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IB DP Maths AA HL Study Notes

2.1.2 Finding Range

Understanding the range of a function is as crucial as knowing its domain. The range gives us insights into the potential outputs a function can produce based on its inputs. This section delves deep into the techniques for determining the range, the significance of inverses in this context, and the role of graphical methods.

Introduction to Range

Every function, when provided with an input from its domain, produces an output. The collection of all these possible outputs is termed as the range of the function.

  • Defining Range: The range of a function is the set of all possible outputs or y-values the function can produce. It's a reflection of the function's behaviour and its potential outcomes.
  • Importance: Knowing the range helps in understanding the boundaries of a function. It tells us the minimum and maximum values a function can attain.

Techniques to Determine Range

There are several techniques to determine the range of a function. The choice of technique often depends on the nature of the function.

  • Algebraic Methods: These involve manipulating the function algebraically to deduce its range. For instance, for quadratic functions, completing the square can provide insights into its range.
  • Graphical Methods: By plotting the function, one can visually inspect its behaviour and deduce the range. The highest and lowest points on the graph often give the range for continuous functions.
  • Using Inverses: The domain of the inverse function corresponds to the range of the original function. By finding the inverse and determining its domain, one can deduce the range of the original function.

Delving into Inverses

Inverses play a pivotal role in determining the range of a function. The process involves two main steps:

1. Finding the Inverse: Swap x and y in the function's equation and solve for y. This new equation represents the inverse function.

2. Determining the Domain of the Inverse: The domain of the inverse function will give the range of the original function.


Consider the function f(x) = 3x + 2. To find its range:

1. Swap x and y to get x = 3y + 2. Solving for y, we get y = (x - 2)/3.

2. This function is defined for all real numbers, indicating that the range of f(x) is also all real numbers.

Graphical Methods Explored

Graphical methods offer a visual approach to determining the range. By plotting the function and observing its behaviour, one can deduce the range.

  • Continuous Functions: For functions that are continuous over their domain, the range can be determined by observing the highest and lowest points on the graph.
  • Discontinuous Functions: For functions that aren't continuous, each segment or piece of the function needs to be analysed separately to deduce the range.


For the function g(x) = x squared:

1. When plotted, the graph is a parabola opening upwards.


2. The graph lies entirely above the x-axis, indicating that all y-values are non-negative.

3. Thus, the range is all y-values greater than or equal to 0.

Advanced Techniques

For more complex functions, advanced techniques might be required:

  • Calculus: Techniques like differentiation can help find local maxima and minima, which can be crucial in determining the range.
  • Factorisation and Completing the Square: These algebraic techniques can provide insights into the range, especially for polynomial functions.


For the function h(x) = -x squared + 6x - 5:

1. Completing the square gives h(x) = -(x - 3) squared + 4.

2. The function represents a downward-facing parabola with its highest point at y = 4.


3. Thus, the range is all y-values less than or equal to 4.


A function has only one range, which is the set of all possible outputs it can produce. However, when a function is defined piecewise or has different expressions for different intervals of its domain, each piece might have its own range. When determining the overall range of such a function, it's essential to consider the ranges of all the individual pieces and then combine them. The union of these individual ranges will give the overall range of the function.

Asymptotes provide valuable information about the behaviour of a function as it approaches specific values. A horizontal asymptote indicates the value that a function approaches as its input approaches positive or negative infinity. If a function approaches a horizontal asymptote but never reaches or crosses it, that value will be a boundary of the range but not part of the range itself. For instance, if a function has a horizontal asymptote at y = 2 and approaches it from below, then its range might be all y-values less than 2.

Finding the domain of the inverse function to determine the range of the original function is a technique rooted in the definition of inverse functions. The domain of the inverse function corresponds directly to the range of the original function. By finding the inverse and determining its domain, one can deduce the range of the original function without having to analyse the original function's behaviour in depth. This method can be especially useful for functions where traditional techniques to find the range are more complex.

The degree of a polynomial function, especially when combined with the sign of its leading coefficient, provides insights into its end behaviour and consequently its range. For even-degree polynomials, if the leading coefficient is positive, both ends of the graph will tend towards positive infinity, and if negative, both ends will tend towards negative infinity. For odd-degree polynomials, if the leading coefficient is positive, the graph will tend towards negative infinity on the left and positive infinity on the right. The opposite is true if the leading coefficient is negative. Understanding this end behaviour can help in deducing the range of polynomial functions.

The behaviour of a function at its endpoints can significantly influence its range, especially for functions defined over a closed interval. If the function is continuous over this interval, then by the Intermediate Value Theorem, it will take on every value between its minimum and maximum. The values of the function at the endpoints will determine if these points are included in the range. For instance, if a function is increasing on an interval and has a value of 3 at the left endpoint and 5 at the right endpoint, its range on this interval is [3, 5].

Practice Questions

Given the function f(x) = x cubed - 3x squared + 2, determine its range.

To determine the range of the function f(x) = x cubed - 3x squared + 2, we can start by finding the critical points where the derivative is zero. Differentiating the function, we get f'(x) = 3x squared - 6x. Setting this equal to zero, we find x = 0 and x = 2 as critical points. Evaluating the function at these points, we get f(0) = 2 and f(2) = 2. Since the coefficient of x cubed is positive, the function will tend towards positive infinity as x goes to positive infinity and towards negative infinity as x goes to negative infinity. Thus, the range of the function is all real numbers.

A function is defined as g(x) = 2 - absolute value of (x + 1). Determine its range.

The function g(x) = 2 - absolute value of (x + 1) is a transformation of the basic absolute value function. The term x + 1 shifts the graph 1 unit to the left, and the term 2 - absolute value of (x + 1) reflects the graph over the x-axis and then shifts it up by 2 units. The vertex of the graph is the highest point, which occurs at x = -1 and has a y-value of 2. Since the graph opens downwards, the y-values will decrease without bound as x moves away from -1 in either direction. Therefore, the range of the function is y is less than or equal to 2.

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