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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

7.1.2 Le Chatelier's Principle

Le Chatelier's principle offers a deep insight into the behaviour of systems at equilibrium. It's an essential tool for chemists, allowing them to predict how systems react to disturbances. This foundational concept has significant implications, from academic chemistry settings to large-scale industrial applications.

Understanding Equilibrium Shifts

Before delving into the specifics of Le Chatelier's principle, it's crucial to appreciate that at equilibrium, the forward and reverse reactions are happening simultaneously and at the same rate. An equilibrium isn't static; it's dynamic. Hence, any change to the system will prompt a response to counteract that change. This is closely related to the concept of dynamic equilibrium, which provides the foundational understanding necessary to grasp the nuances of Le Chatelier's principle.

Change in Concentration

Every chemical reaction involves reactants turning into products. When there's a change in the concentration of either:

  • Increasing Reactant Concentration: There's more of the reactant available. The system responds by consuming this extra reactant, shifting the equilibrium towards the products. This is an attempt to reduce the concentration of that reactant back to its original value.
  • Increasing Product Concentration: The system, in its drive to maintain equilibrium, will work to decrease this excess concentration. It does this by converting more of the product back into the reactants, thus shifting the equilibrium left.
  • Decreasing Reactant or Product Concentration: The system will attempt to replenish the diminished concentration by shifting the equilibrium to the side of the depleted substance. Understanding the factors affecting the rate of reaction can further explain how these changes in concentration affect the equilibrium.

Change in Temperature

The temperature can drastically influence equilibrium, and its effects are primarily based on the nature of the reaction:

  • Exothermic Reactions: These are reactions that release heat.
    • Raising the temperature is like adding more product (heat) to the system. The equilibrium will shift towards the reactants to counteract this addition.
    • Lowering the temperature prompts the system to produce more heat. Hence, the equilibrium shifts towards the products.
  • Endothermic Reactions: These reactions absorb heat from the surroundings.
    • Increasing the temperature acts like adding more reactants (heat). The equilibrium will favour the forward reaction, producing more products.
    • Reducing the temperature sees the system moving to restore the lost heat, shifting the equilibrium towards the reactants.

Change in Pressure

Pressure effects are predominant in reactions involving gases:

  • Increase in Pressure: The system seeks to minimise this pressure change. It does this by favouring the side with fewer gas molecules (since fewer molecules will exert lesser pressure).
  • Decrease in Pressure: The opposite occurs. The system will shift towards the side with more gas molecules.

It's crucial to note that for reactions where the total number of gaseous molecules remains unchanged on either side, changes in pressure don't significantly impact the equilibrium position. The principles of stoichiometry can aid in understanding the effects of pressure changes on chemical reactions at equilibrium.

Industrial Relevance of Le Chatelier's Principle

Understanding Le Chatelier's principle is fundamental for industrial chemists. It guides them in optimising reaction conditions to achieve maximum product yields.

Haber Process – Ammonia Production

The Haber process is pivotal for producing ammonia – a key component for fertilisers and various chemicals. Given: N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)

  • High pressures favour the production of ammonia since it shifts the equilibrium to the side with fewer gas molecules.
  • Temperature is a compromise. A lower temperature would favour ammonia production. However, the reaction rate would be prohibitively slow. Thus, an intermediate temperature ensures a balance between yield and rate.

Contact Process – Sulfuric Acid Production

The Contact process produces sulfuric acid, an industrial chemical of paramount importance. The key reaction is: 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g)

  • As with the Haber process, high pressures are favourable because of the reduction in the number of gas molecules from left to right.
  • Catalysts, like vanadium(V) oxide, expedite the attainment of equilibrium without being consumed in the process.

Esters Production

Esters are vital for fragrances, flavours, and various solvents. The general reaction for ester production is: Carboxylic acid + Alcohol ⇌ Ester + Water

  • By increasing the concentration of either the acid or alcohol, we can push the equilibrium towards the ester side.
  • Continuously removing the produced water, either through agents that bind with water or through distillation, ensures a shift towards the product side.

