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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

6.1.3 Rate Equations

Chemical kinetics unveils the reasons behind varying speeds of chemical reactions. Central to this study are rate equations which allow a nuanced understanding of these speeds. Now, let's unravel the concept of rate equations, focusing on the order of reactions, rate constants, and the idea of half-life.

Order of Reaction

Every chemical reaction has an 'order,' which reveals how its rate varies with changes in the concentration of its reactants. Understanding the order of reaction is crucial for predicting how a reaction progresses over time.

Zero Order

  • In zero-order reactions, the rate remains constant irrespective of the reactant's concentration.
  • The rate equation is simply written as Rate = k, with 'k' being the rate constant.
  • Notable real-life examples include certain photochemical reactions and some enzyme-catalysed reactions.

First Order

  • In first-order reactions, the rate directly relates to the reactant's concentration. If the concentration is doubled, the rate doubles.
  • The rate can be expressed as Rate = k x [A], where [A] denotes the concentration of the reactant.
  • Radioactive decay of certain isotopes is a practical example of first-order reactions.

Second Order

  • For second-order reactions, the rate is proportional to the square of the concentration of the reactant.
  • This can be formulated as: Rate = k x [A]2.
  • A classic example in aqueous solutions is the reaction between iodide ions and persulfate ions.

Determining Reaction Order

  • Reaction order isn't apparent from the chemical equation; it's experimentally determined. By adjusting a reactant's concentration and observing rate changes, one can deduce its order. The process of determining reaction order highlights the factors affecting the rate of reaction.
  • Typically, graphical methods involving concentration vs. time plots are used, with the graph's nature indicating the order.

Rate Constants and Their Units

The rate constant, a cornerstone of the rate equation, offers clues about the inherent speed of a reaction.


  • The rate constant's units differ depending on the order of the reaction:
    • Zero-order: Units are concentration/time, e.g., mol/L/s.
    • First-order: Units are 1/time, e.g., 1/s.
    • Second-order: Units are 1/concentration x time, e.g., L/mol/s.

Temperature Dependence

  • Typically, rate constants increase with temperature, implying reactions are faster at higher temperatures. This happens because molecules move faster and collide more frequently and energetically at higher temperatures. An in-depth explanation of this phenomenon can be found in the Arrhenius equation, which links temperature with the rate constant. The introduction to activation energy further explores how energy barriers affect reaction rates.
  • The Arrhenius equation provides a detailed connection between rate constants and temperature, touching upon aspects like activation energy.

Half-life in First-order Reactions

The term 'half-life' pertains to the time taken for the concentration of a reactant to reduce to half its original value.

First-order Half-life

  • For first-order reactions, the half-life remains fixed, regardless of the initial concentration.
  • The formula connecting half-life (t1/2) to the rate constant (k) is: t1/2 = 0.693 divided by k.

Significance and Applications

  • The half-life metric provides a timeline for reactions. For instance, in the realm of radioactive decay, half-life indicates the time required for half the radioactive atoms to decay.
  • In medicine, understanding a drug's half-life aids clinicians in determining dosage intervals, ensuring sustained drug effectiveness.

Determining Half-life

  • Experimental procedures to find a half-life involve monitoring a reactant's concentration over time, noting the period required for this concentration to halve.
  • Concentration vs time graphs can also be pivotal in finding half-lives for reactions of different orders.

Additionally, understanding the principles of galvanic cells can provide context for applications of rate equations and reaction kinetics in electrochemistry.


A pseudo-first-order reaction is essentially a second-order or higher-order reaction, but one of the reactants is in such a large excess that its concentration hardly changes during the course of the reaction. Because its concentration remains virtually constant, this reactant can be combined with the rate constant, resulting in an apparent first-order relationship with respect to the other reactant. Pseudo-first-order conditions are often intentionally set up in experiments to simplify the kinetics of reactions, especially when trying to study the behaviour of one reactant in the presence of another that might interfere if its concentration varied significantly.

The units of the rate constant (k) change with the order of the reaction to ensure that the rate of the reaction, as determined by the rate equation, always has the unit of concentration divided by time, typically mol/L/s. This is an outcome of dimensional analysis. For instance, a zero-order reaction rate would be given by Rate = k, and thus the unit for k must be mol/L/s. For a first-order reaction, the rate is Rate = k x [A], meaning the unit for k must be 1/s to cancel out the concentration unit of [A]. Ensuring consistent units is essential for accurate experimental and theoretical work in chemistry.

Yes, reactions can indeed have fractional orders. A fractional order implies that the rate of the reaction doesn't have a simple whole-number relation with the concentration of reactants. Such fractional orders can emerge from complex reaction mechanisms, especially when intermediates are involved. For instance, a reaction order of 0.5 might suggest a square root relationship between rate and concentration, indicating that only a fraction of the reactant is involved in the rate-determining step or that multiple simultaneous processes contribute to the observed kinetics.

The activation energy (Ea) is the minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. It fits into kinetics because it provides a barrier to the reaction – only molecules with energy equal to or greater than the activation energy can react. The Arrhenius equation, which relates the rate constant (k) of a reaction to temperature (T) and activation energy, is a central concept. The equation is: k = A * exp(-Ea/RT), where A is the pre-exponential factor and R is the gas constant. As the activation energy increases, the rate constant decreases, meaning the reaction will be slower. This relationship underscores the intrinsic connection between the energy landscape of a reaction and its observable kinetics.

Third-order reactions are ones in which the rate is proportional to the cube of the concentration of the reactant(s). The rate equation for such reactions would typically look like: Rate = k x [A]^3 or Rate = k x [A]^2 x [B], depending on whether one reactant or two reactants are involved. They are rarer because having three molecules simultaneously collide with the appropriate energy and orientation is statistically less probable than two molecules or a single molecule undergoing a process. Therefore, third-order reactions are less commonly encountered in chemical studies.

Practice Questions

A student performed an experiment and plotted a graph of concentration vs. time for a certain reaction. The graph showed a straight line with a negative slope. What is the order of the reaction, and how can the rate constant be determined from the graph?

The observed graph, which exhibits a straight line with a negative slope when plotting concentration vs. time, is characteristic of a first-order reaction. In a first-order reaction, the rate of the reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactant. The slope of this graph, which would be negative due to the decrease in concentration over time, is equal to the negative value of the rate constant, k. Thus, by determining the absolute value of the slope, one can directly obtain the rate constant for the reaction.

Explain the significance of half-life in first-order reactions and how its value is related to the rate constant.

The half-life in first-order reactions, denoted as t1/2, is significant because it represents the time required for the concentration of a reactant to decrease to half of its initial value. Uniquely, for first-order reactions, the half-life remains constant and is not dependent on the initial concentration of the reactant. The relationship between the half-life and the rate constant, k, for first-order reactions is given by the formula: t1/2 = 0.693 divided by k. This direct relationship allows chemists to determine the rate constant if the half-life is known, and vice versa, facilitating predictions and understanding of the reaction's kinetics.

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