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3.2.3 Geological Events & Biodiversity

Geological events, such as volcanic eruptions and glaciations, play a pivotal role in shaping the Earth's biodiversity. These events, while often destructive, contribute to the dynamic evolution and adaptation of species, leading to the rich diversity of life we observe today.

Volcanic Eruptions

Volcanic eruptions are cataclysmic events that can have both devastating and generative effects on biodiversity.

Immediate Impacts

  • Destruction of Habitat: The eruption’s immediate aftermath often sees a significant loss of biodiversity. Lava flows, ashfall, and pyroclastic flows can obliterate entire ecosystems in their path.
  • Loss of Species: The rapid and intense nature of eruptions can lead to the immediate death of plant and animal species. Those unable to escape the affected area quickly may face extinction.
  • Alteration of Air and Water Quality: Eruptions release a plethora of gases and ash into the atmosphere, leading to short-term and long-term changes in air and water quality, impacting both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Long-term Impacts

  • Creation of New Habitats: Despite the initial destruction, volcanic terrains can eventually foster new life. The mineral-rich soils born from volcanic materials promote the growth of a diverse array of plant species.
  • Species Colonisation: These new, fertile lands are colonised by various species over time. Birds, insects, and wind often transport seeds to these areas, leading to an increase in plant diversity, which in turn supports a variety of animal life.
  • Evolutionary Pressures: The unique environmental conditions created by volcanic eruptions can drive rapid evolutionary changes. Species must adapt to the altered landscapes, leading to the emergence of new species and increased biodiversity.


Glaciations, periods of extensive ice cover, exert a profound influence on the Earth’s biodiversity, driving species migrations, extinctions, and evolution.

Range Shifts

  • Migration: Many species are forced to migrate to warmer regions to escape the encroaching ice, leading to a significant redistribution of biodiversity.
  • Isolation: Some populations become isolated in refugia, pockets of land with milder conditions amidst the harsh, glaciated landscape.
  • Extinction: Species that cannot adapt or migrate often face extinction, leading to a temporary reduction in biodiversity.

Evolutionary Impacts

  • Adaptive Evolution: The isolated populations in refugia can undergo adaptive evolution due to the pressures of their confined environment, often leading to the emergence of new species.
  • Biodiversity Fluctuations: Biodiversity tends to decrease during glaciations due to harsh conditions but rebounds during interglacial periods as species recolonise previously ice-covered lands.

Post-Glacial Colonisation

  • Recolonisation: The retreat of ice sheets unveils new habitats for plant and animal species to colonise, leading to a resurgence in biodiversity.
  • Species Diversification: The newly available habitats and the influx of species from various refugia often lead to rapid species diversification and increased biodiversity.

Case Study: The Impact of the Last Glacial Maximum

The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), which occurred approximately 26,500 years ago, provides a detailed glimpse into the effects of glaciations on biodiversity.

Species Distribution

  • Range Contraction: During the LGM, many species experienced a contraction in their ranges, retreating to refugia where conditions remained favourable.
  • Biodiversity Refugia: Areas like the Iberian Peninsula, the Balkans, and parts of Southeast Asia served as sanctuaries for a diverse array of species.

Post-LGM Biodiversity Rebound

  • Expansion of Forests: As the ice retreated, forests expanded, increasing habitat diversity and providing new niches for a variety of species.
  • Species Radiation: Species radiated out from the refugia, recolonising vast areas of Europe, Asia, and North America, leading to a significant increase in biodiversity.

Adaptations to Geological Events

Species have evolved a range of adaptations to mitigate the impacts of geological events, showcasing the resilience and adaptability of life.

Volcanic Adaptations

  • Resistance to Harsh Conditions: Certain bacteria, plants, and animals have evolved to survive in the mineral-rich but harsh conditions of volcanic terrains.
  • Rapid Colonisation Abilities: Species like pioneer plants have adaptations that enable them to quickly colonise new terrains created by volcanic eruptions.

Glacial Adaptations

  • Cold Tolerance: Some species have developed physiological adaptations to tolerate cold temperatures, enabling them to survive in or near glaciated areas.
  • Behavioural Adaptations: Migratory behaviours in birds, mammals, and even insects help many species escape the harsh conditions of glaciated regions.

Human Responses and Management

The intricate dance between geological events and biodiversity underscores the need for informed conservation and management strategies.

