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IB DP Global Politics Study Notes

8.3.5 National Identity in Hungary

In the study of global politics, the case of Hungary presents a unique and intriguing example of how a nation's identity can be strategically utilised in the political arena. Since the Fidesz party's rise to power, under the leadership of Viktor Orbán, the issue of national identity has taken a central role in shaping political discourse and policy. This exploration delves into the facets of this phenomenon, examining its roots, expressions, and implications.

Historical Context of Hungarian National Identity

The understanding of Hungarian national identity is deeply rooted in a rich and tumultuous history. Key elements shaping this identity include:

  • Austro-Hungarian Empire: Hungary's past in the dual monarchy influenced its national consciousness with a blend of autonomy and subordination.
  • Trianon Treaty (1920): Post-World War I, this treaty drastically reduced Hungary's territory and population, a historical trauma still poignant in national memory.
  • Communist Rule (1947-1989): The suppression and control of nationalistic sentiment under the Soviet-influenced regime left a legacy of mistrust in external powers and a suppressed sense of national pride.

Fidesz Party's Reinforcement of National Identity

The Fidesz party, under Orbán's leadership, has actively moulded national identity to resonate with wide public sentiments and consolidate its power:

  • Reviving History: Emphasis on historical grievances and pride – particularly around Trianon – to evoke a collective national memory.
  • Cultural Revival: Promotion of Hungarian language, folk traditions, and Christian values against perceived globalising and secular trends.
  • Stance Against Immigration: Portraying Hungary as a besieged fortress needing protection from migrants and refugees, thus reinforcing a narrative of defending national integrity.

Viktor Orbán's Influence

Orbán’s personal influence in redefining national identity is significant:

  • Orbán's Vision: Portrays himself as a defender of Hungarian sovereignty and traditional values against external liberal forces.
  • Policy Initiatives: His government has undertaken numerous legal and institutional reforms to embed conservative, nationalist ideologies in the Hungarian polity.

Mechanisms for Rallying Public Support

Fidesz's strategies in utilising national identity to garner support involve:

  • Addressing Cultural Anxiety: Tapping into fears about loss of cultural identity in the face of globalisation and multiculturalism.
  • Creating In-Group and Out-Group Dynamics: Identifying common 'enemies' like the EU, liberal elites, and migrants to strengthen in-group solidarity among Hungarians.

Criticisms and International Concerns

The Fidesz government's approach has faced substantial criticisms:

  • Authoritarian Tendencies: Accusations of undermining democratic institutions, media freedoms, and judicial independence.
  • Social Division: Deepening societal divides based on political, cultural, and ethnic lines.
  • Strained EU Relations: Frequent conflicts with EU institutions over issues of democratic principles, rule of law, and human rights.

Media's Role in Shaping National Identity

Media in Hungary plays a crucial role in disseminating the government's narrative:

  • Government Influence on Media: Utilising state and pro-government media to propagate the nationalistic agenda.
  • Media Landscape: Ownership changes and regulatory measures have led to a media largely supportive of or controlled by government narratives.

Education and National Identity

Fidesz has used educational reforms as a tool for shaping national consciousness:

  • Curriculum Reforms: Incorporating nationalistic and religious elements into the education system, highlighting Hungary's historical and cultural heritage.
  • Patriotism in Schools: Increased focus on national heroes and historical events that foster a sense of national pride among young Hungarians.

Contrasts with European Identity

Hungary's current national identity often stands in contrast with broader European ideals:

  • Eurosceptic Narratives: Open criticism and defiance of EU policies, advocating for a reassertion of national sovereignty.
  • Homogeneity vs Multiculturalism: Hungary’s emphasis on cultural homogeneity as opposed to the EU's generally more multicultural stance.

Internal Politics and Society

The shaping of national identity by Fidesz influences several aspects of Hungarian society and politics:

  • Right-Wing Populism: The rise in popularity of right-wing ideologies, echoing nationalist and anti-immigration sentiments.
  • Impact on Minorities: Nationalistic policies have implications for how minorities, like Roma and immigrants, are perceived and treated.

Future Outlook

As Hungary continues to navigate its relationship with the EU and internal political dynamics, the role of national identity propagated by the Fidesz party remains a crucial element to watch. Factors influencing future developments include:

  • EU-Hungary Relations: Ongoing disputes with the EU over various issues, including rule of law, can shape the narrative of national sovereignty versus external influence.
  • Domestic Political Climate: Opposition strategies, public opinion, and economic factors could influence the prominence and character of nationalistic policies
  • Global Trends: Issues like migration, globalisation, and international politics will continue to impact the discourse around national identity.


