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2.1.1 Finding Domain

In the realm of mathematics, particularly when dealing with functions, the concept of a domain is paramount. The domain of a function refers to the complete set of possible input values, often denoted as 'x' values, for which the function is defined and yields valid output values. This section will delve deeper into the techniques for determining domains, the inherent restrictions that might be present, and the intricacies of piecewise functions.

What is a Domain?

The domain of a function is essentially the collection of all permissible input values that can be fed into the function without causing any ambiguities or undefined results. On a graph, the domain corresponds to the horizontal axis, representing the breadth of x-values for which the function provides a valid y-value.

  • Techniques: To ascertain the domain of a function, one must scrutinise the function for values that might render it undefined or lead to undesirable outputs. Common pitfalls include division by zero, extracting the square root of a negative number, or computing the logarithm of a non-positive number.
  • Restrictions: These are specific conditions or boundaries that limit the domain. Such restrictions often emanate from the nature of the function itself. For instance, rational functions cannot have a zero in the denominator, and square root functions cannot operate on negative radicands.

Identifying Restrictions in Functions

To pinpoint the domain of a function, it's crucial to understand the type of function in question and any inherent restrictions it might possess.

  • Rational functions: For a function given by f(x) = N(x)/D(x), where N and D are polynomials, the domain encompasses all real numbers except those for which D(x) = 0.
  • Root functions: For a function represented as f(x) = square root of g(x), the domain includes all x-values for which g(x) is greater than or equal to 0.
  • Logarithmic functions: For a function depicted as f(x) = log base b of x, the domain is all x-values greater than zero.

Example Question 1

Consider the function f(x) = 1 divided by (x - 3). Determine its domain.


1. Identify potential issues: The function becomes undefined when x - 3 equals 0.

2. Solve for x: x equals 3.

3. State the domain: The domain of f(x) includes all real numbers except x equals.

Delving into Piecewise Functions

Piecewise functions are unique in that they are defined by multiple sub-functions, each pertaining to a specific interval of the main function's domain.

  • Identifying domains: For piecewise functions, the domain is derived by amalgamating the domains of all its sub-functions.
  • Restrictions: Each segment of the function has its domain. The overall domain is the union of these individual domains. Restrictions that apply to one segment might not apply to another, and this must be taken into account when determining the overall domain.

Example Question 2

Determine the domain of the piecewise function defined as:

f(x) =

  • 2x + 1 for x less than 0
  • x squared for x greater than or equal to 0


1. Examine each segment: The first segment, 2x + 1, is a linear function without restrictions, so its domain is all x less than 0. The second segment, x squared, is a parabola without restrictions, valid for x greater than or equal to 0.

2. Combine the domains: The overall domain of f(x) is all real numbers, as it encompasses any x less than 0 or x greater than or equal to 0.

Advanced Techniques for Finding Domains

While the aforementioned methods are foundational, there are more advanced techniques that can be employed to determine the domain of complex functions.

  • Graphical method: By plotting the function, one can visually discern the domain as the stretch of the x-axis that the graph spans.
  • Analytical method: This involves a deep dive into the equation of the function, identifying specific x-values that might render the function undefined.

Example Question 3

Determine the domain of the function f(x) = square root of (4 minus x).


1. Set the inside of the square root to be non-negative: 4 minus x is greater than or equal to 0.

2. Solve for x: x is less than or equal to 4.

3. State the domain: The domain of f(x) is all x-values such that x is less than or equal to 4.


Piecewise functions are defined by different expressions over different intervals of the domain. When determining the domain for such functions, one must consider the domain for each individual piece. After determining the domain for each segment, the overall domain of the piecewise function is the union of the domains of all its pieces. It's essential to ensure that each piece is defined over its specified interval and that there are no overlaps or gaps in the domain when combining the individual domains.

Having a zero in the denominator of a rational function is mathematically problematic because division by zero is undefined in mathematics. The reason for this is rooted in the fundamental properties of numbers and operations. If we were to allow division by zero, it would lead to contradictions and inconsistencies in mathematical systems. For instance, any number multiplied by zero is zero, so if we could divide by zero, we'd end up with ambiguities like 1 being equal to 2. To maintain the consistency and integrity of mathematical operations, division by zero is prohibited, and thus, rational functions cannot have a zero in the denominator.

Yes, there are functions that are defined for all real numbers, and their domain is the set of all real numbers. Such functions are often referred to as "everywhere defined." A classic example is linear functions of the form f(x) = mx + c, where m and c are constants. These functions are defined for any real number you might choose as an input. Another example is the quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c. However, it's essential to note that not all functions have this property, and many functions have restricted domains due to inherent mathematical limitations.

Composite functions are formed when one function is applied after another. When determining the domain of a composite function, it's crucial to consider both the domain of the inner function and the domain of the outer function. The domain of the composite function is the set of all x-values for which both the inner and outer functions are defined. Additionally, the output of the inner function (when applied to any value in its domain) must also lie in the domain of the outer function. In essence, the domain of a composite function is a subset of the domain of the inner function, restricted further by the requirements of the outer function.

The domain and range are fundamental concepts in the study of functions, but they serve different purposes. The domain of a function refers to the set of all possible input values (typically represented by x) for which the function is defined. In other words, it's the collection of values you can safely plug into the function without causing any mathematical issues. On the other hand, the range of a function represents the set of all possible output values (typically represented by y) that the function can produce based on its domain. Essentially, while the domain is concerned with the allowable inputs, the range focuses on the resultant outputs.

Practice Questions

Determine the domain of the function f(x) = 5 divided by (x squared minus 4).

To determine the domain of the function, we need to identify the values of x for which the function is undefined. The function will be undefined where the denominator is zero. So, we set x squared minus 4 equal to 0. Factoring, we get (x plus 2) times (x minus 2) equals 0. This gives x equals 2 and x equals minus 2 as the values where the function is undefined. Therefore, the domain of f(x) is all real numbers except x equals 2 and x equals minus 2.

Given the function g(x) = square root of (3x minus 9), determine its domain.

For the function to be defined, the expression inside the square root must be non-negative. Thus, we set 3x minus 9 to be greater than or equal to 0. Solving for x, we get x to be greater than or equal to 3. Therefore, the domain of g(x) is all real numbers such that x is greater than or equal to 3.

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