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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

5.1.2 Activation Energy

Activation energy, a core element in thermochemistry, signifies the energy threshold needed for chemical reactions to proceed. Understanding its intricacies provides insights into the dynamics of reactions, their rates, and how external factors can influence them.

Energy Barrier for a Reaction

The concept of activation energy, symbolised as Ea, serves as a gatekeeper in the world of chemical reactions. Without surpassing this energy barrier, reactants won't transform into products.

  • Potential Energy Diagrams: These diagrams graphically represent the energy journey during a reaction. The activation energy is the peak or 'hump' that must be overcome.
    • Starting Point: Represents the energy of the reactants.
    • Peak: Signifies the transition state's energy.
    • Endpoint: Denotes the energy of the products.
  • Transition State Theory: To comprehend the energy barrier, one must grasp the transition state theory, which proposes that molecules form a short-lived, high-energy configuration before converting to products. This ephemeral state is where the old bonds weaken and new bonds begin to form. The energy of this state defines the activation energy.

Factors Affecting Activation Energy

Understanding the factors affecting activation energy offers insights into how reactions can be controlled or modulated:

1. Nature of Reactants

  • Bond Strengths: Chemical bonds vary in strength. For instance, a triple bond is stronger than a double bond, which in turn is stronger than a single bond. The stronger the bond, the more energy is needed to break it, and therefore, the higher the activation energy.

2. Temperature

  • Kinetic Energy: As temperature rises, molecules move faster and possess greater kinetic energy. A greater fraction of molecules can then surpass the activation energy barrier.
    • Arrhenius Equation: This equation mathematically links temperature with reaction rate, emphasising the exponential dependence on activation energy.

3. Concentration of Reactants

  • Collision Theory: This theory posits that reactions occur due to collisions between reactant particles. Increasing concentration heightens collision frequency, but only effective collisions—those with adequate energy and correct orientation—lead to a reaction.

4. Physical State of Reactants

  • Molecular Mobility: The state of matter determines how freely molecules move. Gaseous reactants, being widely spaced and fast-moving, have higher collision rates than dense, slow-moving solids. This disparity can influence activation energy and reaction rate.

5. Pressure

  • Primarily for reactions involving gaseous reactants, the increased pressure can escalate collision frequency, potentially modifying the activation energy required.

6. Presence of Impurities

  • Interference or Assistance: Impurities can play a dual role. Some might act as unintentional catalysts, offering alternative pathways with lower activation energies. Others might obstruct reactants, effectively raising the activation energy.

Role of Catalysts

Catalysts stand as game-changers in the realm of activation energy and reaction rates:

  • Alternative Pathways: Catalysts introduce an alternative reaction route. This newfound pathway possesses a lowered activation energy, permitting a swifter reactant-to-product conversion.
  • Types of Catalysts:
    • Heterogeneous Catalysts: Operating in a different phase than the reactants, these catalysts often involve surface reactions. The reactants adsorb onto the catalyst's surface, facilitating bond breakage and formation.
    • Homogeneous Catalysts: Present in the same phase as the reactants, these catalysts often participate transiently in the reaction, getting regenerated by its end.
  • Enzymes: Nature's special catalysts, enzymes are proteins that accelerate biological reactions. Each enzyme is tailor-made for a specific reaction, ensuring that processes in living organisms occur at life-sustaining rates.
  • Catalytic Poisoning: Some substances can impede a catalyst's function, increasing the activation energy. Recognising and avoiding these poisons is crucial in industrial and biological contexts.

Catalysts and Equilibrium:

  • It's pivotal to understand that while catalysts speed up the attainment of equilibrium by reducing activation energy for both forward and reverse reactions, they don't shift the equilibrium position. The concentration of products and reactants at equilibrium remains unchanged in the presence of a catalyst.


