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IB DP Geography Study Notes

D.2.1 Distribution of Geophysical Hazards

Geophysical hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and mass movements significantly impact human societies and natural environments. Their global distribution is influenced by a myriad of geological and geographical factors, making their study essential for risk management and disaster preparedness.

Earthquakes: Tectonic Origins and Global Hotspots

Earthquakes, resulting from the sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, primarily occur at tectonic plate boundaries. The Earth's lithosphere is fragmented into tectonic plates that float over the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath. These plates' interactions are the primary cause of seismic activity.

  • Convergent Boundaries: Characterised by one plate being forced beneath another, leading to subduction. This process accumulates immense stress, often released in powerful earthquakes. The Pacific Ring of Fire, encompassing the coasts of Asia, Americas, and Oceania, is a notorious zone for such seismic activity.
  • Divergent Boundaries: Here, plates move away from each other, forming new crust as magma rises to the surface. Earthquakes in these zones are typically less severe but can still pose risks. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, extending down the Atlantic Ocean, is a prime example.
  • Transform Boundaries: At these sites, plates slide laterally past one another, causing friction and stress accumulation. Earthquakes here can be particularly damaging near populated areas. The San Andreas Fault in California epitomises this, having caused several significant seismic events.
An image of plate boundaries.

Image courtesy of GraphicsRF

Intraplate Earthquakes

While less common, intraplate earthquakes—those occurring within a tectonic plate—also pose significant risks. These can be attributed to stresses caused by the interaction of plate boundaries, as well as the reactivation of ancient faults within the plate. Regions like the Indian subcontinent and the eastern United States have experienced notable intraplate earthquakes.

Volcanic Activity: Distribution and Types

Volcanoes are intrinsically linked to the Earth's tectonic processes, although they can also occur away from plate boundaries at hotspots.

  • Convergent Plate Boundaries: Volcanoes here are often associated with explosive eruptions, due to the melting of subducted plates. The Cascade Range in North America and the Andes in South America are examples of volcanic ranges formed at convergent boundaries.
  • Divergent Plate Boundaries: Volcanic activity here involves the creation of new crust as magma ascends from beneath the Earth's surface. These eruptions are usually less explosive. Iceland, straddling the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is a site of frequent volcanic activity.
  • Hotspots: These are volcanic regions fed by underlying mantle that is anomalously hot compared to the surrounding mantle. The Hawaiian Islands are a classic example, formed over a volcanic hotspot in the middle of the Pacific Plate.
A map of hotspot volcanoes in the world.

Image courtesy of Eric Gaba


Supervolcanoes, although rare, represent a significant geophysical hazard due to their potential for massive eruptions. These can have global consequences, affecting climate and leading to widespread devastation. The Yellowstone Caldera in the United States is one such supervolcano under close scientific scrutiny.

An image of supervolcano.

Image courtesy of cosmosmagazine.com

Mass Movements: A Geographical Overview

Mass movements, including landslides, rockfalls, and avalanches, are influenced by topographical, geological, and climatic factors.

  • Landslides: These are more prevalent in areas with steep topography, such as mountainous regions. Contributing factors include heavy rainfall, seismic activity, and human activities like deforestation and construction. The Himalayas, with their steep slopes and heavy monsoon rains, are a high-risk area for landslides.
  • Avalanches: These typically occur in colder, mountainous regions where accumulated snowpacks can become unstable. Factors such as slope angle, snowpack condition, and weather changes play a role. The Alps in Europe and the Rockies in North America frequently experience avalanches.

Human Factors in Mass Movement Hazards

Human activities can exacerbate the risk of mass movements. Deforestation, mining, and construction can destabilise slopes, increasing the likelihood of landslides and rockfalls.

Risk Management and Hazard Mitigation

Understanding the distribution and causes of geophysical hazards is fundamental to developing effective risk management strategies. This includes:

  • Seismic Hazard Mapping: Helps in identifying areas most at risk from earthquakes, guiding construction practices and emergency preparedness plans.
  • Volcano Monitoring: Involves continuous observation of active volcanoes to anticipate eruptions. This can include measuring seismic activity, gas emissions, and ground deformation.
  • Landslide Risk Assessment: Involves analysing terrain, historical landslide occurrences, and rainfall data to identify areas at risk.

Community Preparedness and Education

Educating communities about the risks of geophysical hazards and how to respond during events is crucial. This includes evacuation drills, building resilient infrastructure, and public awareness campaigns.

Climate change and urbanisation are altering the distribution and impact of geophysical hazards. Melting glaciers can trigger landslides and avalanches, while rising sea levels can increase the destructive potential of tsunami events following underwater earthquakes.

Technological Advances in Hazard Prediction

Advancements in technology, such as satellite remote sensing and machine learning algorithms, are improving our ability to predict and respond to geophysical hazards. These tools allow for more accurate risk assessments and timely warnings.


