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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

4.2.1 Formation of Covalent Bonds

Covalent bonding forms the backbone of much of the chemistry we encounter daily. By sharing electron pairs, atoms join forces to create molecules with diverse and fascinating properties. This bonding is governed by the quest for atomic stability, often via the octet rule.

Sharing of Electron Pairs

The core principle behind covalent bonding is the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. Unlike ionic bonds, where electrons are transferred from one atom to another, covalent bonds involve the mutual sharing of electrons.

  • Why Share?: Atoms aim to achieve a stable electron configuration. By sharing electrons, they can "pretend" to have full valence shells. Both atoms benefit from the shared electrons, which count towards their own valence shells.
  • Cooperation in Nature: This mutual sharing signifies the cooperative nature of covalent bonds. For example, in a water molecule (H2O), the oxygen atom shares electron pairs with two hydrogen atoms, resulting in two covalent bonds.

Single, Double, and Triple Bonds

The strength, length, and properties of covalent bonds vary depending on the number of shared electron pairs:

Single Bonds (σ bonds)

  • Formed by the sharing of one electron pair between two atoms.
  • Represented by a single line (e.g., H–H in H2).
  • Typically the longest and weakest of the covalent bonds because it involves only one shared pair of electrons.

Double Bonds (σ and π bonds)

  • Arise when two electron pairs are shared.
  • Represented by a double line (e.g., O=O in O2).
  • Stronger and shorter than single bonds. The additional electron pair pull the atoms closer and gives them added strength.
  • The first pair forms a sigma (σ) bond, and the second forms a pi (π) bond.

Triple Bonds (σ and 2π bonds)

  • Formed when three electron pairs are shared.
  • The strongest and shortest among the three bond types.
  • Two pi (π) bonds and one sigma (σ) bond are formed.
  • Represented by a triple line (e.g., N≡N in N2).

Relative Strengths:

The strength of a bond is directly related to the number of electron pairs being shared:

  • Single Bonds: Require the least amount of energy to break.
  • Double Bonds: Need more energy to break than single bonds but less than triple bonds.
  • Triple Bonds: Require the maximum energy to dissociate due to the three shared electron pairs.

Octet Rule in Covalent Bonding

The octet rule is foundational in understanding why atoms form bonds:

  • Pursuit of Stability: Most atoms aim to achieve a full set of eight valence electrons. This configuration mirrors that of noble gases, which are famously stable and unreactive.
  • Exceptions to the Rule: While the octet rule is a useful guideline, there are exceptions. Some elements, like boron, are stable with six valence electrons. Others, like sulfur in SF6, can exceed the octet.
  • Beyond the Octet: Atoms from the third period onwards on the periodic table can exceed the octet rule. This is possible due to their d-orbitals, which can participate in bonding. For example, phosphorus in PCl5 has ten electrons surrounding it.
  • Electron Deficiency: Some molecules, like BH3, don't fulfill the octet rule and are electron-deficient. Such molecules can react with others to achieve a complete octet.


Delving deeper into the intricacies of covalent bonds, there are two primary types: sigma (σ) bonds and pi (π) bonds. The sigma bond is foundational in nature and forms through the direct, head-on overlap of atomic orbitals, be it s-s, s-p, or p-p. Notably, sigma bonds are robust, and they permit unrestrained rotation of molecular fragments about the bond axis, allowing for the molecule's dynamic nature. In stark contrast, pi bonds emerge from the lateral or sideways overlap of p-orbitals and only manifest atop a sigma bond. Due to this sideways overlap, pi bonds restrict rotational movement around their axis, imparting rigidity to molecules harbouring pi bonds.

Hydrogen's atomic structure provides a clear explanation. Each hydrogen atom has just one 1s orbital, devoid of any p-orbitals, which are pivotal for the formation of pi bonds. Since double and triple bonds necessitate not only sigma but also pi bonds, hydrogen's lack of p-orbitals restricts it. Consequently, hydrogen can only participate in forming sigma bonds, with no ability to establish pi bonds. This elemental distinction in electronic configuration elucidates why hydrogen, unlike carbon, doesn't partake in double or triple-bond formations.

Resonance is a profound concept in molecular chemistry. It emerges when a molecule's electron delocalization can't be portrayed by one single Lewis structure but necessitates a blend of several alternative structures. Such resonance structures amalgamate to produce a more stable and representative structure of the molecule. As a consequence, the molecule gains stability from resonance, exhibiting an average bond length and strength that lies between those of the individual resonance structures. A classic example is ozone (O3). Despite being portrayed with alternating double and single bonds in its resonance structures, in reality, ozone possesses bonds that are equivalent in length and strength, each one being intermediate to a conventional single and double bond.

A coordinate covalent bond, commonly termed a dative bond, is distinctive because of the way it originates. In most covalent bonds, both participating atoms share an electron, thereby creating the bond. However, in a coordinate bond, one atom donates both electrons that make up the shared pair. This usually transpires when one atom, possessing a lone pair of electrons, donates them to bond with another atom that is electron-deficient. An illustrative example is the formation of the ammonium ion (NH4+). Interestingly, although the inception of this bond involves uneven sharing, once formed, the bond exhibits the characteristics of a typical covalent bond, displaying mutual electron sharing.

The underlying rationale is the hybridisation of atomic orbitals. When atoms bond, their atomic orbitals combine to form hybrid orbitals, which dictate the molecule's shape. In molecules with double bonds, such as ethene (C2H4), the carbon atom undergoes sp^2 hybridisation. As a consequence, the molecular geometry manifests as trigonal planar. Conversely, in molecules with triple bonds, like ethyne (C2H2), carbon partakes in sp hybridisation, bestowing the molecule with a linear configuration. Thus, it's not merely the bond count but also the nature and type of hybridisation that ultimately defines a molecule's shape.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference between single, double, and triple covalent bonds in terms of electron pairs shared and their relative strengths.

In covalent bonding, atoms share electrons to attain a stable electron configuration. A single bond involves the sharing of one pair of electrons, making it the longest and weakest of the covalent bonds. A double bond consists of two shared electron pairs: one sigma (σ) bond and one pi (π) bond. It is stronger and shorter than a single bond. A triple bond comprises three shared electron pairs: one sigma (σ) bond and two pi (π) bonds. It is the strongest and shortest of the three. The more electron pairs atoms share, the stronger and shorter the bond becomes.

What is the significance of the octet rule in covalent bonding, and identify an exception to this rule.

The octet rule posits that atoms tend to form bonds to achieve eight electrons in their valence shell, mirroring the stable electron configuration of noble gases. In covalent bonding, atoms share electron pairs to fulfil this octet, thus gaining stability. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Some elements like boron may be content with less than eight valence electrons, whereas others like phosphorus in PCl5 can exceed the octet due to their ability to use d-orbitals in bonding. Such deviations underscore the adaptability of atoms in their pursuit of stability.

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