the squared term, which has changed from -1 to -2.
  • Next, there's a horizontal translation of 1 unit to the right. This is indicated by the term (x - 1) in the squared expression.
  • Lastly, there's a vertical translation of 1 unit upwards. This can be deduced from the constant term, which has increased from 4 to 5.
The graph of the function y = -x^2 + 4 is transformed to produce the graph of y = -2(x - 1)^2 + 5. By how many units and in which direction has the vertex of the parabola shifted?

The vertex of the original function y = -x2 + 4 is at the point (0, 4). For the transformed function y = -2(x - 1)2 + 5, the vertex has shifted to the point (1, 5). By comparing these two points, it's clear that the vertex has moved 1 unit to the right and 1 unit upwards. So, the vertex of the parabola has shifted by 1 unit in the right direction and 1 unit in the upward direction.

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