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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

2.2.1 Aufbau Principle

The Aufbau principle, a cornerstone in quantum chemistry, provides a systematic approach to understanding the arrangement of electrons in atomic orbitals. This foundational concept is instrumental in deciphering electron configurations and the subsequent behaviour of atoms in chemical reactions.

Delving Deeper into the Aufbau Principle

Originating from the German term for "building up", the Aufbau principle is a systematic method to determine the electron configuration of atoms.

  • Definition: The principle asserts that electrons populate atomic orbitals in a manner such that they first occupy the lowest available energy states before filling higher energy states.
  • Energy Levels and Orbitals: At the atomic level, distinct energy levels exist, each housing specific orbitals where electrons can reside. These orbitals, categorised as s, p, d, and f, each possess unique shapes and associated energies. Within a given energy level, the s orbital always has the lowest energy, followed sequentially by p, d, and f.

Sequential Filling of Atomic Orbitals

Adhering to the Aufbau principle, electrons first fill the lowest energy orbitals before progressing to those of higher energy. This sequence is integral to understanding atomic structure:

1s → 2s → 2p → 3s → 3p → 4s → 3d → 4p → 5s → 4d → 5p → 6s → 4f → 5d → 6p → 7s → 5f → 6d → 7p

  • 1s to 2p Orbitals: The atom's initial two electrons reside in the 1s orbital. Subsequent electrons fill the 2s orbital, followed by the three 2p orbitals, which can house up to six electrons.
  • 3s to 3d Orbitals: Electrons continue to populate the 3s and 3p orbitals. Interestingly, after the 4s orbital is filled, the next electrons will occupy the 3d orbitals, showcasing the nuanced intricacies of electron configurations.

Visualising the Aufbau Principle with Analogies

Consider a multi-storey hotel:

  • Floors Representing Energy Levels: Each hotel floor symbolises an atomic energy level. The ground floor, or the base level, corresponds to the atom's lowest energy level. Ascending the floors equates to increasing atomic energy levels.
  • Rooms as Orbitals: Each floor houses various room types, analogous to the s, p, d, and f orbitals. The s-type rooms, being the smallest, are occupied first, succeeded by the p-type, d-type, and eventually the spacious f-type rooms.
  • Guests Symbolising Electrons: Hotel guests are akin to electrons. These guests, upon entering, first choose rooms on the ground floor, filling them before considering rooms on higher floors.

Chemical Implications of the Aufbau Principle

This principle isn't merely theoretical; it's deeply intertwined with practical chemical applications.

  • Electron Configuration: The Aufbau principle offers chemists a systematic method to deduce an atom's electron configuration. This configuration is pivotal for understanding an element's chemical properties and potential reactivity.
  • Chemical Reactivity: An atom's electron arrangement, governed by the Aufbau principle, dictates its interactions with other atoms. Elements like alkali metals, possessing one or two electrons in their outermost shell, exhibit high reactivity.
  • Periodic Table Structure: The periodic table's design is intrinsically linked to electron configurations. Elements grouped in the same column share similar electron configurations, leading to analogous chemical properties.

Nuances and Further Exploration

While the Aufbau principle provides a general guideline for electron filling, real-world scenarios can present deviations. Electrons, in their quest to achieve the most stable configuration, might not always fill orbitals in the exact sequence predicted by the principle.

  • Energy Overlaps: At times, energy levels of different orbitals might overlap. For instance, the 4s and 3d orbitals are close in energy, leading to some unexpected electron configurations in transition metals.
  • Stability Pursuit: Atoms strive for the most stable electron configuration. This drive can sometimes result in half-filled or fully-filled d orbitals, even if it means promoting an electron from a filled s orbital.


The 4s orbital is filled before the 3d orbital because, initially, the 4s orbital has slightly lower energy than the 3d orbital. Electrons will always occupy the lowest energy orbital available, as per the Aufbau principle. However, once the 4s orbital is filled and we begin to add electrons to the 3d orbital, the energy of the 4s orbital increases and becomes higher than that of the 3d orbital. This energy shift is why electrons are removed from the 4s orbital first during the ionisation of transition metals.

Yes, there are elements beyond the transition metals that show deviations. A notable example is the electron configuration of palladium (Pd). Instead of the expected [Kr] 5s² 4d⁸ configuration, palladium has [Kr] 4d¹⁰. This deviation occurs because a fully filled d orbital (with 10 electrons) offers more stability than having 8 electrons in the 4d orbital and 2 in the 5s orbital.

The periodic table is organised based on increasing atomic numbers, which directly correlates with the Aufbau principle's electron-filling sequence. As you move from left to right across a period, the atomic number increases, indicating the addition of one electron to the next available atomic orbital. This systematic filling of orbitals creates the periodicity observed in the table. Elements in the same group (vertical column) have similar electron configurations in their outermost shells, leading to similar chemical properties.

The Aufbau principle, by dictating the electron configuration of an atom, provides insights into an element's chemical and physical properties. The outermost electrons, or valence electrons, play a pivotal role in determining an element's reactivity, bonding capabilities, and ion formation. Moreover, the electron configuration can hint at an element's magnetic properties. Elements with unpaired electrons exhibit magnetic properties, while those with all paired electrons are generally non-magnetic. By understanding the electron configuration, chemists can predict and explain a wide range of elemental behaviours and properties.

Transition metals often present exceptions to the Aufbau principle due to the proximity in energy between the 4s and 3d orbitals. As electrons are added to a transition metal atom, there can be a preference to achieve a half-filled or fully-filled d orbital, as these configurations offer additional stability. For instance, chromium has an electron configuration of [Ar] 4s¹ 3d⁵ instead of the expected [Ar] 4s² 3d⁴. This is because a half-filled 3d orbital (with 5 electrons) is more stable than having 4 electrons in the 3d orbital and 2 in the 4s orbital.

Practice Questions

Explain the Aufbau principle and its significance in determining the electron configuration of an atom.

The Aufbau principle, derived from the German word meaning "building up", dictates that electrons will populate atomic orbitals starting with the lowest available energy states before filling higher energy states. This principle is instrumental in determining the electron configuration of atoms. By adhering to the Aufbau sequence, chemists can predict how electrons are distributed across different orbitals in an atom. This configuration is pivotal for understanding an element's chemical properties and reactivity, as the arrangement of electrons, especially the valence electrons, plays a crucial role in how an atom interacts with other atoms in chemical reactions.

An element has the electron configuration of 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 3d¹⁰ 4p¹. Identify the element and explain any deviations from the expected Aufbau sequence.

The given electron configuration corresponds to the element Gallium (Ga). The electron configuration showcases a complete 3d subshell before starting to fill the 4p subshell. While the Aufbau principle generally provides a sequence for electron filling, real-world scenarios can present deviations. In the case of Gallium, after filling the 4s orbital, electrons prefer to completely fill the 3d orbital (achieving a more stable configuration) before moving to the 4p orbital. This deviation from the expected Aufbau sequence is due to the close energy levels of the 4s and 3d orbitals and the atom's drive to achieve a stable electron configuration.

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