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IB DP ESS Study Notes

3.1.1 Genetic Diversity

Genetic diversity is a pivotal aspect of biodiversity, encompassing the myriad of genetic variations present within a species or population. It is a fundamental element that fuels adaptation and evolution, ensuring that organisms can respond effectively to environmental changes.

What is Genetic Diversity?


Genetic diversity is characterised by the range and richness of genetic characteristics within a species or population. It is the variation in the genetic composition that makes every individual unique, except for identical twins.


Genetic diversity is paramount for several reasons:

  • Adaptability: With a rich genetic diversity, populations can adapt to environmental changes. The presence of varied alleles means that some individuals are likely to possess the traits necessary to cope with alterations in the environment.
  • Survival: Greater genetic diversity enhances the survival rates of species. It ensures that diseases or changes in the environment do not wipe out entire populations, as there will always be individuals with the necessary traits to survive.
  • Evolution: It is the bedrock of evolution. The genetic variations within populations lead to the development of new traits, driving the evolution of species over time.

Sources of Genetic Variation


Mutations are sudden changes in the DNA sequence and are the primary source of genetic diversity. They introduce new alleles into a population. Mutations can be caused by:

  • Replication Errors: Mistakes during DNA replication can lead to the incorporation of the wrong base pairs.
  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to radiation, chemicals, and other environmental elements can cause changes in the DNA structure.

Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction is another significant source of genetic diversity due to the combination of genes from two parents. It leads to offspring with unique genetic compositions. Key aspects include:

  • Independent Assortment: During meiosis, the random distribution of chromosomes leads to gametes with varied genetic information.
  • Crossing Over: The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis introduces additional variation.

Gene Flow

Gene flow, or migration, involves the movement of individuals between different populations. It plays a crucial role in:

  • Introducing New Alleles: When individuals from different populations mate, they combine their genetic material, enriching the genetic diversity of the resultant population.
  • Reducing Differences: It can also reduce the genetic differences between populations, leading to a more homogenous genetic composition.

Factors Affecting Genetic Diversity

Population Size

Genetic Drift

In smaller populations, alleles can become more common purely by chance. This random fluctuation can lead to:

  • Allele Fixation: Certain alleles becoming fixed while others are completely lost from the population.
  • Reduced Adaptability: With fewer alleles, the population’s ability to adapt to environmental changes diminishes.

Natural Selection

Directional Selection

This type favours one extreme phenotype, leading to a shift in the population’s genetic composition. It can result in:

  • Reduced Diversity: If one allele becomes predominant, others may be eliminated, reducing diversity.
  • Adaptation: Populations become more adapted to specific environmental conditions.

Stabilising Selection

This type favours intermediate phenotypes, reducing the frequency of extreme traits. It leads to:

  • Uniform Traits: The population becomes more uniform in the expressed traits.
  • Environmental Suitability: It often occurs in stable environments where extreme traits are disadvantageous.

Disruptive Selection

Favouring extreme phenotypes, it can increase genetic diversity and potentially lead to speciation. It results in:

  • Diverse Traits: The population exhibits a range of extreme traits.
  • Environmental Adaptation: It is common in varied environments where different traits are favoured in different niches.


Gene Flow

The movement of individuals and the transfer of their alleles to another population. It affects genetic diversity by:

  • Increasing Diversity: Introducing new alleles into populations.
  • Homogenising Populations: Making populations more genetically similar.

Measuring Genetic Diversity

Allele Frequency

It is the measure of how common an allele is within a population. It is crucial for:

  • Determining Diversity: Higher allele frequencies indicate greater genetic diversity.
  • Tracking Genetic Changes: Monitoring changes in allele frequency over time can indicate the evolution of populations.


It refers to the presence of different alleles at a gene locus. It is essential for:

  • Assessing Diversity: Higher heterozygosity indicates increased genetic diversity.
  • Understanding Adaptability: Populations with higher heterozygosity can adapt to environmental changes more effectively.

Importance of Maintaining Genetic Diversity

Environmental Changes

Populations with diverse genetic compositions are better equipped to survive environmental changes. Each individual’s unique genetic makeup increases the chances of some individuals possessing the traits necessary for survival.

Disease Resistance

A genetically diverse population is less likely to be completely decimated by diseases. The presence of varied alleles ensures that some individuals have resistance to specific diseases.

Food Security

In agriculture, genetic diversity among crops is vital. It ensures that crops can withstand various challenges such as diseases, pests, and climate changes, securing food supplies for the human population.

