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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

12.1.3 Successive Ionisation Energy Data

Ionisation energy provides a profound insight into atomic structures and behaviours. Delving into successive ionisation energies offers an understanding of electron configurations and clarifies an element's metallic or non-metallic propensity.

Detailed Look into Successive Ionisation Energies

Successive ionisation energies indicate the energy needed to remove each electron from an atom in turn. The process starts with the most loosely held electron and proceeds to more tightly held electrons. To further grasp the foundational concept of ionisation energy, exploring its relationship with the emission spectrum can be enlightening.

Primary Considerations:

  • Constant Escalation: Every successive ionisation energy surpasses the previous one. As electrons are removed, the atom's positive charge intensifies, thereby increasing the attraction between the nucleus and the remaining electrons. This makes subsequent electron removal increasingly difficult. The escalation pattern aligns with the observed trends in ionisation energy across different elements.
  • Prominent Leaps: There's an evident spike in energy requirement at certain intervals. This surge pertains to the removal of an electron from a new, inner shell nearer to the nucleus. These shells are more stable and have electrons held more tightly due to their proximity to the positively charged nucleus. Understanding the atomic radius's influence on ionisation energy, as detailed in the discussion on atomic radius, can help explain these leaps.

Unravelling Electron Configurations

The arrangement of electrons in atomic orbitals is revealed through electron configurations. The patterns in successive ionisation energies can be a valuable tool to discern these configurations. Key principles such as Hund's Rule and the Pauli Exclusion Principle are fundamental to understanding these configurations.

Deep Dive into Configurations:

  • Inherent Stability of Inner Shells: Electrons nestled closer to the nucleus are ensconced in deeper energy levels. The powerful nuclear attraction makes them incredibly stable and difficult to remove. A sudden leap in ionisation energy typically denotes the initiation of electron removal from these more stable, inner energy levels.
  • Characteristic Patterns in Groups: Elements housed in the same group on the periodic table flaunt similar electron configurations, leading to analogous patterns in their ionisation energies. Alkali metals, constituting Group 1, have a single valence electron. The ease with which they part with this electron is reflected in their relatively low first ionisation energies. However, the second ionisation energy witnesses a significant surge due to the commencement of electron removal from a completed inner shell. The transition metals exemplify the complexity of electron configurations and their influence on ionisation energies.
  • The conundrum of Transition Metals: The presence of d-orbitals renders the electron configurations of transition metals multifaceted. While the principle of augmenting energy with each electron removal is consistent, the nuances in the rise of successive ionisation energies may be less anticipated.

Metallic vs Non-metallic Character Deciphered

An atom's propensity to retain or release its electron(s) plays a pivotal role in determining its chemical nature:

Metals: Ready Electron Donors:

  • Pronounced Metallic Behaviour: Atoms characterised by low ionisation energies, primarily metals, are predisposed to electron relinquishment. Such metals, adept at conducting electricity, often shimmer with a metallic lustre. As one traverses the periodic table, a discernible trend emerges – metallic character amplifies as one descends a group but diminishes across a period.
    • Alkali Metal Analysis: Sodium and potassium, quintessential alkali metals, possess low first ionisation energies. Their readiness to donate their sole valence electron facilitates the attainment of a noble gas configuration, underscoring their metallic attributes.

Non-metals: Reluctant Electron Partners:

  • The predominance of Non-metallic Traits: Atoms with towering ionisation energies, majorly non-metals, exhibit tenacity in holding onto their electrons. They demonstrate an inclination to accept electrons. Non-metals gain prominence from left to right across the periodic table.
    • Halogens Explored: Fluorine and chlorine, representative halogens, are armed with substantial ionisation energies. Their preference for electron acceptance to achieve the coveted noble gas configuration is evident. Their subsequent ionisation energies also manifest pronounced leaps, mirroring their underlying electron configurations.

Underlying Factors Modulating Ionisation Energies:

  • Impact of Atomic Radius: Atoms endowed with expansive radii usually have diminished ionisation energies. The reason is, valence electrons, positioned farther from the nucleus, experience reduced nuclear pull due to the shielding effect of core electrons.
  • The Role of Nuclear Charge: An augmented nuclear charge (rise in proton count) boosts ionisation energy by ensuring electrons are held more snugly, owing to the increased pull of the nucleus.
  • Shielding Effect Explained: As atoms grow in size (descending a group), they accrue more electron layers. These layers shield the outermost electrons from the nucleus's attraction, resulting in a dwindling ionisation energy.