Educational reforms in Hungary contribute significantly to the promotion of national identity under the Fidesz government. The government has introduced changes to the school curriculum, emphasising Hungary's historical and cultural heritage. This includes highlighting national heroes, historical events, and Christian values. The curriculum revisions promote a sense of national pride and identity among students, reinforcing the idea that Hungarian history, culture, and values are central to their identity. The promotion of this narrative in schools helps shape the outlook and values of future generations, fostering a stronger connection to Hungarian national identity. By intertwining education with nationalistic themes, the Fidesz government can influence the development of a patriotic and homogeneous national consciousness among Hungarian youth.

Hungary's stance on national identity differs from the broader European identity, particularly in the context of the European Union. While the EU promotes a vision of multiculturalism and liberal democratic values, Hungary, under the Fidesz-led government, has adopted a more homogenous and nationalistic approach to identity. This contrast is especially evident in issues such as immigration. Hungary has been vocal in opposing EU policies related to the redistribution of refugees and has erected barriers to migration, arguing for the protection of its national identity. This has led to tension with EU institutions and member states that advocate a more inclusive and diverse approach. Hungary's defiant stance, along with its emphasis on sovereignty and historical heritage, underscores the fundamental disagreement between Hungarian and EU identities, creating challenges for Hungary's participation in the European project.

Hungary's policies on national identity, as promoted by the Fidesz government, have significant implications for the treatment of minorities and immigrants within the country. The government's emphasis on a homogeneous Hungarian culture and historical narrative can marginalise and stigmatise minority groups, particularly the Roma population. Nationalistic policies and rhetoric often overlook the diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds of Hungary's minority communities, potentially reinforcing stereotypes and discrimination. Additionally, the government's strong stance against immigration has led to the construction of physical barriers, restricting the flow of migrants and refugees into Hungary. This approach has faced criticism from international human rights organisations. Overall, Hungary's nationalistic policies can exacerbate tensions between the majority population, minorities, and immigrants, raising concerns about social cohesion and inclusivity in the country.

The media landscape in Hungary plays a pivotal role in shaping national identity under the Fidesz-led government. The government has exerted significant influence over media through changes in ownership, regulations, and the allocation of state funds. This has led to a media landscape where the majority of outlets are either state-controlled or pro-government. Such media often echo and propagate the government's nationalistic narrative, emphasising issues like sovereignty, opposition to immigration, and conservative values. As a result, this media environment creates an information ecosystem that reinforces the government's vision of national identity. The controlled media landscape suppresses dissenting voices and promotes narratives that contribute to a sense of national unity and conformity with the government's agenda, further consolidating its power and influence over public perception.

The Fidesz party promotes national identity through cultural policies by emphasising Hungary's historical and cultural heritage. This includes the promotion of the Hungarian language, folk traditions, and Christian values. Fidesz uses cultural revival to appeal to the sentiment of many Hungarians who see their identity as intertwined with their unique cultural history. This approach helps foster a sense of shared identity and traditional values, thereby strengthening support for the party's conservative nationalist agenda. The government's cultural policies often involve the revision of school curricula to include more nationalist content and the celebration of national holidays with historical significance. All of these measures aim to shape a narrative of national identity deeply rooted in Hungary's cultural and historical traditions, resonating with a significant portion of the population.

Practice Questions

Evaluate the role of historical context in shaping the current national identity as promoted by the Fidesz party in Hungary.

The historical context plays a crucial role in shaping Hungary's current national identity under the Fidesz party. Hungary's history, marked by events like the Trianon Treaty and communist rule, has fostered a sense of loss, victimhood, and a desire for sovereignty. The Fidesz party, led by Viktor Orbán, capitalises on this sentiment by promoting traditional values, revisiting historical narratives, and emphasising Hungary's Christian heritage. This strategic use of history not only resonates with many Hungarians' shared understanding of their past but also justifies Fidesz's political agendas, such as resistance to immigration and EU policies. The evocation of historical traumas and pride serves to legitimise the party's narrative of national revival and sovereignty, making history a pivotal element in Hungary's contemporary political identity.

Discuss how the Fidesz-led government’s approach to national identity in Hungary impacts its relationship with the European Union.

The Fidesz-led government's approach to national identity significantly impacts Hungary's relationship with the European Union. The government's emphasis on sovereignty, traditional Christian values, and a homogenous national culture often clashes with the EU's principles of multiculturalism, liberal democracy, and collective decision-making. For instance, Fidesz's hardline stance on immigration and its portrayal of Hungary as a defender against external (EU) influences underscore a growing rift between Hungarian nationalism and European integrationist ideals. This has led to strained relations, especially around issues of rule of law and human rights, with Hungary frequently criticised by EU bodies for democratic backsliding. Such tensions highlight the complex interplay between national identity and supranational politics, where Hungary's assertive nationalism challenges the EU's vision and potentially disrupts the unity of the bloc.

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