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IB DP Geography Study Notes

6.3.2 Strategies for Building Resilience

As the intricacies of globalisation manifest, the importance of crafting robust resilience strategies, both locally and globally, has risen to the forefront. Here, we unravel some of the pivotal strategies that aim to reinforce the interlinked systems of our world.

Reshoring of Economic Activity by TNCs

Transnational Corporations (TNCs) traditionally capitalise on the comparative advantages of different regions, establishing vast global supply chains. However, the fragility of this model has been highlighted by events like pandemics, geopolitical shifts, and environmental challenges.

The Reshoring Drive

  • Rationale: The quest for resilience has pushed TNCs to re-evaluate the merits of centralised production closer to home markets versus dispersed global operations.
  • Economic Stability: By reshoring, economies can reduce over-dependence on external factors, achieving a degree of self-sufficiency.

Benefits of Reshoring

  • Supply Chain Control: Enhanced oversight of operations ensures smoother workflow and timely intervention in case of disruptions.
  • Reduced Logistics Costs: Savings emerge from minimised transportation distances, reduced inventory costs, and shorter lead times.
  • Local Job Creation: Direct employment opportunities can rejuvenate local communities and counteract socio-economic imbalances.

Challenges and Concerns

  • Economic Adjustments: Transitioning might temporarily disrupt existing systems before yielding long-term benefits.
  • Skill Gaps: As industries evolve, the required skill set might differ from what the local workforce possesses. Investment in training becomes crucial.

Crowd-sourcing Technologies

Harnessing the collective intellect of masses has emerged as a resilient strategy. Governments and civil societies are actively leveraging this method.

The Mechanics of Crowd-sourcing

  • Platforms: Digital platforms serve as mediums where individuals can contribute information, ideas, or feedback.
  • Inclusivity: A wider range of participants means a richer pool of input, often leading to comprehensive solutions.

Benefits of Crowd-sourcing

  • Diverse Solutions: A varied set of perspectives can lead to holistic and innovative solutions.
  • Cost-effective Data Gathering: Instead of traditional research, crowd-sourcing can be a more economical and rapid method.
  • Community Engagement: Empowering individuals to have a voice fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to outcomes.

Practical Applications

  • Urban Planning: Governments can source ideas for city developments, ensuring public spaces cater to the actual needs of the populace.
  • Research Initiatives: From environmental studies to health surveys, collective data sourcing can provide richer insights.

New Technologies for Managing Global Flows

As data and human mobility intensify, the challenge lies in managing these flows securely and efficiently.


The digital era, while offering myriad conveniences, brings forth significant vulnerabilities.

Cyber Threat Landscape

  • Data Breaches: Unauthorized access can lead to the leak of sensitive information.
  • Ransomware Attacks: Cybercriminals can encrypt data, demanding a ransom for its release.
  • Phishing: Fraudulent attempts to gain sensitive information by masquerading as trustworthy entities.

Proactive Measures

  • Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): By requiring multiple forms of verification, security is enhanced.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Real-time tracking of digital activities helps in early detection of anomalies.
  • Employee Training: Often, human error can be a weak link. Regular training sessions can mitigate such risks.
An image about Cyber Security.

Image courtesy of TAlex


A revolutionary step in travel documentation, e-passports bolster border security and streamline immigration processes.

Technical Aspects

  • Microprocessor Chip: Embedded in the passport, it stores the traveller's personal and biometric data.
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Ensures the authenticity of the data on the chip, verifying it hasn't been altered.

Advantages of E-passports

  • Counterfeit Deterrence: The sophisticated technology makes forgery and alterations immensely challenging.
  • Automation Compatibility: Automated Border Control (ABC) systems can process e-passports swiftly, reducing queue times.
  • Data Consistency: A direct comparison between the traveller and the biometric data on the chip ensures identity consistency.

In summary, as globalisation's complexities amplify, the strategies to bolster resilience have evolved in tandem. From reimagining economic activities to integrating cutting-edge technologies, these proactive measures underscore the adaptability of our interconnected world.