Medicinal Resources

The diversity in plant species, attributed to genetic diversity, ensures the availability of varied plants that are sources of medicinal compounds essential in pharmaceuticals.

Threats to Genetic Diversity

Human Activities

Activities like deforestation, habitat destruction, and pollution lead to a reduction in population sizes and loss of genetic diversity.


The excessive collection or hunting of species can lead to a rapid decline in population sizes, leading to reduced genetic diversity.


In small or isolated populations, breeding between close relatives can lead to increased homozygosity, where deleterious recessive alleles can be expressed, leading to inbreeding depression.

In summary, genetic diversity is integral to the adaptability, resilience, and survival of species. It is influenced by various factors and faces threats, primarily from human activities. Conservation efforts should focus on maintaining and enhancing genetic diversity to ensure the continued existence and evolution of species amidst changing environmental conditions.


Genetic diversity is a cornerstone for a population's adaptability to climate change. A diverse genetic pool ensures a variety of traits within a population. As the climate changes, bringing about alterations in temperature, precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events, populations with higher genetic diversity have a broader range of phenotypes. This diversity increases the likelihood that some individuals possess the traits necessary to survive and thrive under new environmental conditions. These individuals can then reproduce and pass on their advantageous alleles to subsequent generations, leading to a population that is adapted to the new climate conditions, reducing the risk of extinction.

Conservation efforts can play a pivotal role in maintaining or increasing genetic diversity among endangered species. Initiatives like habitat preservation and restoration can support natural breeding processes and reduce the impact of habitat loss. Captive breeding programmes, when carefully managed, can also increase population sizes and maintain genetic diversity by avoiding inbreeding. Moreover, reintroduction of species bred in captivity into their natural habitats, or translocation of individuals between isolated populations, can enhance gene flow and increase genetic diversity, ensuring the population has a varied genetic pool to adapt to environmental changes and resist diseases.

Genetic diversity is intrinsically linked to ecosystem resilience. A higher level of genetic diversity within species populations contributes to greater biodiversity at the species and ecosystem levels. Each species, endowed with a rich genetic diversity, can adapt to a range of environmental conditions, ensuring that ecosystems maintain their functions and services under different scenarios. In the face of disturbances like climate change, pollution, or habitat destruction, ecosystems with diverse genetic pools are more likely to recover and adapt. The varied responses of different species, underpinned by their genetic diversity, ensure that ecosystems remain functional, productive, and resilient to changes.

Increasing genetic diversity within a small population without introducing new members is challenging but not impossible. One method is through mutations, which introduce new alleles into the population. Although mutations are random and can't be controlled, they can occasionally lead to beneficial traits that enhance diversity. Another approach is managing mating patterns to avoid inbreeding, which can increase the expression of deleterious recessive alleles and reduce diversity. By carefully managing breeding pairs to minimise the mating of close relatives, the negative impacts of inbreeding can be mitigated, helping to maintain existing levels of genetic diversity.

Sexual reproduction is instrumental in promoting genetic diversity because it combines the genetic material from two parents, leading to offspring with unique genetic compositions. During the process of meiosis, events like independent assortment and crossing over occur. Independent assortment is the random distribution of maternal and paternal chromosomes into gametes, ensuring that each gamete carries a different set of genetic information. Crossing over involves the exchange of genetic segments between homologous chromosomes, leading to new combinations of alleles. This genetic diversity is significant for species' survival as it enhances adaptability, allowing populations to evolve and cope with environmental changes, diseases, and other challenges.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of mutations in contributing to genetic diversity and provide an example of an environmental factor that can cause mutations.

Mutations play a crucial role in contributing to genetic diversity as they introduce new alleles into a population, leading to varied traits among individuals. They are sudden, random changes in the DNA sequence that can occur naturally during DNA replication or be induced by environmental factors. An example of an environmental factor causing mutations is ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Exposure to UV radiation can cause thymine dimers to form in DNA, leading to errors during DNA replication and the development of new traits, thereby enhancing genetic diversity within the population.

Discuss how genetic drift and population size are related and explain the potential impact of this relationship on genetic diversity.

Genetic drift is closely related to population size, having a more pronounced effect in smaller populations. It refers to the random fluctuations in allele frequencies, which can lead to certain alleles becoming fixed while others are eliminated, purely by chance. In smaller populations, these random changes can significantly impact genetic diversity, often leading to a reduction. The limited number of individuals means that alleles can be easily lost or become predominant, reducing the population’s genetic variability and adaptability to environmental changes, making them more vulnerable to extinction.

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