Continuously removing the produced water, either through agents that bind with water or through distillation, ensures a shift towards the product side. The role of galvanic cells in driving non-spontaneous reactions and the Lewis acid-base theory in the formation of esters are supplementary topics that provide a deeper understanding of chemical equilibria in industrial processes.


No, Le Chatelier's principle applies to reactions in all phases, be it gas, liquid, or solid. However, its effects are most easily observed and explained in gaseous systems, especially concerning changes in pressure. In liquid and solid systems, concentration changes become the primary means of disturbing the equilibrium. Temperature changes, however, can affect equilibrium in all phases. It's just that with gaseous systems, we have an additional variable (pressure) that can influence the position of equilibrium.

Not all reactions are reversible. A reaction is said to be irreversible if it goes to completion, meaning that reactants are completely converted to products with little to no backward reaction. This usually happens if the product is removed from the reaction environment as soon as it forms, if a gas escapes, or if the product is very stable and does not easily decompose. Thermodynamically, if the Gibbs free energy change for a reaction is highly negative, it tends to be essentially irreversible under standard conditions.

Every reaction that is exothermic in the forward direction (releasing heat) is endothermic in the reverse direction (absorbing heat) and vice versa. This is due to the conservation of energy. If energy is released when reactants are converted to products, that same amount of energy must be absorbed to convert the products back to reactants. The sign of the enthalpy change (ΔH) simply reverses for the reverse reaction. For instance, if the forward reaction has a ΔH of -50 kJ/mol (exothermic), the reverse reaction will have a ΔH of +50 kJ/mol (endothermic).

While it's true that catalysts don't alter the position of equilibrium, they play a vital role in the industry by accelerating the rate at which equilibrium is reached. By hastening the attainment of equilibrium, catalysts ensure that reactions happen more quickly, leading to faster production rates. This is particularly valuable in industry where time is money. A faster reaction rate means higher throughput and often a more economically viable process, even if the yield (percentage of theoretical product) remains unchanged.

Le Chatelier's principle is fundamentally linked to the concept of energy conservation. Whenever a system at equilibrium is disturbed, the system adjusts itself to counteract the change, thus maintaining equilibrium. This self-adjustment is an energy-efficient process that tends to minimise potential energy. In other words, the system will respond in a way to reduce the stress or disturbance brought upon it, be it in the form of a concentration change, pressure shift, or temperature adjustment, to reach a state of minimal energy.

Practice Questions

The Haber process is essential for ammonia production. Given the reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g), explain how both a change in pressure and temperature could affect the yield of ammonia, using Le Chatelier's principle.

In the Haber process for ammonia synthesis, when the pressure is increased, the equilibrium shifts towards the side with fewer gas molecules to counteract the change, based on Le Chatelier's principle. In this case, it will shift to the right, favouring the production of ammonia. Concerning temperature, the reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases heat. An increase in temperature would shift the equilibrium towards the reactants, decreasing ammonia yield, while a decrease in temperature would favour the products, increasing ammonia yield. However, the rate of reaction at lower temperatures would be slow, making a compromise necessary in industrial settings.

The Contact process is employed for the synthesis of sulfuric acid. For the reaction: 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g), describe how the presence of a catalyst and a change in pressure might influence the position of the equilibrium.

For the reaction in the Contact process, an increase in pressure would shift the equilibrium towards the side with fewer gas molecules, according to Le Chatelier's principle. Since there are fewer gas molecules on the right (product side), an increase in pressure would favour the production of SO3. Regarding the use of a catalyst, it's crucial to understand that catalysts don't alter the position of the equilibrium. Instead, they speed up the attainment of equilibrium by hastening both the forward and reverse reactions equally. In the Contact process, vanadium(V) oxide acts as a catalyst to expedite this balance.

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