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IB DP Geography Study Notes

2.1.1 Global Energy Balance and Atmospheric System

Understanding the interplay between natural and human processes is essential in analysing the shifts in global energy balance and atmospheric system. Each element intricately contributes to the overall climate dynamics and is subjected to complex interactions.

Natural Processes Influencing Global Energy Balance

Solar Radiation

The Earth is continually bathed in solar radiation, a vital energy source influencing climate and weather patterns.

  • Absorption: Approximately 70% of the sun's energy is absorbed by the Earth’s surface, oceans, and atmosphere. This absorption is crucial in heating the planet and driving atmospheric dynamics.
  • Reflection: Around 30% of solar energy is reflected back into space by clouds, atmospheric particles, and surface albedo. The proportion of energy reflected is a significant factor in temperature regulation.
A diagram showing Earth’s global energy balance

Image courtesy of Robert Simmon

Earth’s Albedo

  • The Earth’s albedo, a measure of its reflectivity, plays a pivotal role in the energy balance. Different surfaces, such as ice caps, forests, and oceans, have varying albedos, each affecting the amount of energy absorbed and reflected.
  • Changes in surface albedo due to natural processes or human activities can influence the global energy balance substantially.

The Natural Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is a natural process essential for maintaining life-supporting temperatures on Earth.

  • Trapping Heat: Greenhouse gases, including water vapour, carbon dioxide, and methane, trap heat in the atmosphere, preventing it from escaping into space.
  • Temperature Regulation: This effect ensures the Earth’s surface remains warm enough to sustain life, contributing to the stable climate we experience.
A picture explaining Natural and Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Image courtesy of c2es.org

Atmospheric System

The atmospheric system consists of distinct layers, each with specific characteristics and roles.

  • Troposphere: Extending up to about 8 to 15 km above the Earth’s surface, it contains most of the atmosphere's mass and weather phenomena.
  • Stratosphere: Located above the troposphere, it houses the ozone layer, absorbing harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Human Processes Influencing Global Energy Balance

Industrial Activities

The industrial era has seen an unprecedented increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to human activities.

  • Fossil Fuels: The combustion of coal, oil, and natural gas releases significant amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere.
  • Enhanced Greenhouse Effect: The increased concentration of these gases intensifies the natural greenhouse effect, leading to global warming.


Urban development and expansion influence the atmospheric system in various ways.

  • Urban Heat Islands: Cities tend to be warmer due to the concentration of buildings, roads, and other structures that absorb and re-emit heat. The increased use of energy in cities also contributes to this warming.
  • Air Quality: Pollution from vehicles, industrial processes, and other sources can degrade air quality and impact the atmospheric energy balance.


The extensive clearing of forests for agriculture, urban development, and other purposes is another significant human activity.

  • Carbon Release: Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide. Deforestation releases this stored carbon into the atmosphere.
  • Changes in Albedo: The removal of forests affects the Earth’s albedo, as forested areas typically absorb more solar energy than agricultural or urban areas.

Balance Between Incoming and Outgoing Radiation

A nuanced understanding of the energy received and emitted by the Earth is central to grasping the implications of the shifting energy balance.

Incoming Shortwave Radiation

Solar energy, in the form of shortwave radiation, is the driving force of the Earth’s climate system.

  • Variability: The amount of incoming energy can vary due to natural factors like solar cycles and human-induced changes in atmospheric composition.
  • Impacts: The absorbed energy heats the Earth’s surface, influencing weather patterns, climate zones, and ecosystems.

Outgoing Longwave Radiation

As the Earth absorbs solar energy, it also emits energy back into space.

  • Greenhouse Gases: These gases in the atmosphere trap a portion of the outgoing energy, contributing to the Earth’s overall temperature.
  • Energy Escape: The energy that escapes into space is vital in maintaining the energy balance. Changes in this balance can lead to climate shifts.

Monitoring and Measurement


Satellites are indispensable tools in monitoring global energy balance, offering insights into its fluctuations and impacts.

  • Remote Sensing: Equipped with advanced sensors, satellites can measure various parameters, including temperature, albedo, and greenhouse gas concentrations. This data is critical for understanding trends and anomalies in the energy balance.
A picture showing the remote sensing process.

Image courtesy of sigmaearth.com

  • Climate Modelling: By collecting comprehensive data sets, satellites enable the development of sophisticated climate models to predict future trends and assess potential climate change impacts.

Ground-Based Observations

Ground stations and research institutes worldwide play a critical role in gathering detailed data to augment satellite observations.

