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IB DP Geography Study Notes

2.2.2 Biodiversity and Agricultural Shifts

The nuanced impact of climate change is profoundly reshaping the global biodiversity and agricultural landscape. These alterations, spanning across ecosystems, species, and cultivation practices, signify an urgent call to comprehend and adapt to a new environmental paradigm.

Spatial Changes in Biomes and Habitats

Effects on Terrestrial Biomes

The contours of terrestrial biomes are being redrawn by the persistent and accelerated changes in climatic conditions.

  • Temperature Variations: An increase in global temperatures is resulting in the expansion of tropical and temperate biomes and the contraction of polar and cold climates. Species adapted to specific temperature ranges are either thriving or facing extinction, leading to an imbalance in ecosystems.
  • Precipitation Patterns: Unpredictable and altered precipitation patterns, ranging from intense rainfall to prolonged droughts, are impacting soil moisture content. Such variations are particularly detrimental to sensitive biomes like rainforests and wetlands, where even slight changes can trigger a cascading effect on species composition and biodiversity.
  • Altitude and Latitude Shifts: As a countermeasure to increasing temperatures, species are moving to higher altitudes and latitudes. This migration is introducing new species into established ecosystems, triggering competition, predation, and sometimes the extinction of less adaptable species.

Marine Biomes and Ecosystems

The marine biomes, known for their rich biodiversity, are witnessing unprecedented changes instigated by climate change.

  • Ocean Temperature Rise: Rising ocean temperatures are not just causing coral bleaching but also pushing fish and other marine species to migrate towards cooler waters. This migration is altering marine biodiversity, causing a disbalance in predator-prey dynamics and affecting fisheries.
A graph showing change in ocean temperature.

Image courtesy of statista.com

  • Ocean Acidification: The absorption of excess atmospheric CO2 by oceans is leading to acidification. This process adversely impacts shell-forming marine organisms and coral reefs, leading to reduced calcium carbonate essential for shell formation.

Animal Migration Patterns


Birds, nature’s seasoned migrants, are adjusting their traditional routes and timings in response to climate change.

  • Earlier Migrations: The onset of warmer springs is prompting birds to begin their migrations earlier. This change is affecting their breeding and feeding cycles, with potential impacts on population dynamics and ecosystem roles.
  • Altered Flight Paths: Climate-induced changes in wind patterns and temperatures are causing birds to adopt new flight paths, leading to increased energy expenditure and the necessity to adapt to different habitats.

Aquatic Species

The aquatic realm is witnessing pronounced shifts in species distribution and breeding grounds.

  • Poleward Movements: Aquatic species are migrating poleward to find more suitable temperatures. This shift is leading to new predator-prey dynamics, interspecies competition, and impacts on commercial fisheries.
  • Breeding Ground Shifts: As sea temperatures fluctuate, fish breeding grounds are shifting, impacting reproductive cycles and population dynamics.

Impacts on Agriculture

Agricultural landscapes and practices are in flux due to climatic changes, presenting both challenges and opportunities.

Alterations in Crop Yields

  • Temperature Sensitivity: Certain crops are highly sensitive to temperature variations. Staples such as wheat, rice, and maize are witnessing decreased yields in regions where temperatures are becoming unsuitable for cultivation.
  • Pest and Disease Proliferation: Warmer climates are favourable for the proliferation of pests and diseases. This surge is leading to increased use of pesticides and insecticides, raising concerns about environmental pollution, and health and safety.

Cultivation Limits

  • Temperature Zones: The emerging pattern of shifting temperature zones is prompting a reevaluation of current agricultural practices. Some regions are becoming unsuitable for traditional crops, necessitating shifts to alternative species or modified cultivation techniques.
  • Water Scarcity: Erratic precipitation patterns are leading to water scarcity in certain areas, impacting the availability of water for irrigation and affecting crop growth.

Soil Erosion Incidents

  • Intense Rainfall Events: An increase in the frequency and intensity of rainfall is leading to significant soil erosion. This process degrades soil quality, reduces agricultural productivity, and leads to the silting of rivers and streams.
  • Deforestation: Increased demand for agricultural land is exacerbating deforestation. The removal of trees destabilises the soil, leading to increased erosion and a loss of biodiversity.
  • Mitigation Measures: In response, farmers are adopting soil conservation practices like cover cropping, terracing, and agroforestry to combat soil erosion and enhance soil fertility.

Interconnections and Adaptations

The dynamics of biodiversity and agricultural shifts are intertwined, marked by complex interactions and adaptations.

