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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

13.2.2 Colour of d-block Complexes

The spectrum of colours showcased by d-block complexes often bewilders students and professionals alike. They are not just visually appealing but also act as windows into the intricate dance of electrons within these complexes. This treatise takes a deep dive into the science behind these hues and their significance.

Electron Transitions between Split d-Orbitals

The heart of the colour phenomena in transition metal complexes lies within their d-orbitals. These orbitals, when introduced to ligands, undergo splitting, leading to non-degenerate energy levels, setting the stage for electron transitions.

  • d-d Transitions:
    • Basics: d-d transitions are the primary sources of colour in many transition metal complexes. Here, light absorption promotes an electron from a lower energy d-orbital to a higher energy counterpart.
    • Energetics: The difference in energy between the t2g and eg levels (in octahedral complexes) correlates directly with the energy (or wavelength) of light absorbed. This difference can be tailored by altering the metal or its oxidation state.
    • Implications: Not all d-d transitions result in colour. For instance, in zinc complexes, the 3d10 configuration doesn't allow for any d-d transition, rendering the complexes colourless.
  • Charge Transfer Transitions:
    • Basics: Apart from d-d transitions, some complexes derive their colours from charge transfer transitions. This process sees an electron shifting from a ligand orbital to a metal d-orbital or the reverse.
    • Energetics: Such transitions generally require a higher quantum of energy, pushing the absorption to the ultraviolet region, though occasionally, it may fall within the visible range.
    • Implications: These transitions are often more intense than d-d transitions, resulting in deeply coloured complexes.

Relation between Absorbed Light and Observed Colour

To fully grasp the colours of d-block complexes, it's crucial to understand the intricate interplay between absorbed light and the colour perceived by our eyes.

  • Complementary Colours:
    • Basics: The colour we observe is the result of the wavelengths that are not absorbed by the complex but rather reflected or transmitted.
    • Colour Wheel Insights: This tool is indispensable. The opposite colours on the wheel are complementary. If a complex primarily absorbs violet light, it will appear yellow, violet's complementary colour.
    • Practical Examples: Cobalt(II) complexes typically absorb red light and hence display a beautiful blue shade.
  • Absorption Spectrum:
    • Importance: This spectrum provides a graphical depiction of the wavelengths absorbed by a complex.
    • Reading the Spectrum: Peaks in this spectrum indicate absorbed wavelengths. The valleys or troughs hint at the wavelengths that are reflected or transmitted, offering insights into the complex's colour.
    • Applications: Such spectrums are pivotal in research labs to identify and study complexes based on their light absorption characteristics.

Factors Influencing the Colour of Complexes

Several elements come into play when determining the exact hue and intensity of colour in d-block complexes:

  • Nature of the Central Metal Atom/Ion:
    • Variability: Different metals have diverse electronic configurations, leading to unique energy differences between split d-orbitals and, thus, varied colours.
    • Examples: Nickel complexes often display a green colour due to specific d-d transitions, while manganese complexes may range from pale pink to intense purple, depending on their oxidation state.
  • Oxidation State of the Metal:
    • Electron Play: As the oxidation state of the metal changes, so does the d-electron count, influencing the possible electronic transitions and, in turn, the colour.
    • Examples: Vanadium can exhibit colours ranging from violet to green to blue, depending on its oxidation state, emphasizing the state's impact on colour.
  • Type of Ligands:
    • Ligand Field Strength: The nature of the ligands (whether they are strong or weak fields) profoundly affects d-orbital splitting.
    • Spectrochemical Series: A series that ranks ligands based on their field strength. For instance, CN- (a strong field ligand) causes a significant split, which can impart a different colour to a complex than when paired with I- (a weaker field ligand).
  • The Geometry of the Complex:
    • Orbital Interactions: Different geometries lead to varied interactions between d-orbitals and ligands, causing differences in d-orbital splitting and, thus, different colours.
    • Examples: A square planar complex may absorb a different set of wavelengths than an octahedral complex of the same metal and ligands due to its unique geometry.
  • Coordination Number:
    • Influence on Geometry: The number of ligands surrounding the metal ion affects the geometry and, consequently, the d-orbital splitting.

Practical Implications: In iron(II) complexes, a change from tetrahedral to octahedral geometry can shift the colour from pale green to yellow, demonstrating the coordination number's sway over the observed colour.


The coordination number, which refers to the number of ligand attachments on the metal ion, influences the geometry of the complex. This geometry determines the type of d-orbital splitting. For instance, an octahedral complex (coordination number 6) has a different d-orbital splitting pattern than a tetrahedral complex (coordination number 4). Since the energy gap between d-orbitals varies between these geometries, the absorbed light's wavelength—and hence the observed colour—will also differ.

The exact shade of colour observed for a complex doesn't only depend on the metal ion, but also on the ligand attached to it. Ligands vary in their ability to split the d-orbitals; this is termed their 'field strength'. Strong field ligands induce a larger energy difference between the d-orbitals compared to weak field ligands. Even small variations in energy differences can translate to different shades of the same colour, as they absorb slightly different wavelengths of light.

Certainly! While visual observation can give a general idea about the complementary colour of the absorbed wavelength, more precise methods like UV-Visible spectroscopy are employed to determine the exact wavelength absorbed by a complex. This technique measures the absorption of light across the ultraviolet and visible ranges. By analysing the resulting spectrum, chemists can pinpoint the wavelengths at which a complex absorbs light, offering insights into its electronic structure.

Yes, temperature can influence the colour of d-block complexes. As temperature changes, it can affect the energy gap between the split d-orbitals, causing a shift in the absorbed wavelength. This is often observed in thermochromic materials, which change colour with temperature variations. Such temperature-induced colour changes arise from alterations in the electronic structure or the position of the equilibrium in dynamic systems.

D-block complexes display colours when there are allowed electronic transitions between the split d-orbitals. However, for some complexes, these transitions might be forbidden based on the selection rules, particularly Laporte's rule. Laporte's rule states that, for centrosymmetric molecules, only g to u (or vice versa) transitions are allowed. Many d-d transitions are g to g or u to u and are therefore "forbidden". As a result, they have low intensities and might not produce a distinct colour even if transitions technically occur.

Practice Questions

A transition metal complex appears yellow to the human eye. Explain the relation between the absorbed light and the observed colour of the complex and which part of the visible spectrum is likely being absorbed.

The observed colour of a transition metal complex is due to the wavelengths of light that are not absorbed by the complex but are instead reflected or transmitted. When a complex appears yellow, it is because it absorbs light in the violet region of the visible spectrum. On a colour wheel, yellow and violet are complementary colours, so when violet light is absorbed, the colour that remains and is perceived by our eyes is yellow.

Explain the influence of the type of ligands and their field strength on the colour of a d-block complex. Provide an example to illustrate your answer.

The type of ligands in a d-block complex significantly impacts its colour by affecting the d-orbital splitting. Ligands are classified based on their field strength; strong field ligands induce a larger split in the d-orbitals compared to weak field ligands. This difference in energy levels will thus influence the wavelengths of light absorbed and, consequently, the colour observed. For instance, when a transition metal forms a complex with CN- (a strong field ligand), it might appear differently coloured than when it forms a complex with I- (a weak field ligand) due to the variation in d-orbital splitting.

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