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1.1.2 Advanced Algebraic Techniques

Advanced algebraic techniques play a pivotal role in the realm of mathematics, especially when handling polynomial expressions. These methods enable us to manipulate, simplify, and solve polynomial equations with greater efficiency. In this section, we will delve deeper into two primary techniques: Polynomial Division and Synthetic Division.

Polynomial Division

Polynomial division is akin to the long division method we use with numbers but applied to polynomials. It's a technique employed to divide one polynomial by another of the same or lower degree.

How to Perform Polynomial Division:

1. Set Up the Division: Arrange the dividend (the polynomial you wish to divide) and the divisor (the polynomial you're dividing by) in descending order of their terms. Ensure no terms are missing in the dividend. If any are absent, fill in those terms with a coefficient of 0.

2. Divide the Leading Terms: Divide the highest degree term of the dividend by the highest degree term of the divisor. This gives the first term of the quotient.

3. Multiply and Subtract: Multiply the entire divisor by the term obtained in the previous step. Subtract this result from the dividend.

4. Repeat the Process: Continue with the result from the subtraction as the new dividend. Keep going until the degree of the remainder is less than the divisor's degree.

5. Final Result: The final quotient is the division's result, and any leftover polynomial is the remainder.

Example: Consider dividing 4x2 + 7x by x. To divide the polynomial "4x2 + 7x" by "x":Divide "4x2" by "x":4x2 divided by x is 4x.Divide "7x" by "x":7x divided by x is 7.The quotient obtained is 4x + 7, and there's no remainder.

Synthetic Division

Synthetic division offers a shortcut for dividing polynomials and is especially useful when dividing by a linear factor. It's a more rapid alternative to polynomial long division.

How to Perform Synthetic Division:

1. Set Up: List the coefficients of the dividend in descending order. If any terms are missing, fill in with a 0 coefficient.

2. Choose a Number: For a divisor of the form x - c, the number you'll use for synthetic division is c.

3. Bring Down the Leading Coefficient: The first coefficient is brought straight down.

4. Multiply and Add: Multiply the number you brought down by c and write the result under the next coefficient. Add the numbers in that column and write the result below the line.

5. Continue the Process: Keep multiplying and adding until you've processed all the coefficients.

6. Final Result: The numbers at the bottom are the quotient's coefficients. The last number is the remainder.

Example: For dividing x2 + 3x + 2 by x + 1, synthetic division gives a quotient of x + 2 and a remainder of 0.

Delving Deeper into Polynomial Division

Polynomial division is a foundational concept in algebra. It's crucial for understanding higher-level topics like polynomial equations and polynomial functions. When dividing polynomials, it's essential to remember that the degree of the divisor must be less than or equal to the dividend's degree.

Example: Consider dividing 3x3 - 4x2 + 5x - 6 by x2 - 1. The process involves multiple steps, but the result is a quotient of 3x - 4 with a remainder of 8x - 10.

Synthetic Division and Its Applications

Synthetic division is not just a method for dividing polynomials; it's also a powerful tool for evaluating polynomial functions and determining factors. If the remainder is zero after synthetic division, it indicates that the divisor is a factor of the dividend.

Example: Using synthetic division to divide x3 - 6x2 + 11x - 6 by x - 1 gives a quotient of x^2 - 5x + 6 and a remainder of 0. This means x - 1 is a factor of x3 - 6x2 + 11x - 6.


Yes, synthetic division can be used for polynomials with missing terms. However, it's crucial to account for these missing terms by using a coefficient of 0 for them. For instance, if you're dividing x3 + 2 by x - 1 and the x2 term is missing, you would use the coefficients 1, 0, 0, and 2 for the synthetic division process.

One way to check the accuracy of polynomial division, be it long division or synthetic, is to multiply the divisor by the quotient obtained. If you get the original dividend (without considering the remainder), then the division is likely correct. If not, there's probably an error in the process. It's always a good practice to double-check calculations, especially in exams, to ensure accuracy.

If the remainder is not zero after polynomial division, it means that the divisor isn't a perfect factor of the dividend. The quotient represents the result of the division, and the remainder provides additional information. In many mathematical contexts, especially in algebra, the remainder is appended to the quotient as a fractional part. For instance, if you divide 2x2 + 3x + 1 by x + 1 and get a quotient of 2x + 1 with a remainder of 1, the complete result can be expressed as 2x + 1 + 1/(x + 1).

Synthetic division is designed around the root theorem, which states that for a polynomial p(x), if x - c is a factor, then c is a root. The process of synthetic division essentially evaluates the polynomial at the root c. Since this method is rooted (pun intended) in the evaluation of polynomials at specific points, it's not applicable to non-linear divisors which might have more than one root or might not factorise neatly. For non-linear divisors, polynomial long division is the more versatile and appropriate method to use.

Polynomial long division is a method that closely resembles the long division we use for numbers, but it's applied to polynomials. It's a universal method and can be used to divide any polynomial by another polynomial. On the other hand, synthetic division is a shortcut method specifically designed for dividing a polynomial by a linear factor of the form x - c. It's faster than polynomial long division but has its limitation in that it can only be used with linear divisors. While polynomial long division provides a more comprehensive understanding, synthetic division is a quick tool for specific cases.

Practice Questions

Divide the polynomial 3x^3 - 4x^2 + 5x - 6 by x^2 - 1.

To divide 3x3 - 4x2 + 5x - 6 by x2 - 1, we set up our polynomial division. Starting with the highest degree term, we divide 3x3 by x2 to get a quotient of 3x. Multiplying the divisor x2 - 1 by 3x, we get 3x3 - 3x. Subtracting this from the dividend, we get a new dividend of -4x2 + 8x - 6. Repeating the process, we find that the quotient is 3x -4 and the remainder is 8x - 10.

Use synthetic division to divide x^3 - 6x^2 + 11x - 6 by x - 1.

For synthetic division, we list the coefficients of the dividend: 1, -6, 11, and -6. Using 1 (from x - 1) as our synthetic number, we bring down the first coefficient, 1. Multiplying 1 by 1, we write 1 under the -6 and add to get -5. Repeating this process, we get the coefficients 1, -5, 6, and 0. This means our quotient is x2 - 5x + 6 and since the last number is 0, there's no remainder. Thus, x3 - 6x2 + 11x - 6 divided by x - 1 gives x2 - 5x + 6.

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