  • Weather Stations: These installations provide real-time data on temperature, humidity, wind speed, and other meteorological variables, offering granular insights into local and regional climatic conditions.
  • Research Collaborations: International collaborations among research institutions ensure data sharing and joint efforts in studying and addressing issues related to the global energy balance and atmospheric system.

Climate System Complexity

The climate system's dynamic and multifaceted nature arises from the intricate interactions among its components - the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Each plays a unique role, and their intersections and feedbacks add layers of complexity to climate dynamics. Adaptation and mitigation strategies in response to changes in the global energy balance hinge on a detailed, nuanced understanding of these interactions, underscoring the importance of comprehensive education and research in this realm for upcoming generations of geographers, scientists, and policy makers.


Volcanic eruptions can temporarily influence the global energy balance by injecting vast amounts of ash and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. The sulfur dioxide reacts with water vapour, forming sulfate aerosols. These aerosols reflect incoming solar radiation back into space, leading to a cooling effect on the Earth's surface. This effect can be short-lived or last for several years, depending on the magnitude of the eruption and the amount of sulfur dioxide released. Notably, the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 led to a noticeable decrease in global temperatures for about two years, illustrating the significant, albeit temporary, influence of volcanic activity on the global energy balance.

Ocean currents, both surface and deep-water currents, play a crucial role in distributing heat around the planet. Warm surface currents, like the Gulf Stream, transport heat from equatorial regions towards the poles. Conversely, cold currents, originating in polar regions, carry cooler waters towards the equator. This movement of water helps regulate temperatures across continents, influencing climate patterns. As these currents transfer heat, they contribute to the balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing longwave radiation. Any disruption in ocean currents, possibly due to climate change, can therefore have significant repercussions on the global energy balance and, by extension, global climates.

The Earth's tilt on its axis (currently at about 23.5 degrees) and its elliptical orbit around the sun are central to the variations in solar energy received across different latitudes and seasons. During summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, leading to longer days and higher solar radiation intensity. Conversely, during winter, it is tilted away, resulting in shorter days and reduced radiation. This axial tilt, combined with Earth's orbit, causes seasonal variations in temperature, impacting the global energy balance as different regions absorb and re-emit varying amounts of solar radiation throughout the year.

Changes in the Earth's albedo, or its surface reflectivity, can have significant implications for the global energy balance. A surface with a high albedo, like snow or ice, reflects a larger proportion of incoming solar radiation back into space, whereas darker surfaces, like forests or oceans, absorb more radiation, warming the planet. Consequently, if large areas of ice melt due to global warming and are replaced by darker ocean water, the Earth's overall albedo will decrease. This means more solar radiation will be absorbed, intensifying the warming effect. Such positive feedback loops can exacerbate changes in the energy balance, making interventions to mitigate climate change even more critical.

Clouds play a dual role in the Earth's energy balance. On one hand, they reflect incoming solar radiation, leading to a cooling effect. This reflection is especially true for thick, bright clouds like cumulus or stratocumulus. On the other hand, clouds also act as insulators, trapping outgoing longwave radiation emitted from the Earth's surface, leading to a warming effect. The net impact of clouds on the global energy balance depends on various factors, including cloud type, altitude, thickness, and coverage. As climate change potentially alters cloud patterns and compositions, understanding their role in the energy balance becomes vital in predicting future climatic shifts.

Practice Questions

How do natural processes contribute to the global energy balance, and what role does the natural greenhouse effect play in this balance?

Natural processes are intrinsic to the global energy balance. Solar radiation, a primary energy source, is absorbed and reflected by the Earth’s surface and atmosphere, influencing climate patterns. The Earth’s albedo, indicating its reflectivity, is impacted by various natural surfaces, affecting energy absorption and reflection. The natural greenhouse effect, resulting from greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere, is pivotal in maintaining the Earth's temperature. These trapped gases prevent excessive heat loss, ensuring a stable, life-supporting climate, exemplifying the intricate balance and interaction of natural processes in atmospheric thermal regulation.

Explain the influence of human processes, particularly industrial activities and urbanisation, on the global energy balance and the atmospheric system.

Human processes, especially industrial activities and urbanisation, significantly impact the global energy balance and atmospheric system. Industrialisation, marked by fossil fuel combustion, releases copious greenhouse gases, amplifying the greenhouse effect and global warming. Urbanisation exacerbates this issue; cities, with dense infrastructures, become heat islands, absorbing and re-emitting heat, elevating temperatures. Additionally, urban air quality suffers due to pollution from industrial processes and vehicles. Collectively, these human-induced activities disrupt the energy balance, accentuating climate change, and underline the urgent need for sustainable practices to mitigate adverse environmental impacts.

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