Plant and Animal Adaptations

  • Behavioural Changes: Animals are adapting by modifying their behaviours, including altered hibernation and breeding patterns, to cope with the new climatic realities.
  • Physiological Adaptations: Both flora and fauna exhibit physiological adaptations, such as modified leaf shapes and body sizes, to survive extreme weather conditions.

Agricultural Innovations

  • Crop Varieties: The introduction and cultivation of climate-resistant crop varieties are becoming common to counter reduced yields caused by extreme weather conditions.
  • Sustainable Practices: Sustainable agricultural practices, including organic farming and conservation agriculture, are being adopted to enhance resilience to climatic shocks and preserve biodiversity.

The layered impacts of climate change on biodiversity and agriculture underscore the necessity for comprehensive studies and innovative solutions. These adaptations and shifts, while challenging, also offer opportunities for learning, innovation, and the evolution of practices that are resilient, sustainable, and harmonious with the changing rhythms of the Earth’s climate.


Climate change impacts not only the quantity but also the quality of crops. Elevated levels of CO2, while increasing the rate of photosynthesis, can lead to a reduction in the nutritional content of crops. For instance, grains and legumes may exhibit reduced protein content, vitamins, and minerals under higher CO2 concentrations. This nutritional decline can have cascading effects on human health, particularly in regions where people rely heavily on plant-based diets. The challenge lies in developing and promoting agricultural practices and crop varieties that can withstand climatic changes while maintaining their nutritional quality.

Technology is pivotal in mitigating the impacts of climate change on agriculture. Digital tools and technologies, such as drones, satellite imaging, and AI, are employed for real-time monitoring of crop health, soil conditions, and weather patterns. These technologies enable farmers to make informed decisions, optimising resource use and enhancing productivity. Biotechnology is instrumental in developing genetically modified crops that are resistant to pests, diseases, and extreme weather conditions. Moreover, innovations in irrigation technology, including drip and sprinkler systems, are crucial for efficient water management in the face of erratic rainfall patterns.

While the negative impacts of climate change are substantial, there are nuanced positive effects as well. In certain regions, warmer temperatures have extended the growing season, allowing for increased agricultural productivity. Also, the poleward shift in habitats has opened up previously inhospitable regions for species habitation and agriculture. Some plant species benefit from increased CO2 levels, exhibiting enhanced growth and productivity. However, these ‘positive’ effects are often counterbalanced by significant challenges, including extreme weather events, the spread of pests and diseases, and complex alterations in ecosystem dynamics and functions.

Farmers are adopting a series of innovative measures to cope with climate change. These include shifting to the cultivation of crop varieties that are more resilient to extreme weather conditions, drought, and floods. Technological advancements, such as precision farming and artificial intelligence, are being harnessed to optimise irrigation, monitor soil health, and predict weather patterns. Additionally, there is an increased focus on sustainable agricultural practices, including organic farming, permaculture, and conservation agriculture, which aim to enhance soil fertility, conserve water, and reduce the dependency on chemical fertilisers and pesticides.

The shift in animal migration patterns due to climate change leads to the introduction of new species into ecosystems, causing a disbalance. When new species, whether they are predators or competitors, enter established ecosystems, native species may be threatened, leading to potential reductions in biodiversity. For instance, species moving to higher latitudes or altitudes may introduce unfamiliar predation pressures, compete for limited resources, or bring new diseases. These interactions can lead to unexpected ecological consequences, potentially destabilising ecosystems and threatening the survival of less adaptable species.

Practice Questions

Evaluate the effects of climate change on the migratory patterns of birds and aquatic species.

Climate change instigates significant modifications in the migratory patterns of birds and aquatic species. Birds are initiating their migrations earlier due to warmer springs, influencing breeding and feeding cycles. Altered wind and temperature patterns necessitate modified flight paths, leading to new adaptive challenges. Aquatic species, facing oceanic temperature rise and acidification, are moving poleward. This migration disrupts established ecosystems, resulting in new predator-prey dynamics and interspecies competitions. Breeding grounds are also shifting, impacting reproductive cycles and population dynamics, thus exacerbating the challenges posed by climate change to biodiversity.

Discuss the impacts of climate change on agricultural practices, focusing on crop yields and soil erosion.

Climate change profoundly impacts agriculture, particularly concerning crop yields and soil erosion. Elevated temperatures are affecting temperature-sensitive crops like wheat and rice, leading to decreased yields and increased pest and disease proliferation. Adaptations include the development of climate-resistant crop varieties and sustainable farming practices. Intense rainfall events, another byproduct of climate change, lead to significant soil erosion, degrading soil fertility and agricultural productivity. Farmers counteract this by adopting soil conservation techniques like cover cropping and terracing. Each challenge presents an opportunity for innovation and the implementation of resilient agricultural practices.

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