The study of the distribution of geophysical hazards is a dynamic field that requires continuous research and adaptation. By understanding where and why these hazards occur, societies can better prepare for and mitigate their impacts. This knowledge is essential for safeguarding communities and ensuring sustainable development in hazard-prone regions.


The explosiveness of a volcano is largely determined by the magma’s composition and the tectonic setting. Volcanoes located at convergent plate boundaries tend to be more explosive. Here, the subduction of an oceanic plate beneath a continental plate leads to the creation of magma with high silica content, which is more viscous and traps gases. When this gas-rich magma erupts, it does so explosively. In contrast, volcanoes at divergent boundaries or hotspots often have magma with lower silica content, which is less viscous and allows gases to escape more easily, resulting in less explosive eruptions. Therefore, the geographic location of a volcano, in relation to tectonic plate boundaries, significantly influences its eruptive style.

In coastal regions, landslides are influenced by a combination of geological, climatic, and human factors. Geologically, these areas often have unstable, steep slopes composed of loosely consolidated materials, which are prone to collapse. Heavy rainfall and storms, common in coastal areas, can saturate the soil, increasing its weight and reducing its stability. Human activities such as construction and deforestation can further destabilise slopes. Additionally, coastal erosion caused by sea waves can undercut cliffs and slopes, leading to increased risk of landslides. These factors, coupled with the potential impact of sea-level rise due to climate change, make coastal regions particularly vulnerable to landslides.

Yes, human activities can indeed trigger earthquakes, a phenomenon known as induced seismicity. One of the most common causes is the injection of fluids into the Earth's crust, such as in the case of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and the disposal of wastewater in deep wells. These processes can increase the pore pressure in the Earth's crust, reducing the friction that holds faults together and making them more likely to slip. Another example is the filling of large reservoirs behind dams, which adds significant weight to the Earth's crust, potentially triggering earthquakes. These human-induced earthquakes can vary in magnitude but are a growing concern in areas with extensive subsurface exploitation.

The likelihood and impact of avalanches are significantly influenced by the time of year, primarily due to seasonal weather patterns and snowpack conditions. In winter, heavy snowfall can rapidly accumulate on slopes, increasing the risk of avalanches. During spring, the warming temperatures can cause snowmelt, which may percolate into the snowpack, weakening the layers of snow and increasing the likelihood of slides. Additionally, rapid temperature changes can create weak layers within the snowpack. The risk is often highest during late winter and early spring when accumulated snow is subjected to fluctuating temperatures. Understanding these seasonal variations is crucial for managing avalanche risk, particularly in popular skiing and mountainous regions.

Plate tectonics play a crucial role in determining the frequency and intensity of earthquakes. Regions located along convergent and transform plate boundaries, where plates either collide or slide past each other, often experience more frequent and intense earthquakes. This is due to the significant stress and friction that builds up as the plates interact. For instance, the Pacific Ring of Fire, a convergent boundary, is notorious for frequent and powerful earthquakes. Conversely, areas along divergent boundaries, where plates are moving apart, typically experience less frequent and less intense seismic activity, as these zones are characterised by the creation of new crust rather than the violent release of accumulated stress.

Practice Questions

Explain how the distribution of tectonic plates influences the global distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes.

The distribution of tectonic plates is fundamental in determining the global distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes. Earthquakes predominantly occur at plate boundaries where plates either converge, diverge, or slide past each other. Convergent boundaries, where one plate subducts beneath another, are particularly prone to severe earthquakes due to the accumulation of tectonic stress. Similarly, volcanic activity is closely linked to these boundaries. At convergent boundaries, subduction leads to melting of the subducted plate, forming magma that rises to the surface to form volcanoes. Divergent boundaries, where plates move apart, also host volcanic activity as magma rises to fill the gap. In addition, volcanic hotspots, like the Hawaiian Islands, are formed by plumes of magma rising from the mantle, independent of plate boundaries. Thus, the patterns of tectonic plate distribution directly influence where and why these geophysical hazards occur.

Discuss the importance of understanding the global distribution of mass movements like landslides and avalanches in risk management.

Understanding the global distribution of mass movements such as landslides and avalanches is crucial for effective risk management. Landslides and avalanches are significantly influenced by geographical and climatic factors, such as topography, soil type, vegetation cover, and weather patterns. Recognising areas prone to these hazards enables governments and communities to implement preventative measures. For example, in regions susceptible to landslides, strategies such as controlled deforestation, slope stabilisation, and early warning systems can be employed. Similarly, in avalanche-prone areas, avalanche control measures, like controlled explosions to manage snowpack stability, and establishing safe zones for residential and recreational activities, are essential. Overall, this knowledge allows for better preparedness and response planning, minimising potential loss of life and property damage during such events.

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