Enzymes are nature's sophisticated catalysts, tailor-made to expedite specific reactions within organisms. They bind to particular substrates and effectively reduce the associated activation energy. This specificity is attributed to the enzyme's unique conformation, especially at its 'active site' – a specific region where the substrate binds. The precision in shape and charge distribution ensures that only certain substrates can bind. When the right substrate is ensnared, the enzyme undergoes minor structural adjustments, referred to as 'induced fit', optimizing the substrate's position for the reaction. This strategic binding and positioning drastically curtail the activation energy, allowing biological reactions to proceed at impressive speeds, a phenomenon that would be otherwise unattainable.

Activation energy is fundamentally an energy hurdle that reactants need to cross to transform into products. In a scenario where this barrier is nonexistent, implying a zero activation energy, reactants would instantaneously convert to products upon contact. A negative activation energy, while conceptually intriguing, is a rarity in elementary reactions. This is mainly because it suggests a counterintuitive phenomenon: the reaction rate would diminish as temperature escalates. This proposition stands contrary to the fundamental understanding of reaction kinetics and thermodynamics.

Inhibitors act as obstacles in the pathway of enzymatic reactions. They diminish the enzyme's activity by either directly competing with the substrate for the active site or by binding to a different region of the enzyme, thereby altering its shape. In both scenarios, the net result is typically an elevation in the activation energy. When an inhibitor binds to the enzyme's active site, it prevents the genuine substrate from binding, making it harder for the reaction to proceed. Even if the substrate does bind, the presence of the inhibitor might distort the optimal alignment, thus increasing the energy barrier. Consequently, the rate of the enzymatic reaction dwindles. The type and concentration of the inhibitor, along with the nature of the enzyme and substrate, play pivotal roles in determining the extent to which the activation energy is affected.

Collisions between molecules are incessant, but not all of them lead to a successful reaction. The energy of the colliding molecules is crucial; they need to meet or exceed the activation energy. Beyond this energy requirement, the orientation during the collision is also pivotal. Referred to as the 'steric factor' or 'orientation factor', this concept underlines the importance of the spatial arrangement during a collision. Even if molecules possess ample energy, an incorrect alignment might prevent bond breakage or formation, rendering the collision ineffective. Therefore, only certain collisions termed 'effective collisions' lead to a product formation.

Reactions with high activation energies can indeed proceed, albeit at a slower rate, due to a principle encapsulated in the Boltzmann distribution. This theory describes the spread of molecular energies in a system at a given temperature. Although the majority of molecules might possess energy around a median value, there exists a small fraction with energies significantly higher. Even at ambient or moderate temperatures, there's always a minuscule percentage of molecules that have energies surpassing the activation energy barrier. These molecules can undergo the reaction. Moreover, external factors like the presence of catalysts or specific conditions might also facilitate such reactions despite their high activation energy.

Practice Questions

Describe how the presence of a catalyst can affect the activation energy of a reaction and explain why the equilibrium position remains unchanged even when a catalyst is present.

A catalyst operates by providing an alternative reaction pathway that has a lower activation energy compared to the uncatalysed route. This allows for a greater number of reactant particles to possess the necessary energy to undergo effective collisions, thus increasing the rate of reaction. However, it's essential to note that a catalyst affects the rates of both the forward and reverse reactions equally. Therefore, while the rate at which equilibrium is reached increases, the actual equilibrium position, in terms of concentrations of reactants and products, remains unchanged. A catalyst doesn't favour one direction of the reaction over the other; it merely facilitates faster attainment of the equilibrium state.

The Arrhenius equation links temperature and reaction rate. Explain how temperature affects the activation energy and the frequency of effective collisions between reactant particles.

Temperature plays a pivotal role in determining the kinetic energy of molecules. As the temperature rises, molecules move with greater speed and possess heightened kinetic energy. This means a larger fraction of the molecules can surpass the energy barrier posed by the activation energy. Furthermore, elevated temperatures increase the frequency of molecular collisions. However, not all collisions lead to reactions; only those with adequate energy and the correct orientation, termed effective collisions, result in a reaction. With an increase in temperature, the number of these effective collisions also rises, leading to an amplified reaction rate. The Arrhenius equation encapsulates this relationship, indicating an exponential dependence of reaction rate on activation energy and temperature.

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