Monitoring and Research

  • Data Collection: Systematic data collection on species distribution, abundance, and health before and after geological events is crucial for informed conservation efforts.
  • Predictive Modelling: Scientists use predictive models to anticipate the impacts of future geological events on biodiversity, aiding in the development of proactive conservation strategies.

Conservation Strategies

  • Habitat Restoration: Post-event restoration of habitats is essential to support the recovery of affected species and ecosystems.
  • Protection of Refugia: Identifying and protecting biodiversity refugia is a key strategy to preserve species during glaciations and other geological events.

The dynamic interplay between geological events and biodiversity is a testament to the adaptability and resilience of life on Earth. Each volcanic eruption and glaciation, while often destructive, seeds the genesis of new life, driving the evolution and adaptation of species and shaping the rich tapestry of biodiversity we observe today.


After a volcanic eruption, the soil often becomes enriched with minerals but can also be inhospitable initially due to the presence of toxic compounds and the physical covering of ash. Over time, as the toxins are leached away and the ash integrates with the soil, the mineral enrichment promotes plant growth. Pioneer species, which can tolerate harsh conditions, first colonise the area. As they grow and die, they contribute organic matter to the soil, improving its quality and making it more suitable for other plant species. This initiates ecological succession, leading to increased plant diversity and complexity.

Glaciations can lead to a reduction in genetic diversity within species due to population bottlenecks and isolation. As ice sheets expand, populations are often reduced in size and become isolated in refugia. This isolation and reduction in population size can lead to a loss of genetic diversity due to genetic drift. However, it can also result in rapid evolutionary changes as new environmental pressures select for specific traits. Post-glaciation, as populations expand and recolonise previously ice-covered areas, there can be a resurgence in genetic diversity, though it may take thousands of years to reach pre-glaciation levels.

Biodiversity refugia are areas that remain biologically diverse and relatively unaffected during adverse environmental conditions, such as glaciations. During ice ages, large portions of the Earth's surface become inhospitable for many species. However, refugia, due to their specific geographical and climatic characteristics, offer sanctuary. They maintain milder conditions, allowing a variety of species to survive. These areas become crucial for the preservation of biodiversity, as they not only provide immediate shelter but also serve as sources for post-glacial recolonisation, contributing to the rebound and spread of biodiversity as the ice retreats.

Species adapt to the harsh conditions created by volcanic eruptions through various physiological, behavioural, and ecological adaptations. Physiologically, some plants develop tolerance to high levels of minerals and toxic compounds found in volcanic soils. Behaviourally, animal species might adapt by developing mechanisms to quickly escape from the affected areas or cope with changes in air and water quality. Ecologically, species interactions can shift, with new ecological niches being created and occupied. These adaptations are often the result of natural selection, where traits that enhance survival in the post-eruption environment become more common in the population.

The recovery of ecosystems post-volcanic eruptions is a gradual process that begins with the colonisation of the affected area by pioneer species. These are typically hardy species, often plants like mosses and lichens, that can survive in harsh, nutrient-poor conditions. They help to stabilise the soil and contribute organic matter as they die and decompose. This creates a more hospitable environment for subsequent waves of colonisers, including more complex plant species and eventually, animal populations. Over time, a diverse ecosystem re-emerges, often with different species composition and structure compared to the pre-eruption ecosystem.

Practice Questions

How do volcanic eruptions impact biodiversity both immediately and in the long term?

Volcanic eruptions immediately impact biodiversity through habitat destruction, loss of species, and alteration of air and water quality due to lava flows, ashfall, and the release of gases. Ecosystems in the affected area can be severely damaged or destroyed, leading to a significant loss of plant and animal life. In the long term, however, volcanic terrains create new, mineral-rich habitats that foster biodiversity. Species colonisation occurs over time, and the unique environmental conditions can drive rapid evolutionary changes, leading to increased biodiversity and the emergence of new species.

Explain the effects of glaciations on species distribution and evolution, using the Last Glacial Maximum as an example.

During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), many species experienced range contraction, retreating to biodiversity refugia like the Iberian Peninsula and the Balkans, where conditions remained favourable. This isolation in refugia led to adaptive evolution, with species undergoing rapid changes to adapt to their confined environments. Post-LGM, as ice sheets retreated, species radiated out from these refugia, recolonising vast areas and leading to increased biodiversity. The newly available habitats and diverse environmental conditions spurred species diversification, showcasing the dynamic interplay between glaciations and biodiversity evolution.

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