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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

5.2.1 Hess's Law

Hess's law, a cornerstone concept in thermochemistry, offers a systematic approach for calculating enthalpy changes for chemical reactions without direct experimental measurements. Instead, it draws upon related reactions and their energy profiles, commonly represented through energy cycles.

Foundations of Hess's Law

Hess’s law is an assertion derived from the first law of thermodynamics, which states that the energy in an isolated system remains constant. Hence, the enthalpy change for a chemical reaction remains unchanged irrespective of whether it transpires in a single step or multiple stages.

  • State Function: Enthalpy is a state function. This fundamental property indicates that the value of enthalpy is dependent solely upon the current state of the system, not on the specific route taken to achieve that state. This forms the core of Hess's Law. Understanding this concept is crucial in areas such as stoichiometry, where calculations of reactants and products are foundational.
  • Additivity Principle: An essential aspect of Hess’s law is the additivity of enthalpies. This means that individual enthalpy changes in a multi-step process can be summed up to provide the total enthalpy change for the entire process. Thus, if a reaction can be broken down into multiple intermediary steps, the enthalpy changes for each of those steps can be combined to discern the overall enthalpy change. The principle of additivity aligns with the concept of functional groups in organic chemistry, where the characteristics of molecules are influenced by the specific groups present.

Determining Enthalpy Changes with Hess's Law

In real-world scenarios, directly measuring the enthalpy change for a specific reaction isn't always feasible. However, using Hess's law, one can derive these changes indirectly.


a. Identify the desired reaction: This is the chemical equation for which you aim to find the enthalpy change.

b. List available reactions: Gather all known reactions that are related to the reactants and products of the desired reaction. Ensure that you also have the associated ΔH values for these known reactions.

c. Manipulate these reactions: Aim to modify the known reactions in a way that, when combined, they mirror the desired reaction. Keep in mind:

i. Reversing a reaction changes the sign of ΔH.

ii. Multiplying a reaction by a coefficient requires multiplying its ΔH by the same coefficient.

d. Combine the modified reactions: When added together, these should equate to the desired reaction.

e. Sum the ΔH values: This will yield the ΔH for the desired reaction.

For instance, if one wishes to ascertain the enthalpy change for the combustion of methane but only possesses the enthalpy changes of formation for methane, carbon dioxide, and water, Hess's law can assist. By tactically reversing and combining the formation reactions, the desired enthalpy change can be derived. This approach is akin to understanding the calculation of pH in solutions, where indirect methods are often employed to determine the concentration of hydrogen ions.

Energy Cycles: Visual Aids for Hess’s Law

Energy cycles are graphical representations that facilitate the application of Hess's law. They present a visual map detailing the links between various reactions and their associated enthalpy changes.

  • Constructing Energy Cycles:
    • Reactants and Products Positioning: Typically, reactants are posited at the top with products at the bottom. However, this isn't a fixed rule and can vary based on the context.
    • Integrate Known Reactions: These are the reactions that serve as intermediaries, providing known ΔH values that bridge the gap between reactants and products.
    • Label each Step: Every reaction pathway should be clearly marked with its corresponding ΔH value. Arrows should be used to denote the direction of each reaction.
    • Application of Hess’s Law: By employing the known reactions, one can navigate around the energy cycle to calculate the unknown ΔH. This process can be compared to the operation of galvanic cells, where the flow of electrons from one substance to another is similarly driven by the differences in potential energy.
  • Interpreting Energy Cycles:
    • The direct path, often represented by a large vertical arrow, denotes the direct conversion of reactants to products. This is typically the unknown ΔH we seek.
    • The side pathways reveal intermediary reactions with known ΔH values. By following these side pathways, one bypasses the direct conversion, providing a detour that allows for the computation of the unknown ΔH. This method of circumventing the direct path to determine unknown quantities bears resemblance to the principle behind Le Chatelier's Principle in predicting the effects of changes in conditions on chemical equilibria.