Atoms with several electrons in their outermost shell tend to have high first ionisation energies due to a combination of electron-electron repulsion and increased effective nuclear charge. The more electrons there are in the outermost shell, the stronger the attraction they collectively feel from the nucleus since the inner shell electrons are not sufficient to completely shield the nuclear charge. Additionally, the electron-electron repulsions between these valence electrons can make the atom more stable, resisting the removal of one of these electrons. This balance between attraction to the nucleus and mutual repulsion creates an environment where a high amount of energy is required to remove the first electron.

Successive ionisation energies of an element provide an empirical method to deduce its position in the periodic table, especially its group. When there is a sharp increase in ionisation energy, it's an indication that an electron is being removed from a closer, more energetically stable shell. For instance, if the third ionisation energy is substantially higher than the first two, it indicates that the atom has two valence electrons, placing it in Group 2 of the periodic table. By identifying the number of electrons in the outermost shell before this abrupt rise in energy, the group of the element can be predicted with confidence.

The trends observed in ionisation energies provide a deep understanding of electron configurations. Generally, as you move across a period, the ionisation energy increases. This is because of the increasing nuclear charge; as more protons are added to the nucleus, electrons are held more tightly. However, the noticeable jumps or sharp increases in ionisation energy values when moving from one element to another indicate that we're transitioning to a new electron shell. These jumps signify that previous shells are fully occupied, reinforcing the electron configurations postulated in atomic theory. Thus, ionisation energies validate and offer a practical method to indirectly observe the quantum mechanical arrangement of electrons.

Ionisation energy deals with electron removal. Generally, atoms aim for stable electron configurations, typically resembling the electron configuration of the closest noble gas. For many elements, achieving this stability means losing electrons. When an electron is added to an atom, it often introduces increased electron-electron repulsion, as the atom is not naturally predisposed to accepting extra electrons. This added repulsion requires more energy to overcome. On the other hand, removing an electron can reduce repulsion and help the atom achieve a more stable state. Furthermore, the addition of an electron might not always lead to a stable electron configuration, making the process energetically less favourable.

The ionisation energy refers to the energy required to remove an electron from an atom. As you progress across the periodic table, one might expect the ionisation energy to consistently increase due to the increased number of protons, leading to a stronger attraction to electrons. However, this is not the case when transitioning between shells. The inner electron shells are significantly closer to the nucleus, and the electrons in these shells experience a much stronger attraction to the nucleus compared to the outer shells. This is primarily due to the electron shielding effect: inner electrons shield outer electrons from the full positive charge of the nucleus, making them easier to remove. But once you're attempting to remove an electron from an inner shell after the outer ones have been emptied, the energy requirement takes a leap because these electrons are not only closer to the nucleus but also reside in a more stable, lower energy environment.

Practice Questions

Why do successive ionisation energies for an element generally increase, and how do prominent leaps in these energies correspond to electron configurations?

Successive ionisation energies for an element typically increase because, after each electron is removed, the atom becomes more positively charged. This enhanced positive charge enhances the attraction between the nucleus and the remaining electrons, making it progressively more difficult to remove subsequent electrons. Prominent leaps in ionisation energies correspond to the removal of an electron from a new, more stable inner shell. These leaps can be utilised to infer the electron configuration of an atom, with the increase indicating that electrons are now being removed from a completed inner shell, which has a stronger attraction to the nucleus due to its proximity.

Describe how the trends in successive ionisation energies can provide insights into an element's metallic or non-metallic character.

The trends in successive ionisation energies can offer profound insights into an element's metallic or non-metallic nature. Elements with lower first ionisation energies tend to be metals, as they easily lose their outermost electron(s) to achieve a stable electron configuration. This electron-donating capability underlines their metallic behaviour. Conversely, elements with high ionisation energies are often non-metals, as they hold onto their electrons tenaciously and are more inclined to accept electrons from other atoms. By observing the trends in successive ionisation energies, we can gauge an element's propensity to lose or gain electrons, thereby deciphering its metallic or non-metallic character.

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