Governments can harness crowd-sourcing technologies in various ways to enhance resilience. For urban planning, public input can inform the creation of resilient city infrastructures that are more adaptive to climate change or population growth. In the health sector, governments might use crowd-sourcing to monitor disease outbreaks, gathering real-time data to swiftly address public health threats. Additionally, crowd-sourcing can be used in policy-making, gathering citizens' opinions on proposed legislations or reforms. This not only ensures policies resonate with the populace but also fosters a sense of democratic participation, strengthening societal cohesiveness and resilience.

Reliance on digital platforms for crowd-sourcing introduces several risks. There's the potential for misinformation or manipulation, where data submitted might be erroneous or intentionally misleading. Also, platforms can be vulnerable to cyberattacks, jeopardising the integrity of collected data. Privacy concerns arise too; individuals' personal information might be exposed or misused if not properly safeguarded. Moreover, a digital divide exists where certain segments of the population, lacking access to technology, might be excluded from participating. Lastly, over-reliance on crowd-sourced data might sideline traditional research methods, which, although slower, often offer rigorous and systematic insights.

Future e-passports could incorporate more advanced biometrics like retinal or palm vein scans, which offer higher uniqueness than traditional fingerprints. Quantum encryption, an emerging field, might be employed to make data on the chip even more secure against potential breaches. Machine learning algorithms could be utilised for automated facial recognition, enhancing accuracy. Additionally, e-passports could be integrated with blockchain technology, ensuring that every data transaction (like updates to personal details) is chronologically logged, enhancing transparency and reducing chances of forgery. Passive tracking features, enabling authorities to monitor movements in real-time, could also be integrated, albeit with careful consideration of privacy implications.

Ensuring quality and reliability in crowd-sourced data is crucial. Platforms might introduce verification processes where users need to provide credentials or undergo checks before contributing. Gamification, where contributors are rewarded for accurate and valuable input, can motivate quality submissions. AI and machine learning algorithms can be employed to sift through entries, flagging anomalies or inconsistencies for review. Platforms could also adopt a peer-review system, allowing participants to validate or challenge submissions. Feedback loops, where contributors see the implications or outcomes of their data, can encourage self-correction and accountability. Collaborating with experts or integrating traditional research methods can further validate crowd-sourced insights.

While reshoring can bolster resilience, it also presents challenges that might deter TNCs. Firstly, shifting production closer to home markets might lead to higher operational costs, especially in regions with expensive labour or stringent regulations. Secondly, the potential need for infrastructural investments or tech adaptations can be capital-intensive. Furthermore, the global distribution model offers TNCs a diversified risk profile; by spreading operations across multiple regions, they avoid putting all their eggs in one basket. Lastly, the established relationships and contracts with overseas suppliers might be hard to dissolve without incurring penalties or reputational damage.

Practice Questions

Discuss the significance of reshoring economic activities by TNCs in building resilience in the era of globalisation.

Reshoring by TNCs plays a pivotal role in fortifying resilience amidst globalisation. In decentralising production processes, TNCs can better control their supply chains, mitigating risks linked to international disruptions such as geopolitical conflicts or global pandemics. Additionally, reshoring often leads to reduced transportation costs and shorter lead times, offering economic efficiencies. Crucially, by localising production, economies can foster domestic job creation, counteracting potential unemployment issues. Whilst globalised operations have their merits, the reshoring strategy underscores a paradigm shift towards prioritising stability and localised control in an unpredictable global landscape.

How do new technologies, specifically cybersecurity and e-passports, contribute to the management of global flows in today's interconnected world?

New technologies, notably cybersecurity and e-passports, are instrumental in safeguarding and streamlining global flows. Cybersecurity, through multi-factor authentication and continuous monitoring, guards against potential threats like data breaches and ransomware attacks, ensuring digital data traverses securely across borders. This not only protects personal and corporate information but also bolsters national security. Concurrently, e-passports, with embedded microprocessor chips storing biometric data, enhance border security. They deter counterfeiting and are compatible with Automated Border Control systems, enabling quicker immigration processes. Together, these technologies exemplify how digital advancements can be harnessed to manage and protect the increasingly fluid movements of data and people globally.

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