Indeed, the applicability of Hess's Law remains unchallenged even if one of the reactions within the energy cycle is non-spontaneous. It's essential to differentiate between the concepts of spontaneity and enthalpy change. Spontaneity is intrinsically linked to Gibbs free energy, whereas Hess's Law concerns itself exclusively with changes in enthalpy. Therefore, provided the enthalpy changes for the constituent reactions are known, they can be adeptly employed to deduce the enthalpy change of the primary reaction, regardless of spontaneity.

Physical states play a pivotal role in energy cycles. If the reactants and products exist in dissimilar states, the energy cycle must incorporate enthalpy changes associated with the required phase transitions (like fusion, vaporisation, or sublimation). These additional enthalpy values ensure alignment and consistency in the energy cycle. Overlooking these transitions would result in an inaccurate representation of the overall energy dynamics, leading to errors in calculating the overall enthalpy change for the target reaction.

Hess's Law offers an ingenious way to deduce the enthalpy change for reactions that might be theoretical, exceedingly slow, or even virtually impossible to execute under laboratory conditions. By creating an energy cycle that harnesses related reactions with well-defined enthalpy changes, one can indirectly gauge the enthalpy change of the target reaction. This capability of Hess's Law is invaluable in many scientific scenarios, particularly when direct experimental measurements present insurmountable challenges or entail high-risk procedures.

Hess's Law consistently provides an accurate enthalpy change for reactions due to the foundational principle that enthalpy is a state function. A state function's value is solely determined by its current state, irrespective of the path taken to achieve that state. Consequently, whether a reaction occurs in one step or several intermediate phases, the overall enthalpy change remains consistent. This principle ensures the reliability of Hess's Law, especially when determining enthalpy changes for reactions that are challenging to measure directly. Utilising related reactions with known enthalpy changes becomes a pivotal tool in such circumstances.

The direction of enthalpy change under Hess's Law is demarcated by the sign accompanying ΔH. A negative ΔH signifies an exothermic reaction, translating to the release of heat into the surroundings. Conversely, a positive ΔH indicates an endothermic process where heat is absorbed from the surroundings. It's crucial to understand this standard thermodynamic convention when applying Hess's Law, as it aids in comprehending the energy dynamics of the reaction in question.

Practice Questions

Given the following data:

- Enthalpy change of formation for CH₄(g): -74.6 kJ/mol - Enthalpy change of formation for O₂(g): 0 kJ/mol - Enthalpy change of formation for CO₂(g): -393.5 kJ/mol - Enthalpy change of formation for H₂O(l): -285.8 kJ/mol

Using Hess’s Law, determine the enthalpy change for the combustion of methane: CH₄(g) + 2O₂(g) → CO₂(g) + 2H₂O(l)

Answer: To determine the enthalpy change for the combustion of methane, we must use Hess’s Law. First, let's write down the enthalpy change of formation for each reactant and product:

CH₄(g): -74.6 kJ/mol CO₂(g): -393.5 kJ/mol H₂O(l): -285.8 kJ/mol

Using the equation: ΔH° = ΣΔH°f (products) - ΣΔH°f (reactants), ΔH° = [(-393.5 kJ/mol + 2(-285.8 kJ/mol)) - (-74.6 kJ/mol)] = -890.5 kJ/mol. Thus, the enthalpy change for the combustion of methane is -890.5 kJ/mol.

An energy cycle is provided for the reaction A + B → C + D, with the following energy paths:

A + B → C + D: ΔH = ? A + B → E: ΔH₁ = 120 kJ/mol E → C + D: ΔH₂ = -200 kJ/mol

Using the given energy cycle, determine the enthalpy change ΔH for the reaction A + B → C + D.

Answer: Utilising Hess's Law, we can sum the enthalpy changes of the individual steps to find the overall enthalpy change for the desired reaction. Therefore, ΔH for the reaction A + B → C + D can be found using the energy paths provided: ΔH = ΔH₁ + ΔH₂. Plugging in the given values, we get: ΔH = 120 kJ/mol - 200 kJ/mol = -80 kJ/mol. Hence, the enthalpy change for the reaction A + B → C + D is -80 kJ/mol.

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